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Menolly Amaranth

First Post
Well, I have to make my character. :) Haven't actually gotten to that, but it should be relatively simple, seeing as I know precisely what I'm making, if not how we're doing stats!!! I'm the cleric, what can I say, I like clerics! Hehehehe!


First Post
Well the campaign will officially begin Saturday November 24th. No more new players will be accepted since all spots are filled.

Zackori Kaji

First Post
Ok based on the turn out of the first day, even though it was nice only haveing two people (not incudeing the DM) but still, I move that the offical day be Sundays for it seems more people can make it that day, let me know your thoughts

Menolly Amaranth

First Post
I think Sundays are better, personally, at least for me. But today probably won't be a good day for me to play, unfortunately, so I won't be there, sorry. :( I'm working, which doesn't normally present a problem, but today I'm not feeling so good, so I'm going to focus on work rather than multi-tasking. Sorry. :(

Zackori Kaji

First Post
GGrr, i would like to say sorry about Sundays session, EW hates me apperntly it only started working for me just now of all damn times. Also i would like to re-state that a once a week when everyone can actually show up would be alot better, because i have school saturdays and if you try to have that encounter without me that will suck ass


First Post
Thing is if I try having sessions during the week, there will be those who can't make it as well. I prefer weekends because weekdays is when I get things done such as doctor's appointments, grocery shopping, etc.

Zackori Kaji

First Post
um....ok....but that wasnt even close to what I was saying...like..at all, i was saying just have it on sundays when EVEryone can useually make it

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