can a bug kill a man?


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I do not know how this happened, it is still a mystery to me. But I was riding my ten speed along a country rode a couple of miles from my dad's home and all of a sudden I had this incredible stinging/burning sensation on the inside of my leg between my knee and my crotch. After going through several ideas of how to stop this pain without killing or neutering myself I finally smashed whatever was attacking me by finding them in my long legged sweats I was wearing, using my fingers and touch skills, and smashing them between my fingers through the fabric.

Then, when I took off my sweatpants in the middle of that road, wearing only my underwear, I found the remains of two wasps.

So maybe the wasp doesn't kill you directly, it just causes you to go nuts from the pain and kill yourself to stop it.

I never figured out how two, let alone one, wasp got inside of my long legged sweat pants.

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Well, as far as "pain" system, not really, but I have a game system I created that involves superficial wounds, where the effects of 10 of such wounds counts as a minor wound, that effects your physical abilities. In such a case, it would take about 110 wasp stings to kill an average human.

The Ivy Labyrinth Document

Check it out.

Calrin Alshaw


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There is an episode of nature's nightmares running on National Geographic channel right now called hornets from hell. It is about "giant" japanese hornets. They are about 3 inches long and their poison disolves tissue. A nonallergic man died from only 12 stings from them, and, according to the show he basically had no face by the time he died.

They also grapple opponents of their own size and bite off their heads, which might be fun for a giant version. Then they chew up the dead and regurgitate it back at the nest. Fun.


In general, D&D has a hard time dealing with less-than-one damage. It's a minor, but noticable flaw in the system, that mostly has to do with the size of the numbers. If all common damage and HP were inflated by x100, for instance, you could much more easily simulate minor damage.

That said, it's not a bad idea to say that any damage that would be zero or less if not for the 'at least one point of damage' rule, would just be one point of subdual instead.

I have a hard time seeing a cat hurting a zombie, anyways.


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All I know is that in real life, if a bug crawls through your ear and tries to burrow into your brain (as it did with me in real life) you should seek goddamn medical attention right the goddamn right away.

Worst pain of my entire life! And the doctor called it "the biggest damn bug I've ever seen."


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Westwind said:
If anyone has ever played Shadowrun, this thread has to make you smile.

Bugs can't kill a man.....riiiiiight.....
ew. Giant wasp spirits... *shudder*

I'm still working on fitting Bug City into Eberron. The only problem is how do I enforce a quarantine on Sharn? :D
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kolikeos said:
taking to mind that fine creatures have +8 ac and attack, it looks to me like a single normal wasp (not oversized) can kill a human commoner easily.
a wasp can do only one dmg point and has only 1 hp but it has ac 18, a 1st lvl human commoner can use a weapon (with +0 on attack), has 4 hp but only 10 ac. :p

I never realised that untill you pointed it out, i'll have to find my monster manual and find some more stuff like that. I assume it's kind of unrealistic, i've been stung by a wasp more then four times, but if you have Denim Pantaloons your AC might be high enough to stand a chance. :D
It does give me a good idea for an adventure though...


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Clickims said:
I never realised that untill you pointed it out, i'll have to find my monster manual and find some more stuff like that. I assume it's kind of unrealistic, i've been stung by a wasp more then four times, but if you have Denim Pantaloons your AC might be high enough to stand a chance. :D
It does give me a good idea for an adventure though...

Yeah but you are level 13, so you wont die!

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