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Buffy RPG - A Hellmouth in Waterloo [Closed]


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Finally the whole group gathers around the only other student who hasn't left the room, Gavin Peterson, who for some reason seems to be on the verge of sexual climax from the whole incident.

lmao. :D

Now, given that, there's a secondary problem in that I've given Gavin a limitation his full-blooded demon kin don't have: his pain delivering and feasting abilities are touch-based.

Of course, using his feast ability provides healing, so if, instead of sitting in a chair and watching, he gets up and tries to help injured students / combatants, that fixes it. If a lot of people got hurt, he could still wind up being disturbingly euphoric after the fight. :)

The only thing we might have difficulty explaining is why a med student is in an art history class. Just sitting in perhaps?

Gavin's pre-med, which means he's an undergrad. Any of the student characters who aren't art / art history majors could get away with being in Rechard's class to fulfill a general education requirement if we assume this is a liberal arts college (which, with pre-ed and art history on the same campus, sounds likely). It's oddly coincidental that four supernatural teens all take the class from a fifth supernatural, but we are talking about a hellmouth, where magic tends to run into itself far more often.

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The only thing we might have difficulty explaining is why a med student is in an art history class. Just sitting in perhaps?

A med student taking an art history class is easy. A first nations rugby player taking art classes? Now THAT's a mystery lol. Probably got lost on the first day at uni and wandered into the wrong auditorium and was too emberassed to leave :)


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Okay, I have here two finished characters, ready to go...or at least ready to be looked at and have any mistakes corrected. One is a superscientist, the other a slayer. They each have their own groove going. I like 'em both, so I figured I'd see what you guys thought, then make my choice.

[sblock=Teagan Powell - Amateur Mad Scientist/Nerd]Teagan Powell

Str 2
Dex 2
Con 2
Int 6
Per 4
Wil 4

Life Points: 26 (10 + 4x Strength + 4x Constitution)

Qualities 20
Superscientist +3 (15Q) -

Superscience Item +3 (6Q) -

Nerd (3Q) - Gain +1 to two mental Attributes (human max 6), and +2 to one of Computers, Knowledge, or Science, but -1 to any social roll

Teenager (2D) - for the sub-18yr olds. now get off my lawn ya young punks!
Misfit (2D) - You don't fully fit in. -2 to Influence rolls

Skills: 20
Art 1
Computers 3
Getting Medieval 2
Gun Fu 2
Knowledge 3
Mr Fix It 3
Notice 2
Science 6

Teagan's always been too smart for her own good. That, combined with an unflinching moralism inherited from her policeman father, has led her to do some pretty stupid things. When she was 14, inspired by Batman, she started cobbling together a 'crimefighting costume' so she could go become a real avenger of the night. Her dad caught wind of it, and pointed out how long Batman had spent training himself to fight, and to use all that specialized equipment. A couple of martial arts lessons later, Teagan realized just how hard it would be to become a badass vigilante, and quietly tucked the 'super suit' away in the attic.

Two years later her mother died. Was killed, in fact. Teagan's way of coping was to try to investigate. What had happened? Why? She felt if she could just answer those questions, maybe she could find enough meaning to let it go. What she found was startling on several levels.

She discovered that her mother had been killed by an apparently human attacker...yet the case was not considered homicide. In fact, the police department had quietly filed it away along with a large number of other 'chronically unsolved cases' which all seemed to involve assault, kidnapping, or even murder. Using this information, Teagan interviewed some retired cops...people who had little to lose by coming clean. She learned that Waterloo was under siege every night, and that the police had learned by long hard experience that they could only get killed trying to interfere. Cases that had certain telltale signs were simply relegated to limbo.

Teagan decided to try to find out more, and was almost killed for her trouble. Sheer chance had some passerbys come too close for the vampire's liking, and it grudgingly backed off, leaving Teagan dazed and semiconscious from a single crushing blow. The next day, Teagan went up to the attic with a new mission. Killin' vampires.

Her initial forays were mostly recon. She didn't know much, and was keenly aware of it, so she found discreet places and ways to observe the monsters safely, keeping extensive notes. Somehow she managed to keep up the late nights while still powering through high school, and graduating a year early. By the time she graduated, her methods had evolved to the point where she could take on a single vampire and reasonably expect to win, unless it was an unusually powerful or experienced one. To avoid those, she took to haunting the local graveyard.
"Newborn" vamps were simply no match for the 'Slayer' suit (named after something one of the vampires had confusedly asked if she was, just before disintegrating).

