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C&C: A Lion in the Ropes


Fatcoin steps forward and attempts his best bow with front leg crossed and bent and the rear held straight. He keeps his eyes squarely on the ground before the Lord and flourishes his hat. Standing upright again he keeps his hat off and held behind him.

"Your most honorable Lordship, we have a common bond for we too are adventurers seeking to right wrongs and undo injustices. We were most intrigued upon hearing the tale of a demon haunting the land hereabouts and agreed amongst ourselves last night to take up this quest for the good of the people within."

Gesturing slowly towards Norgrim he continues, "I beg that you use your keen insight to look past my noble friend's oath here, both true and binding I am sure, on into the very reality of our situation. We are but knight-errants, and if we had more than a small sum to our names, we would be out searching for the rogue hellion now. Please find it in your heart to offer some... commensurate reward for our heroics. For the destruction of a foul fiend would be well worth our meager needs compared to the freeing of your people's minds and bodies."
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Yondo bows modestly.

"Greetings, lord," he replies. "I am Grighton Yondo, man-at-arms and crossbowman, until recently in the service of another lord. A peasant revolt removed him from power, and I now find myself wandering, without a master.

“By your leave, I and my comrades will track down this beast, and in doing so perhaps prove our worth in your sight.”

Andrew D. Gable

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Colm rises from where he has seated himself in one of the pews in the small temple. "So, Brother Martin," he says, "what of this Charon Fiend of which you speak? What manner of dire beast is this?"

After getting the priest's answer, Colm leaves the temple. "Thank you for your hospitality. I should be finding my travelling companions. The protection of St. Cuthbert be upon you." He nods as he walks out the gates.

Sorry about that. Should have put something on here - I did on all my other PbPs - but my responses might be slow at times. I have a book that's getting published that I'm working on, so that's time-consuming. But anyway, I'm here now.


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Colm, having a late start, arrives as the others finish speaking. (OOC: welcome back.) There is a pause as the old knight looks over the party.

"Upon my soul, Brother Martin," Lord Giles laughingly croaks, "here, in the fellows,have we a society in miniature. Strength, intelligence, guile,honor ..all on display! And perhaps these qualities shall serve my people in this time of fear and dread."

"For instance, this good fellow, Yondo seeks only to serve, to find a master."

Pointing at Fatcoin he continues," And this one- he looks to enrich himself. A goal to which I have no objection if respect and service be proven."

"And Master Norgim, like many of his race, would go forth without thought to recompense or fear of the consequence."

"And the other, the half orc..cleric is it?.. he remains silent and lets the others speak so he may gather what information he can."

Lord Giles guffaws even louder. "Why even the fifth here arrives tardy.. it would appear you are not completely infallible."

The old man shifts his claymore to his right hand and leans forward. "I do not know you, save but the endorsement the good Brother here has given. But such is our plight, that if you prove your mettle, riches indeed you shall have, hundreds of gold coins for your purse. If bravery you show then indeed into my service you may remain with honors. And if this Fiend you can destroy, never to harm my good folk again, then land in my domain will I give, and happily so."

Giles relaxes his pose, looking stern beneath his thick eyebrows. " So what would you do? Ever since that farmer in Tres claimed seeing the Fiend, now all sort of folk from that village come to my gate, saying they see the creature in the dark of night, or that an unseen presence watches them as they cower beneath their beds."

"Words are cheap good sirs, as are promises of deeds undone. So tell me then what would you do that my men could not..they patrolled the villages and found nothing. How will you find that which cannot be found?"
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Norgim opens his mouth as if to answer, then shuts it immediately. Scratching his chin, he turns to his more intelligent companions. To him this seems to be a little more involved than the battlefield tactics he learned in his service in the king’s guard or flushing some goblins out of their holes.


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Vergart gives the Lord a wary gaze, surprised at his tone. "Lord,"he says, "you are right to be wary and no fault of yours to be skeptical of those you have just met." Vergart glares at Norgrim "especially when they go about pledging their last breath to some one THEY just met.
"Be that as it may, we can but try. I for one would be most interested to speak with the men who have done this searching and the villagers who have seen, or heard, this creature which so frightens trained men. We can do no worse than they and may be able to do better, given the chance.
"I will not be so bold as to say that we WILL find this fell beast and slay it, only that we will do what we can."


"If I recall correctly, Brother Martin was waiting for one of his brethren to return last eve from a sick woman's bedside. If he has returned safely, we will likely explore a number of potential clues in the surrounding villages. There is the story of the villager Cort from Tres who claims to have seen the beast. And learning the old legends of the "Charon fiend" could help us understand it. But perhaps the proper place to start is on top of Flytrap Ridge where Brother Martin related his own Master Adleton was killed but six short days ago."

"I hesitate to instruct you on our tactics to find and destroy this killer, whatever it may be. I imagine our best plan would be to draw it to us rather than attempt to patrol all three villages and the surrounding countryside. Bits of steak grilled slowly may work; after dark when all others are safe inside for curfew. Six days is an awful long time to wait before feeding again for any creature."

Fatcoin is noticably silent on the topic of the missing dwarf.


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"Perhaps a trap for it," Yondo suggests. "It seems to strike at lone travellers. Perhaps one of us posing as a such could lure it out, with the rest waiting in ambush.

"Provided we learn a bit more about this creature's habits," he continues. "Questioning those who may have seen it would be a wise first step."


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For Vergart:
[sblock]Your observations seem to yield that his lordship is human male of advanced age. If he is in some way not what he appears to be, you eyes cannot perceive it.[/sblock]

Brother Martin steps forward. "Mi lord, good sirs, Brother Albus did return early this morning quite safe. Your concern is appreciated. As to the legends of the Charon.... Fiend, most local folk know the legends"

The acolyte thinks for a moment. "Our church also has a small library, thanks to the magnamity of his Lorship.Many of the texts are quite ancient, and cover subjects of religion and local histroy dating back to the time when elves occupied this land. They are at your disposal of course, if you feel if would help."

Lord Giles begins slowly to rise. "Very well, well spoken strangers. I doubt that one can track or trap such a thing as this Fiend. It is not of this world. But you seem to have bravery. I hope you retain it when darkness falls."

You can almost here the old mans joints creak as he stands. "If you wish my two sergeants here," Giles motions at his two escorts, "can give you any information you wish. They oversaw the patrols that hunted for the creature and found most of the corpses. But they will tell you-- in most cases no tracks were found, and if any were, they were clawed footprints. But no trackable trail was found."

Giles leans upon his sword. "Flytrap Ridge conceals many small caves, most unexplored and hard to find. In the past bears and wolves took refuge there and we often hunted the beasts there to ensure the safety of travelers. So take care there-if a beast wishes to hide, there are places where it could."

The Lord sighs, and his expression softens. "If you will take the advice of an old man, start in Tres. There are many there who claim to see the thing there, and it seems that village has lost the most souls. The most maddening thing is that poor Master Adelton was the victim found lost farthest away from our settlements, most victims were found nearby. That fact is what drives the fear here, that evil can snatch them so close to home."

"But harken to me... and learn this from one who has seen much. Things are often not what they seem to be, nor what you think they to be. Our world is built upon the ruins of another, and our lighted world merely covers the deeper dark of the past. Track this beast, but always look to the world around you for the truth. It is a lesson I have learned many times in my past, and one I would apply these grim days, if vigor still dwelt in these old bones."

The old knight turns to leave, alone.
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