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C&C: A Lion in the Ropes


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For Fatcoin:

[sblock] From your position you can not only see but hear most everything in the clearing, mostly because Johan projects so loudly. Also, the wind has shifted and the others voices carry toward you, faint but clear enough for you to make out.

You can see across the river, which varies at this point from 50 to 100 yards in width. A few trees dot the far bank, which you assume from you knowledge to be the territory of the Kingdom of Furyondy.[/sblock]

For Everyone:

Like a bolt of lightning, Johan disengages from Vergart's religious discussion to answer Colm and Yondo. The man leaps past James to light upon an old log. "Ahh our troupe is composed of an amazing roster! Why before you, you see a spectacle of the age, Telion of Celene, the world famous bearded elf and wonder of Oerth."

Telion bows at the introduction.

"This young woman," Johan continues, motioning to the mandolin player, "is Drusilla, fortuneteller and seer of things not of this world!"

Close now, you each can see Drusilla is a young rather plain looking woman. And besides her dark hair, you can see she also owns a sour expression and a rather large chin mole. Drusilla continues playing her instrument, ignoring the party.

"And of course, last and not least," Johan continues, "The two, twin, tow haired halflings, Hawk and Houk, master acrobats, fine jugglers and fireaters, but slightly mediocre wheelsmiths."

The bald man laughs at his own remark, then strikes a dramatic posture, facing Yondo as if the crossbowman were an audience of princes. "Together, we entertain and amuse, specializing in country festivals and faires. With song, story, puppetry, pantomine and mighty feats! Have you not heard of us? We are most well known in the better circles of society."

As Johan finishes, Telion accepts Colms greetings and bids everyone to be comfortable. He smiles knowingly at Colm, as if he anticipated the priest's question. "My beard, friend cleric, is as much a mystery to myself as it is to others. However, I have always possessed it, hence my attendence in this company."

The elf locates Ursula and motions for the bear. The animal ceases its assault on Norgim but remains at the dwarf's feet like a faithful cat.

"Ursula, I fear has confused your friend for a former member of our company", Telion says wistfully, his voice strangely melodic. "Our strongman, or strongdwarf rather..Ursula was quite fond of him."

"Aye and no doubt he wont be returning this time," Drusilla injects violently, her voice the croak of a much older woman. "That drunkard was always a fool, but he was doubly foolish to stomp away alone. He never made it to Arles.... I know it, and probably he's in the belly of the Fiend!"

Johan drops his to this point congenial manner. "Quiet woman..fetch the stew for our guests. No one wishes to hear your prognostications!"

An akward silence falls over the clearing, except for the sound of the wind in the trees.
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Norgim Soulforge Pal 2

Norgim tries to regain his composure by adjusting his helm and combing the bear slobber from his beard with his fingers. He eyes the bear with a raised eyebrow and with an expression that one would give to an insolent youngster. “Good lass, now stay put” he says in a calming voice.

Tiptoeing around the bear he approaches the camp and introduces himself. “Ahem…. Norgim Soulforge, champion of king Keldor’n and son of Roryn the troll slayer, at yer service master entertainer” he bows with his fist to his chest.

“..And it would be an honor if I could help yer boys and fix the wagon.” he contiues with a broad smile, “Nothing’s better for the soul than some good honest work. It cleanses the mind and strengthens the heart, me pappy used to say”


First Post
"... and then in the Third Age of Gods... Hey!" Vergart starts as Johan bolts away from him, absentmindedly fingering his warhammer.
" A very odd group, even for traveling performers," he mutters to himself "and, seemingly, not very interested in the history of this world."

"Fiend? What is this 'Fiend' you speak of?"


Fatcoin takes a chance and tries to cross over the road into the grass near the treeline. He specifically does not look in the direction of the camp, but moves slowly along the roadside in its direction. He only half listens to the conversation behind him as he faces and studies the forest and any of its inhabitants. He checks for tracks in the grass too, booted or otherwise.
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First Post

Yondo eyes Johan nervously after his outburst. Hoping to ease the rising tension, Yondo addresses Drusilla. "You're playing was lovely," he says. "Perhaps you would grace us with another song when you have a moment?"

If Johan gets out of earshot, he will ask her more about the dwarf. "Your friend, who disappeared. What happened to him?"


First Post
OOC: This reply for everyone but Fatcoin. In addition see next three replys for individual posts for Fatcoin, Yondo and Colm.

Johan regains some of his composure as Drusilla heads for the wagon, with Yondo following. "I am quite sure..um friend dwarf.. that the twins would appreciate any help you might have to offer..the wheels been sticking the last few days.."

The circus owner pauses then turns to Vergart. "The Fiend? Ahh ,Drusilla refers the Charon Fiend, a local legend in this part of Verbobonc. It is a popular tale, we in fact perform it when we travel here. Drusilla is odd, and I think she has confused our performances with her soothsayings. But despite her eccentricities she earns the troupe a great deal of coin."