Even so, the difficulty of the lifestyle combined with the stress of college exams and acceptance, and the ever growing danger that she might encounter something tougher than a vamp, or that vamps might be encountered in groups, keep Teagan from getting complacent.[/sblock]

[sblock=Juno Reyes - Slayer]Juno Reyes

Attributes: 20
Str (4) 7
Dex (3) 6
Con (4) 7
Int 3
Per 3
Wil (3) 5

Life Points: 81 (10 + 15 + 4x Strength + 4x Constitution)

Qualities 20
Slayer (16Q) - +3 Str, Dex, and Con, +2 Will (no max), Fast Reaction Time +5 init, Nerves of Steel, 5 levels

of Hard to Kill, 5 point Adversary (Demons, Vamps), and a 3 point Obligation (Slay the nasties). +1 Getting

Medieval and Kung Fu (but must also purchase at least 1 level in each normally), regenerate 1 LP/Con every

hour, Sense vamps within 100ft with Perception roll.

Enchanted Item +2 (4Q)

Attractiveness +1 (1Q), Modifier affects any rolls where persuasion is a factor.
Situational Awareness (2Q) - +2 to Perception rolls to notice danger, and to resist Crime or Acrobatics

rolls for those trying to sneak up.

Recurring Nightmares (1D)
Greedy (Mild) (1D)
Resources -1 (1D)

Skills: 20
Acrobatics 2
Drive 3
Getting Medieval (2) 3
Influence 2
Kung Fu (3) 4
Mr. Fix-It 4
Notice 3
Sports 1

Juno's had the dreams on and off as long as she can remember. Monsters. Coming out of the walls, walking down the street, looking like family or friends until they take off their faces to show the hideous maws underneath. Seeking her. Smelling her. Chasing her. She didn't understand until recently. Now she gets it all too well.

A military brat, she was born on-base in Guam. Transfers and reassignments weren't uncommon, so she'd seen the world through Army base fencing by the time she was high school age. Everything went wrong though when her mother was KIA in an incident ruled a tragic accident involving a new pilot and an equipment failure on the helicopter she was crewing. Her father took the death of his wife very hard, slipping into a depression that began to interfere with his work. Finally he suffered a discharge for causing an accident which also caused long-term injuries. Though the discharge was medical, not dishonorable (after some mucking about with lawyers and investigations), his record at the time of discharge was not stellar, and finding work was hard.

Finally his wife's brother offered him work. The only catch was that it was up in Canada, where he lived. Things settled down some after the move. Her uncle's business was an auto garage, and he was happy to show her the ropes when she wasn't at school. She had a knack for it too, and became something of a car and engine buff. His other passion was collecting Native American art and artifacts, though that was an expensive hobby for a man of his profession. Though Juno wasn't too interested in most of that, she did have eyes on a particular item...a long, curved knife that looked like it had been made from a single huge fang. But what creature had a tooth that looked like that?? It had pictographs carved into it, though she wasn't sure they were really Native American in origin. Maybe more aboriginal? The hilt was wrapped in leather and had a bangle with feathers attached to the end.

It was out of pure instinct that, on the night the demons came, she grabbed for that weapon. Good slayer instinct. They had her uncle with them, and he...battered and bruised...was leading to the display case where the knife was usually kept. While she hid behind the couch, watching in horror, the creatures believed that he'd lied to them about the weapon's location, and broke his neck. In a sudden rage, Juno stood up, knife at the ready. One of the demons went to her, telling her to give it to him...and she did. Right through his neck, in fact. A minute later the fight was over, with the other two demons pinning her arms down, and starting to work the dagger free of her fingers.

And then Juno was called. A few seconds later, both of the demons died; their bodies turning to soot moments afterwards.

Juno hid the dagger. The police report stated that the incident was a murder committed by burglers who broke in to steal valuable artifacts, killing her uncle when he tried to stop them. They then heard the sirens since Juno called the police from her room on hearing the commotion.

Perversely, being left control of his step-brother's business seemed to be just the kick in the pants Juno's dad needed. It gave him something to do with his hands, something he was good at, and it made him feel like he was doing something for the people in his life who had died...making sure their legacy lived on. Though still stern and serious...and very protective of Juno...her father pulled out of his depression and made a decent living running the garage.

For her part, Juno was aware something fundamental had changed in her, but she was still ignorant about what exactly it was, and why, when she graduated high school and went to apply to college. She kept the old Indian knife, thinking maybe it was somehow behind the strange physical power that was at her command now. [/sblock]
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Cor Azer

First Post
Hmm... both are quite interesting, Shayuri (I like that you slipped the "Slayer" idea into Teagan as well as Juno).

I think I'd lean a little more towards Juno though; partly, because she's an actual Slayer, but also because with her "Native American" artifact, she has a "link" to Steven Moon, as well as her Watcher relationship to Rees Dafydd. Depending on what the artifact is, she might also have a easier link to Rechard - perhaps the art historian might be consulted to learn about the artwork/etchings on it?

