Can I be a girl with a big sword?


First Post
Both of them still have a long way to go before being able to play and understand a rpg the same way I would, but -at the same time- I feel as though they've absorbed more of the game than I thought they would.

While you're right that they understand the game in a different way, that doesn't have to be an obstacle

I've played with a 6 year old in the past. Her character wasn't exactly following the rules (she was playing a house cat that was just a "tad" more deadly than the rules said :)) but she did a quite good job of roleplaying and understood enough of the game to participate in combat (roll a D20, roll high, if the GM tells you that you hit roll a D6). She seemed to really enjoy playing with the adults, at least for awhile (for some reason a 6 year old didn't have the stamina for 8 hour long games :) :)).

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Stereotypes exist for a reason. They create stability. Breaking stereotypes is NEVER a good idea. It leads to individuality, imagination, self-confidence and improved self-worth. We can't have that!


First Post
Don't worry, they grow out of the princess stuff pretty quickly. My daughter and most of her friends moved beyond that after 1st grade at the latest.

And, here is my woman with a big sword picture:

Argyle King

While you're right that they understand the game in a different way, that doesn't have to be an obstacle

Good point, and I wasn't looking at it as an obstacle. I just realize that the approach to the game will be a little different than it would be with an older audience. Thus far, it's been pretty interesting what they come up with while just talking.

The ways things are looking, my daughter wants to be a girl with a big sword (as said.) As we talk more, she is coming up with more of a concept. Right now the main focus is being a girl with a big sword who beats up monsters.

The boy wants to be some sort of adventuring firefighter. He's going through a firefighter stage right now, so that wasn't too much of a shock. It gives me a lot to work with for when the time comes that I feel I can try to run something with them. My idea for their first villain will be an arsonist.


The EN World kitten
Very awesome story. :cool:

I hope she has fun with her big sword, even if it's so large as to be on the unreasonable side. For that matter, the same goes for whatever armor she picks also.

Female Fighters in Unreasonable Armor

(A quick note: the above is not a troll. "Unreasonable" need not mean "stripperific." The very first picture on that link (April 26th) makes that pretty clear.)


My 9-year-old daughter's first D&D character: Athena, a thief, after the Greek godess - she'd just read some of the myths.

My daughter's second D&D character: Nymphadora, also a thief, after Nymphadora Tonks from the Harry Potter series.

As it happens, my first D&D character at roughly the same age was also a thief. His name was Pickpocket, because after seeing one of the Oliver Twist movies, I thought "Pickpocket" was the Artful Dodger's name instead of what he did.

Voidrunner's Codex

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