First Post
Okay I can edit those things on my copy of the sheet and I'll work on background Webb's the cost breakdown for my weapons and armor
So this page: just used the wiki for the price of mithral items then added the cost of the +1
Yes but no rush. I'd say think about the PCs background more first. Just get the math up eventually.Yeah do you still want me to refigure and post the math?
FYI, the main country in Northwest Kanpur with a long history of slavery is the twisted kingdom known as Talangrán. It is a dark version of the Talangrán Empire from the old AD&D DUNGEON adventure called "The Lady Rose" by Steven Kurtz. The kingdom's elite are devil and/or demon worshipers. It might be a good place for Vak'tiel's origins.Okay no problem, I'm thinking along the lines of escaped from slavery but I plan to put some fluff in there