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BUGHUNTER MOREAU d20Future 2, Madness on Tau Ceti Five


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Gramps smiles wryly when he hears he's being issued a flamethrower, "Torching humans seems a tad different from torching nestlings, but I reckon it'll have an effect on morale in this case. Doubt these cons'll have much fight in 'em when they see their buddies turned into live candles."

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Sneak can't help but smile slightly, "Candles, eh? Sounds like an interesting thing to see. Will the show be free, or do we have to pay?"

His chatter is confirmation that he has no questions or requests. That smaller weapon he'd been issued was enough to keep him quiet for months...well, hours, maybe.


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Pedia (radio)

Pedia nods and then says "right, so the moral of the story would be 'don't oppose prison gaurds with flamer's' right?"

(All those players who have not posted: hurry up I wanna get to the prisoner flaming goodness!. :D)

Karl Green

First Post
October 14th, 2142, 1146 GMT (ES), WARTALON, TCF Low-Orbit

"Drop in T-minus 10 seconds…
" Casper's voice cries over your Helm radios. One moment you are sitting on in your High-G chair and the next… you on your own personal 'express elevator to hell, going down' as it were.

And this is your first non-simulated combat drop, and unlike anything you have ready experienced before! Your stomachs are in your throats and your bladders feel like they are trying to climb in there also.

"Five by Five, we will be at the drop site in 9 minutes. Hang on to your socks boys, it's going to be a bumpy right" she says with some cheer in her voice. Over the next 9 minutes you experience some chop, or as you can come to call it 'being in a super-sized blender set on MAX-power with high vibration setting'

After what seems like an eternity Bones voice's can be hear then "Alright then gentlemen we are less then 30 from the drop-joint. Casper is transferring to the ATAPC, but we will run this as if we were under fire just in case. Good luck"

Lt. Talavera voice comes over your intercom… somewhat broken from the rough ride down "Once we have disengage from the Wartalon takes towards the tree line at max speed Casper. Everyone else, check your gear, we may need to disembark asap, so be ready…"

[occ] NOTE that the part of Samwise is going to be replaced with someone new... I will edit when we learn his name[/occ]


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Pedia (radio)

Pedia carefully checks all of his equipment over (especially the radio) and then sits back to enjoy the rest of the ride.

Karl Green

First Post
October 14th, 2142, 1932 (Local time*), Tau Ceti Five

[occ]* local time is based on GMT Earth Standard but the length of the planets day is 25.4 standard hours.

Casper drives the ATAPC at an average 50 miles an hour over the savanna of the unnamed island. The star Tau Ceti is bright in the sky, slightly more white then Sol's. The grasslands here is more yellow then might be normal, and the lands here are rolling hills. There are occasional clumps of brushy like, stubby trees here and there but otherwise the land is fairly boring. If animals are seen, a few deer like creatures with long legs that leap high and away from your transport. Birds are spooked up or can be seen also. They look something like a cross between a lizard and a bat, and shrieking loudly when every they pass near by.

As the light of day begins to fade, you move into a lowland mountainous range, and Casper pulls the APAPC over at your drop-off point. Lt. Talavera says "Alright soldiers, from here you are hoofing it. While it should only take you six day, we have some leeway for you to make the mining camp. The map-board should take you right there. Be ready for anything though and good luck…"

Casper winks at Sneak before you head out and then the APAPC turns and heads back the way it came.

Alone on a strange planet, the Squad begins their mission on foot, on a planet with less then 2000 sentient beings on it right now…


First Post
Gramps takes in a long breath, collecting the scents of the area and organising them within his head. His reaction to this environment is far more favourable than his reaction to the sewers.

"Bit of a walk ahead of us," he grumbles to Thunder as he unslings his assault rifle.

Voidrunner's Codex

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