Teagan might also have a link to Rees Dafydd, if not for the "Slayer" confusion, but also a potential science/computer geekery comraderie. She might also have an interesting mutual "don't get each other" with Rechard though - she being the super-techie and he being the "anti-techie". The other issue with Teagan is that I'm still unsure of the best way to work up her "Slayer" suit, and if she's not picked, then I have less work to do (the typing of my posts evidence to the contrary, I am at heart, a lazy man :)

Ultimately though, 'tis up to you, as I can make either work with little change to my plottings.

Cor Azer

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airwalkrr's idea for everyone meeting certainly works. The university I'm modeling Waterloo U off is well known for several disciplines, and while I don't know if it'd be labeled as a liberal arts college, it has everything from math, computer science and engineering to fine arts, history, and several affiliated religious colleges (their geology program has a bit of a problem with putting out procrastinating slackers though, eh, Acmite? :).

It is certainly possible that undergrads might need to take courses outside their own discipline, so several could be coincidentally taking Rechard's Art History course; for the less cerebral characters, they may have signed up thinking it would be a bird course (and get blindsided by Rechard's thoroughness), and need to resort to a tutor to make it through (can't risk losing those scholarships).


First Post
airwalkrr's idea for everyone meeting certainly works. The university I'm modeling Waterloo U off is well known for several disciplines, and while I don't know if it'd be labeled as a liberal arts college, it has everything from math, computer science and engineering to fine arts, history, and several affiliated religious colleges (their geology program has a bit of a problem with putting out procrastinating slackers though, eh, Acmite? :).

It is certainly possible that undergrads might need to take courses outside their own discipline, so several could be coincidentally taking Rechard's Art History course; for the less cerebral characters, they may have signed up thinking it would be a bird course (and get blindsided by Rechard's thoroughness), and need to resort to a tutor to make it through (can't risk losing those scholarships).

How about a course in native art (history)? That would tie up quite a few loose ends. It would tie in with the dagger, the more artistic types, it could have some links with the occult, with the first nation member, with archeology, ...

On a side note, 'been looking at waterloo, ontario on google maps. A small but functional cabin off the road in cedar grove road would suit me fine. (btw, I live 'bout an hours drive from the original waterloo :) )
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@Herobizkit : two notes about Rory's write-up: 1. By my count, you only spent 14 of your available 15 skill points, and b. You might want to consider at least Occult Library (1); while Rory can cast spells, he has no way to find/research spells without begging others for books. Occult Library (1) gives him at least one book.
You're absolutely right. I thought of this, though. Way I see it, Rory is just starting his foray into Sorcery. While the latent talent is there, he has yet to actually encounter magic. This gives him a swell reason to find people who DO know about magic... namely, the love interest in his band... when I buy up the contacts to 2.

That, or I fall into some random crowd that has magic books. :)

Also, you're right about the skill points; will edit and place in the Rogue's Gallery.

I believe Rechard mentioned that he teaches Fencing. Rory could encounter him in that class. I could theoretically meet anyone at the local student watering hole. Being Irish, Rory would certainly enjoy some Rugby and may even weasel his way into some of the jock parties.
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First Post
Another point against Teagan is that we have a budding sorceror in the group, and since magic and tech work identically, Tea would steal some of his thunder in terms of mechanics, if not conceptual.

So Juno the Slayer is in!

And you're right, it's a much easier fit. We'll just need work out the artifact's properties, but really? I'm fine if you want to keep those secret until we research it IC. I think that'll be cool.

Cor Azer

First Post
You're absolutely right. I thought of this, though. Way I see it, Rory is just starting his foray into Sorcery. While the latent talent is there, he has yet to actually encounter magic. This gives him a swell reason to find people who DO know about magic... namely, the love interest in his band... when I buy up the contacts to 2.

That, or I fall into some random crowd that has magic books. :)

Also, you're right about the skill points; will edit and place in the Rogue's Gallery.

I believe Rechard mentioned that he teaches Fencing. Rory could encounter him in that class. I could theoretically meet anyone at the local student watering hole. Being Irish, Rory would certainly enjoy some Rugby and may even weasel his way into some of the jock parties.

That's a perfectly fine approach to Rory's magic; just wanted to double check it was your intention rather than an oversight.

Cor Azer

First Post
Another point against Teagan is that we have a budding sorceror in the group, and since magic and tech work identically, Tea would steal some of his thunder in terms of mechanics, if not conceptual.

So Juno the Slayer is in!

And you're right, it's a much easier fit. We'll just need work out the artifact's properties, but really? I'm fine if you want to keep those secret until we research it IC. I think that'll be cool.

Me work them out? Hmm... Intriguing...

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