BURNED CIRCLE – Recruiting for a Dresden Files RPG Game (Closed)


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BURNED CIRCLE – Recruiting for a Dresden Files RPG Game (Closed)

This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time but didn’t have the time to do properly. But, now I’m ready to get started.

Rule System: Dresden Files RPG (FATE based)
Needed Books: At least read over the FATE SRD here. the DFRPG book “Your Story” is a plus, novels or graphic novels are a plus as well
Number of Players: 3-4
Posting Frequency: At least every other day, I won’t be posting much on weekends

Dresden Files RPG
The FATE system is a fairly rules-lite role playing game, which DFRPG is based on. You can find out information about FATE by using online resources (listed below). You can also purchase the DFRPG in pdf form, although I think its worth the physical copy. Not everything is the same as pure FATE, and DFRPG adds a bunch of new subsystems like magic and supernatural powers, but you’ll understand everything that goes on in the game by reading the online SRDs.

I’m working on a rules primer, based on one I use for tabletop sessions, for anyone who isn’t familiar with the rules and would like a quick jump start into the system.

Game Description
The Dresden Files is a series of fantasy novels by Jim Butcher set in the modern day. In the books, magic is a real thing, but well hidden from the view of the public. It is high on intrigue and supernatural, and the DFRPG captures the feeling of the novels very well.

This game will take place in the city of Atlanta, a travel hub with lots of people coming and going constantly, including the supernatural community. Things are always moving, and the PCs are thrown into adventures high on mystery and danger. The main focus will be on supernatural beings (practitioners in the art, creatures, etc.) who use the hustle and bustle to hide from prying eyes, while preying on the citizens. The PCs will be drawn into protecting those who can't protect themselves while stopping evil plots and uncovering mysteries surrounding the inhabitants of the city as well as some about the city itself.

The events of Storm Front are yet to happen. As time progresses, the events of the novels might occur, but that will just be background material with a few noteworthy world-changing exceptions.

Player Characters
Allowed Templates: Pure Mortal, Champion of God, Changeling, Emissary of Power, Focused Practitioner, Minor Talent, Sorcerer, True Believer, Were-Form, Wizard
Power Level: Submerged

I’m looking for PCs who are selfless heroes, those who want to change the world for the better and worry more about others than themselves. Once I see if there’s interest, I’ll post up character creation guidelines but for now keep in mind that I’m looking to run a very heroic bent game, not a mercenary game. PCs should also be able to move around in human society without problems.

You don’t have to use a template if you don’t want to; although I will closely look at anything you give me, no matter what. Character creation is going to involve the cooperative aspects of the DFRPG, with collaboration being an important aspect of character generation, so for now keep PC ideas to the basics. I’ll help anyone who doesn’t have the DFRPG with their character building. Trust me – FATE character design is not complicated.

In the DFRPG, the first part of character creation is city creation so that you have an idea about the setting while you’re detailing your PC. Therefore everyone will take part in city creation in at least a small part. I’ve got the ball rolling already, but it’s a collaborative effort. Everyone playing should feel like the city is their city.

FATE Community SRD
Spirit of the Century SRD
DFRPG Home Page
DFRPG Downloads Page
Buy It

Anyone interested post here with a very brief description of the kind of PC you’d want to play, maybe a template and a High Concept.

Once I have 3 or 4 players, we’ll consider this game on. At that point, I’ll post up more detailed rules for city and character creation.

I hope others read this and get excited about the prospect of the game. I know I am. :)
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I'm also interested, have the books (rules and all the novels) but don't know the system well, also I'm not 100% sure of my ability to post regularly, so if someone else wants a spot, they may have mine.

EDIT: 2 side notes:

1: I'm not trying to advertise here, but if you like the novels, the rulebooks are really fun to look at, even if you don't use the rules, the rules are annotated by the characters in the books, which is fun to read.

2: A Gamemaster tip to help increase awareness for your game is to post a link to recruitment in the "Gms and players read this thread" sticky, which is a way to see that there's a game starting that you otherwise would have missed.

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I love the Dresden books/TV show. I love urban fantasy as a genre.

But I dunno if I have any business starting a new game right now. I'm in a lot, and my time is limited.

I'll definitely keep an eye on it though. Maybe if things slow down for me later, and there's an opening, I can join in the fun.


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I'm definitely interested. Just got the RPG books and I'm a big fan of all things Dresden. :D

No idea on a character concept yet (or rather, too many ideas), but I would love to join this.


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Wow, I'm thrilled for all the interest! :)

So, it looks like the game will happen! So I have:

responded in an initial interest thread.

[MENTION=59043]Walking Dad[/MENTION]
Don't worry about lack of experience. I've only run a few games myself, and I'm sure you can pick up on the game quickly. Also, second the books being an awesome read in and of themselves.

I'm not expecting a fast posting schedule myself, pretty much three times a week - every other day not counting weekends. You know you're schedule best, but I'll try to keep you enthralled if you stay.

Don't worry too much about picking a character concept yet. First there's some city creation before PC creation which should help people solidify their ideas as the setting comes into focus.

I'll list you as an alternate. If a slot opens up, I'll give you a PM.

Soo... it looks like I have my four players. That was fast.


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Ooo... 3 times a week, no weekends?

That's actually very good for me! Cool!

I often don't get to post over weekends myself. That can cause problems in games where there's a lot of movement in that time. :)

I shall watch, learn, and wait. I have a basic concept ready, though no system knowledge, so I should be able to fill in quickly if needed.


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Anyone interested post here with a very brief description of the kind of PC you’d want to play, maybe a template and a High Concept.

I think I will go with the Were-Form Template.

As High Concept, how about Shadowcat Warden.

A nimble and stealthy werepanther, that stalks the dark night to protect the innocent from those with power aiming to exploit them.



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Right now I'm leaning toward a minor talent, maybe a pure mortal, I'll have to look at my book before I can really choose.

Also I won't be able to post tomorrow probably because I'll be taking my AP Gov exam, I think it gets done at four, at which point my brain will be too fried to think clearly.


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