Campaign Guide: Bard's Gate PbP Game! (Game Cancelled)


World of Kulan DM
Campaign Guide

Bard's Gate: City of Bards

"In the far north lies the ancient city of Bard's Gate. Located on a strategic trade route, this city is famed far and wide as a bastion of art and learning that welcomes bards, performers, writers, artists and creators of all sorts. Yet this citadel of enlightenment, deep in the wilds, is also threatened by dark forces - the gnolls and orcs from the wilderness and cults of evil gods from within, for the very freedom that draws artists and musicians from across the continent also allows evil to flourish in secret."
- Blurb from Amazon​

Bard's Gate on Kulan
Bard's Gate is a crossroads city that stands on a major trade route. That's the city's hook as far as I can tell. Plus, the city is meant to be in a cold to temperate zone. Therefore, I've made it a gateway city to the Eastern Lands from Torassia and the rest of the Far North. It is the last major, western-style city before a traveler passes into the Horse Lands.

The city sits on the Stoneheart River, which flows south from the Rasimsky Mountains towards the land of Yhimir in the Horse Lands. Its location is vital since the southerly half of the river is hard to navigate. There are two sets of huge falls and a multitude of rapids, which makes any sort of non-magical crossing nearly impossible. Once in Yhimir, the river becomes more manageable, as it flows through the city of Phaanaxul and ends at the city of Yhimir, emptying into Lake Reme.

Travelers must pass through Bard's Gate if they wish to travel the Ice Road to the East Lands while, hopefully, avoiding the predatory Mongol-like raiders of the badlands of Sogukol. However, travelers must also be wary of the Nani Tribes of the eastern Orochen Forest as well as vicious gnoll raiders and the undiplomatic Liget Elves of the region. (Liget means “wood” in Hungarian.)

To the west is regions of cold, trackless plains and the Oggelion Forest. The western half of that forest is controlled by the mysterious ruler(s) of Nilvah. South of the forest are the massive peaks of the Stoneheim Mountains which stretch to the west and the Rolheim Mountains that extend far to the south with the Jhiilsraan Sands to the east and the heartlands of Northwest Kanpur to the west.

North of the Rasimsky Mountains is the Russio-slavic land known as Torassia. It's peoples are rugged and a bit wild compared to the peoples of Bard's Gate.


  • Bards_Gate.png
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World of Kulan DM
If you have any campaign world specific questions, this is the place to ask them. Note that this region has never had a game set in it, so my answers here will likely end up being canon for the setting. Any question is acceptable, and I welcome queries from others who aren't playing in the game. I will strive not to post spoilers about Bard's Gate itself.

When my PCs roll knowledge checks, I'll likely post initially in the OOC thread, but important information will get reposted here, as well.


World of Kulan DM
Campaign Map

Here a quick overview of the campaign region. I'll likely create a better map with more details at some point.

And yes, both Castle Ravenloft and Dragon Mountain are supposed to be marked on the map. Those two locales are (in)famous. Rumors have always circulated in Bard's Gate about the ancient lair of a red dragon somewhere in Rolheims. What lies in Castle Ravenloft is know to some in Nilvah. In Bard's Gate, it is used as a tale to scare little children.

From Bard's Gate to the city of Yhimir (along river): 3,240 miles
From Bard's Gate to Livon (bypassing the forest): 4,104 miles


  • Bard's Gate Campaign Map1.jpg
    Bard's Gate Campaign Map1.jpg
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First Post
I know I have seen a list of general items in your world. I can not find that list could you please share that list.

Thank you.


World of Kulan DM
I know I have seen a list of general items in your world. I can not find that list could you please share that list.

Thank you.
I do have a resources list for Kulan (I've attached the file), but I doubt that's what you mean. By general items do you mean an equipment list?

Did you see it online somewhere? It's possible I might have something on the old Yahoo! Group that I might have forgotten about, but it's a long shot. I'll check and get back to you.


  • Resources List.pdf
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First Post
I guess my main thing is how much for a horse and barding for that horse? Should I just use the PHB?


I have a question for Knightfall. If I am using a mighty composite longbow (+2) ( my strength bonus is 2) to add the +2 to damage, and also have the Elven Archery Feat ( which allows me to use my Dex bonus to add to damage). Do these two bonus' stack or do I only get one of them?

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World of Kulan DM
[MENTION=10869]Shades of Eternity[/MENTION],

You might find the attached PDF helpful for your cleric. (I didn't check which domains your PC has, so maybe not)


  • Domain Spells 3.5.pdf
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  • Kulan Domains List.pdf
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World of Kulan DM
I guess my main thing is how much for a horse and barding for that horse? Should I just use the PHB?
Just use the values from the PHB v.3.5. I don't think there is another v.3.5 book with a detailed list of general equipment. The old Arms & Equipment Guide was for 3.0, so I prefer you not use it. (I used to have it. I can't remember exactly what was all in it.)


I have a question for Knightfall. If I am using a mighty composite longbow (+2) ( my strength bonus is 2) to add the +2 to damage, and also have the Elven Archery Feat ( which allows me to use my Dex bonus to add to damage). Do these two bonus' stack or do I only get one of them?
Do you mean this feat from the D&D wiki? It looks like it was created as part of a Netbook of Feats. The wiki says it doesn't stack with mighty bows.

Elven Archery

Or another feat with the same name from an official sourcebook?


First Post
Do you mean this feat from the D&D wiki? It looks like it was created as part of a Netbook of Feats. The wiki says it doesn't stack with mighty bows.

I got it from the DND wiki page and now that I reread it I see it. smh

Or another feat with the same name from an official sourcebook?[/QUOTE]

Voidrunner's Codex

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