"Well then," Johan says smoothing his goatee. "The tale...." The bald man strikes yet another dramatic posture:

"Long ago, when your grandfathers were but children, there was the hamlet of Charon. The folk of Charon were poor but kind farmers. They prospered in the shadow of the Gnarley Forest, and lived their simple lives.

But then one fateful night a terrible beast descnded upon the hamlet. It was a nighmare made real, a four legged demon, with black fur and burning eyes. The fiend had talon like claws and rows of daggers for teeth. But most shockingly, it had a mane of serpents each more venomous than the next, and some so great in size they drug upon the ground."

The fiend stole people from the hamlet each night and the people were in terror. The crops suffered and though they cried for help no prince nor knight or great wizard would aid them. The folk of Charon fell into despair.

Then one day an old, poor vagabond wandered into the vilage. The man was starving and dressed in but a simple ragged brown robe. Depsite their hardship, the folk of Charon fed the man and gave him shelter.

The next night the Fiend returned. To the amazement of the village, the old man went forth armed with but a simple club. He attacked the fiend saying 'Evil which cannot be removed must be eliminated.' The old man amazingly defeated the fiend. It disappeared never to return.

The folk of Charon rushed to thank the old man, but he too was gone. Some think that the old vagabond was St Cuthbert, who came to defend them when no other would."

Johan exhales then sits. "As I said we perfrom this tale with costumes and other accountrments..it is quite popular in these parts."
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First Post
For Colm:

[sblock]When Johan begins his tale, Telion leans toward you a says in a low tone, "We would have no need of Drusilla of it were not for Johan, Brother Colm. In addition to being a freak," he says smiling, "I am also a trainer fo beasts. When we travelled here from Greyhawk this past spring, we came by barge..and with a fine bestiary of attractions."

The elf frowns stroking his beard."Johan gambled with the barges crew. Greed overcame him, and after early success he lost all our beasts..save Ursula." Telion sighs. "I had half a dozen exotic birds , two great cats, and a monkey...I miss that monkey."

Turning back to listen to Johan the elf adds, "And now instead of a true circus he have that crazed woman."[/sblock]
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First Post
howandwhy99 said:
Fatcoin takes a chance and tries to cross over the road into the grass near the treeline. He specifically does not look in the direction of the camp, but moves slowly along the roadside in its direction. He only half listens to the conversation behind him as he faces and studies the forest and any of its inhabitants. He checks for tracks in the grass too, booted or otherswise.

For Fatcoin:

[sblock]You move as carefully as you can from your position, finding cover as you can. Crossing the road, you make it to the treeline some 70 feet from the others. After waiting to insure youre still unseen you search the treeline and the nearby area. The voices from the camp grow fainter till all you can hear is the wind.

The ground looks undisturbed. Although you are no tracker there is nothing that stands out of the ordinary. Looking into the treeline, you simply see the beginings of a light wood, the leaves of which have not yet turned for autumn.

As you turn to look elsewhere, your sharp eyes catch a flash of orange in the green. You then spy movement and see two short humanoids, both with greyish green skin and flat noses wearing ragged armor and small wooden shields. They disappear behind a tree and out of sight as they move in your direction.[/sblock]


First Post
Sado said:
Yondo eyes Johan nervously after his outburst. Hoping to ease the rising tension, Yondo addresses Drusilla. "You're playing was lovely," he says. "Perhaps you would grace us with another song when you have a moment?"

If Johan gets out of earshot, he will ask her more about the dwarf. "Your friend, who disappeared. What happened to him?"

For Yondo

[sblock]Drusilla heads for the wagon stooping at the back, were she retrieves a metal pot, presumably stew. She looks at you with a scowl. "Playing? Bah that is but a trifle."

She sets the pot down. ""Our companion? Pugh was his name. A constant source o' trouble. Always quarrelin' for more money. I have been with tha troupe but for a few months but he must'ha quit more than a dozen times." Drusilla cackles.

"A few days ago tha wagon wheel began to act up. Pugh began drinking and finally quit after a row with Johan. Hopped on his pony an left headin east."

"But listen to me stranger.. I have had visions... the Fiend now plagues tha folk o Verbobonc again..I have seen tha peoples fear inna my eyes. Pugh is dead...caused by a thing borne of torture an pain, misery an fear." The woman gazes at you with an intent look, as if daring you to dispute her. [/sblock]
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Fatcoin stands and backpedals as fast as he is able. Bow in hand he tries to snatch and nock an arrow while he turns his head and shouts into the wind. He is not thinking about what sight he is presenting to those in camp.

Someone..?? HELP!

The watchers in the wood. I've spotted them... goblins... or worse... an ambush...

Voidrunner's Codex

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