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C&C: A Lion in the Ropes


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James Ferdinand III Human Ranger2

James sees the collared bear and thinks to himself Aww, how cute. He says cheerfully to those gathered before him "Hello, good folk. Is this your pet bear? He looks awfully friendly! Can I pet him?" With this, he begins walking slowly towards the bear with his hand held out before him, as you would a dog.

ooc: yes everyone, James is really this naive. Until he has a few embarrasments under his belt, the only way to stop him doing dumb stuff like this is too knock him down and sit on him :heh:

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Norgim Soulforge pal 2

With the initial surprise of the bear, Norgim takes a defensive stance. However, after noticeing the silver collar hanging from around its neck, he relaxes a bit. "Woah...Hello there big fella..." he says in as calm a voice as he can muster.


First Post

Yondo looks over the figures in the camp. Minstrels, he thinks. Entertainers. Many times similar groups had come through the village around his lord's manor. Secretly he delights in the thought of watching them perform, but outwardly he shows no sign to his companions other than guarded duriousity toward the bear.

"He is...safe?" he asks them.


First Post
For Fatcoin:

[sblock]As the scene below plays out, you observe the clearing and the strangers with a practiced eye. All you see are the five figures in the clearing. You do not see any pennents, flags or insignia.

You do notice the first wagon, the one observed form the ridge, has the same writing on it as the one being repaired. However the words have faded so much that they difficult to read even at close range.

The five figures in the clearing are dressed in rather common clothes, although the one named Johan seems a bit better dressed. You likewise see no weapons, except for a dagger in the elf's boot, and the tools the halflings are using to repair the wagons axle.

And except for the human male, no one else moves.[/sblock]

For Everyone:

The bear, enthused by Norgrim's words, continues to ignore the rest of the party. With a grunt, it leaps at the dwarf and begins to lick his face rather enthusiastically.

James' greeting, and Yondo's words, meanwhile, gain the attention of the figures around the campfire. The work on the wagon and the notes on the mandolin stop as all turn toward the party.

The human male turns, visibly surprised. Slowly he rises, his eyes locked on Norgim.

The man is gaunt and bald, with a wizened face and a well kept black goatee. He wears a finely tailored cloak, white shirt and dark trousers, both also of high quality. He approaches slowly, taking a few steps before stopping and raising his hands to the level of his shoulders.

"Greetings strangers," the man says in a rather nervous, but deep voice. "I see you have met Ursula. She's better than any watchdog, and can perceive the hearts of folk better than most priests or sages. Safe? Friendly! Why no doubt if you had foul intent in mind, she wouldnt be greeting you so warmly. But as she seems to like you, I would gather you are indeed safe!" The man smiles, his eyes scanning the five before him.

Fatcoin, hidden near the riverbank, remains unseen, watching.

"By way of introduction, I am Johan Fever," the man continues, "owner and master of this troupe, teller of tales by trade. I must express surprise at seeing other travellers, few take the River Road these days." Johan chuckles slightly. "Except of course, vagabonds like us."

The man slowly lowers his arms. He hesitates, but then continues talking before you can speak. "You are welcome to join us if you wish...it shall be night in a few hours, and its not safe to be out in the dark in these parts. We were about to prepare some food."

Johan falls silent, but then starts up again before you can form a reply. The bear meanwhile continues to assault Nogrim with its tongue, almost knocking the paladin over. "We have not seen other folk for quite awhile, and my troupe and I are quite well travelled. We have been from Greyhawk to Veluna to Furyondy, performing for nobles and lowborn alike......"

At this point you begin to gather that Johan likes to talk, and that he has just begun to hit his stride. Much of the earlier nervousness has left his voice, and his words begin to fall into a cadence of someone accustomed to public speaking.

"...all we would ask is conversation and we would be glad to repay in kind. My troupe and I have just concluded a tour of the more rural provinces of Verbobonc, a tour not very profitable but ...."

"JOHAN!" the bearded elf calls out from the clearing." Cease your speechmaking and let the strangers talk. By Fharlanghn, you'd talk a dragon to death."

Johan smiles rather sheepishly, but with a flourish of his cloak directs you toward the clearing.
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Norgim Soulforge Pal 2

"By the....." wheeze wheeze "I.....cannot....." Norgim gasps while fighting for air.
"Ech....Ye beast! Yer.....crushin'....me spine! Darkness...........I see darkness...."

"Ah well....... I've been....in need....of a bath......" Norgim says between chuckles.



driver8 said:
Fatcoin, hidden near the riverbank, remains unseen, watching.

Fatcoin lowers his head and eyes staying as still as possible. He focuses on listening to everything around him including the brook to his left and the trees swaying to his right. He tries to guage how well he can hear the second voice and possibly any others coming from the clearing farther ahead.


First Post
"Well m...



"Of co...

"My G...

"I'm sure...

"Yes, well met and I'm sure we'll be glad for the company. Hey, where'd that city fellow disappear to? What was it he called himself? Fatboy? Oh well, he'll turn up."

Turning to his new "audience" Vergart will introduce himself and begin regaling them with stories from his Book of Kord.


First Post
James Ferdinand III Human Ranger2

"Well hello there, friend, it's a pleasure to meet someone hospitable out here. Don't mind if I do" says James as he walks up and plops himself down by the fire. "Ahhh, it feels good to rest my bones beside a fire. I tell you, when you've spent as much time out in the wilderness, fighting for your life as often as not, you get to appreciate the calmer times like these."

Andrew D. Gable

First Post
driver8 said:
"I see you have met Ursula. She's better than any watchdog, and can perceive the hearts of folk better than most priests or sages. Safe? Friendly! Why no doubt if you had foul intent in mind, she wouldnt be greeting you so warmly. But as she seems to like you, I would gather you are indeed safe!"

"I certainly feel safe with a bear watching my back," Colm says, moving his hand away from his weapon. He bows. "Many thanks for the welcome, Johan of Greyhawk."

He smirks as the elf scolds Johan. "Pardon me, good sir," he says to the elf, the curiosity common to Delleb's priests getting the better of him. "I mean not to sound rude, but I had always been given to understand your people were not possessed of facial hair. And I notice you have quite the impressive growth there. Are you only a half-elf, or is this some facet of your people with which I am not familiar?" He falls silent, and then extends his hand. "Where are my manners? Colm at your service, a simple holy man in the service of Delleb."


First Post

Seeing that the others are at ease around the travellers, Yondo relaxes a bit and unloads his crossbow into some loose dirt nearby.

"Grighton Yondo," he introduces himself in turn. "Your servant. I could use a bite to eat at that." He takes a seat near the woman, nodding appreciatively, hoping to get a good seat on the chance that she decides to play a song.

"What exactly do you do?" he asks Johan. "Your troupe, I mean."

Voidrunner's Codex

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