D&D (2024) Buffing Int, Wis, and Cha (Mostly Int and Cha)


Dungeon Mistress, she/her
I miss Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma having functions outside of their skills and saves (and magic for casters). In 3E, Int gave extra skill points and languages. This kept it from being dumped to the floor, or at least made you feel it if your character idea came with an 8 Int; I know I only considered it for Barbarians, because they got 4 skill points per level so I felt okay losing one.

Wisdom is always painful to dump because Perception is useful for everyone and Wisdom saves are important.

Charisma is always easy to dump because it just has its skills and rare Charisma saves.

So, what could be added to Intelligence and Charisma to make them feel less easy to dump and more beneficial to boost?

What if Intelligence offered extra languages or tool proficiencies? Current characters get 2 languages in 2024. Instead it could be Common +1 language, with additional languages or tools per Int mod. Int could also decrease the time needed to learn new languages or tools (but I haven't seen that rule in the 2024 phb).

Wisdom is probably fine. Perception and Wisdom saves are important for everyone. Passive Perception is like a feature.

Charisma is tougher. In older editions, Charisma had a reaction bonus, or it was used for determining NPC reactions upon meeting them. Charisma could be for Hero Points or Inspiration (charismatic characters in fiction are often lucky or confident). Charisma could be for NPC contacts, showing that you make friends where you go. It could also be for a Reputation/Fame/Infamy feature.

What do you think?

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When I DM, I let characters with high charisma get lower prices for weapons and equipment. I imagine it would be easier for someone charismatic to convince a merchant to give them a discount.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Treantmonk just added True Strike as a "critical" spell for a ranged rogue, and shifted their main stat to Intelligence with that change. Not sure how I feel about that, as a Dex rogue seems very iconic to me. But, it does make for an interesting rogue focused on Int.


I don't think Charisma needs much help, it's the premiere skill for an entire pillar of the game. I could also see buffing it since as it stands now you can easily dump Charisma and just let others do all the talky talky stuff - but I don't see anyone regretting having high Charisma since it lets you shine in social encounters

Intelligence needs MAJOR help though, it's nearly useless except for Wizards as their spellcasting modifier. My only real idea I've used is that whenever I design puzzles I always have hints written up for higher intelligence characters. You could easily add more languages known, but that's also near-useless since low level spells make languages obsolete.


I think in the original seventies D&D rules, your charisma determined the number of NPC followers you could have and how loyal they were. The new DMG is supposed to have rules for bastions (player home bases) in it. So maybe a higher charisma could provide some benefits regarding that.


Charisma affecting the number of magic items attuned. It could be something like 3 or charisma modifier, whichever one is higher.
then you would here tons of complaint of why paladins, bards, warlocks and sorcerers can attune to more items than other classes as they will double-dip on charisma increase.

2024 has gone one step backwards with ability usage again.
I will houserule ASAP that any ability that is used ability bonus per Long/short rest back to proficiency bonus usages.

Honestly, best thing for abilities is to use them ONLY for ABILITY CHECKS.
everything else you use proficiency bonus(delete CON)

but back on topic;

adding extra skill or 3 tools, languages or weapons per intelligence bonus seems like a good idea, but again, then you will have; why is wizard and artificer getting more skills than anyone else as they are now double dipping with Int increase.
partially goes to EK and AT.

IMHO, beast way is to balance out 6 saves that ALL have more or less similar power of effects to defend from and similar number of them.


I've boosted Int by having it modify your number of languages. It worked well for 5E, so it should work just as well in 5.5E.

It could also be something like 1 or 2 + cha mod, and it can be decided if the minimum of attunement slots is 1 or 0.
Bad idea. I did this when 5E first came out, and all it did was encourage the Cha based characters. We had a paladin, bard, and sorcerer with tons of magic toys, while the fighter and barbarian were less than thrilled.

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