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C&C: A Lion in the Ropes


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James Ferdinand III

OOC: I'm assuming Fatcoin and some (if not all) of the others are planning to go see Lord Giles. James is not highly interested in this plan, so he will go out and scout the surrounding area.

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Yondo thanks Martin for the meat and ale. After dressing and donning his armor, he begins gathering his things in preparation for their eventual departure.

"The more I think about it," he tells the others, "the better it seems to see this Lord Giles first. He may be able to offer intelligences and supplies to aid us, if not bodies."

And if he is as lacking in men as Brother Martin says, he thinks to himself, he may be willing to take on a trained guardsman.


“Yer hospitality is more than appreciated” Norgim says to Martin and hands him 3 gold coins. With a wink he adds, “Think of it as a tithe me friend”

Sado said:
"The more I think about it," he tells the others, "the better it seems to see this Lord Giles first. He may be able to offer intelligences and supplies to aid us, if not bodies."

”Aye, I’m thinnkin it wise to give the lord a visit too.” Norgim agrees as he carefully dons his armor. "Let it be known that we're here to aid before we swing our blades or loose our bolts. If time permits that is"


Packing up once again, Fatcoin tries to scrape off the used candlewax from the floor near the pews.

"Oh yes! What if this Lord Jiles already has a hired man working for him? Then we could be causing trouble and who knows what could happen? I for one do not want to cause trouble, so perhaps we could appeal to his sense of honor. If he hired all of us, at a slightly higher rate due to our large number, then we could seek and slay this demon with clear consciences."
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scout989 said:
OOC: I'm assuming Fatcoin and some (if not all) of the others are planning to go see Lord Giles. James is not highly interested in this plan, so he will go out and scout the surrounding area.

OOC: If James, or for that matter anyone going off on their own, could please give a more specific "itinerary' of where they plan to go it would be appreciated. A rough start/finish point or if you plan to go to another village or stay in Capendu and talk to people, for example. Scouting is a bit too vague, and the different groups may start to operate under different time frames depending on travel distance ( which is fine).

Also, the Giles group will stay in this thread, but I will put any other parties or individuals in another thread..more on that later. Because of the possible time difference please stay in your thread until directed back...:)

And it seems like we lost Colm. He will remain in the Church meditating as an NPC for now.

end of hijack, let me know if there are questions..


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Certainly. James intends to start and finish from the church. He will go to the nearest tavern for a bit, talking with the people there to get what information he can, but he will not spend long on that. He intends to go out and specifically scout out the countryside, which means that he does not have a set itinerary as of yet. His direction will be set by what he hears from people in the tavern, as well as any clues he may find once he is out in the woods. If there are forests around, though, it's a good bet that he'll be heading for them (if we're surrounded by forests, he may well go with the eenie meenie miney moe method).


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The reply that follows is for the Giles party. I am assuming Vergart is with this group. If you are with James go to party 2 thread or let me know if you chose another course of action.

James please refer to Lion in the ropes party 2 :)
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Martin pockets Norgims tithe with a bow. Later when they are ready, he leads the party outside into the crisp cool air of the morning. The day is bright, and you each find yourself half jogging to keep up with the young acolytes pace.

A little less than an hour, after passing through the village of Tres, which in almost all respect resembles a smaller version of Capendu, and drawing a few odd looks from the locals, you arrive at the tower.

The tower itself is built in the river, upon a raised mound of earth some fifty feet from the river's bank. A narrow causeway just 10 feet wide leads to the square building at the towers base. There it ends at a heavy iron door.

The tower extends up from the building. It is square, and grey-black and three stories high. At the top of the tower a blue pennant flies from the battlements, bearing the image of a lion couchant.

As you approach, two men at arms look down upon you with hard faces. Martin waves to the men above and then halts you at the causeway at the rivers edge.

"One moment," he says smiling. "I sent Brother Darow this earlier to herald our coming. His Lordship rarely allows strangers in his tower and prefers to meet out here."

As if by cue, the iron door opens. Two men at arms with halbreds flank a shorter, gaunt figure dressed in a silver chain shirt. The figure moves slowly and with difficulty, leaning upon a sheathed two handed claymore, stooped like a withered tree. He stops a few paces from the party, breathing strenously.

One of the escorts produces a small camp stool. The elderly figure sits down with some effort then for the first time looks at the group before him. You can see his face is a mass of wrinkles.

"Forgive my sitting strangers." the old man begins. He has a long white beard, thick eyebrows, and sparse snowy hair on his head. " I mean no disrespect. The acolytes have brought word of your coming. How can I be of service? You know evil stalks this place, have you come to deliver us? Or are you simply fortune seekers? Dont let my aged appearance decieve you,I am no feeble fool. I may now be 101, but in my youth I was an adventurer...I fought beside Mordenkainen himself.. and.."

The old man stops shaking his head. "But nay, you have no desire to hear the tales of a relic. I am Giles, Lord Giles master of this domain, once called the Lion Knight, but now simply called old Lord Giles. Do not waste my time, I beg you, so speak your questions, so called heroes."
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OOC: Geez, you miss a day and look what happens..., ;)

Vergart gives Norgrim a cool stare at the offer of a tithe, since he has recieved none from the dwarf in all their travels, but remains silent.

Vergart will most definitly be sticking with Martins' party, at least for now and will, at every opportunity pepper him with questions about his church. When it was built, why that spot was chosen, who the artisans were, etc.

Upon arrival at the tower, and the greeting of Lord Giles, Vergart will offer a shallow bow but remain in eye contact with the ancient warrior, never knowing if the show of age is real or just that: a show...


”Norgim Soulforge, champion of King Keldor’n at yer service lord of this land.” Norgim begins with a deep bow. “And aye, we have come to this land in seek of adventure, tis true. However, me axe has never been for hire nor shall it ever be.” Norgim rises to regard the lord and his guards “I do pledge me service to yer cause though.” he continues with his head held high “Yer fiend will be found and dealt with or I’ll breathe me last breath tryin.”

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