Can I be a girl with a big sword?

One of the problems I found with running the game for my daughter was that with only one character and only one baddie at a time, there isn't really any depth to it, and the end result (win or lose) is pretty much down to the dice, rather than decisions (not that I'm expecting deep strategic thinking from a 4-year old).

[MENTION=58416]Johnny3D3D[/MENTION] I think that with your two kids playing together, there are opportunities for a game that has some simple strategies and they can play cooperatively or competitively (racing to get the goal).

Have you checked out the RPGKids on RPGNow:

rpgKids (v1.5) - Highmoon Games | Productions |

It's worth a look for a slightly more elaborate kids' RPG system.

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Argyle King

One of the problems I found with running the game for my daughter was that with only one character and only one baddie at a time, there isn't really any depth to it, and the end result (win or lose) is pretty much down to the dice, rather than decisions (not that I'm expecting deep strategic thinking from a 4-year old).

@Johnny3D3D I think that with your two kids playing together, there are opportunities for a game that has some simple strategies and they can play cooperatively or competitively (racing to get the goal).

Have you checked out the RPGKids on RPGNow:

rpgKids (v1.5) - Highmoon Games | Productions |

It's worth a look for a slightly more elaborate kids' RPG system.

Thanks for the links. I'll look into them.

One of the reasons I had considered one of the classless games I own (aside from what I previous alluded to) was that they are not beholden to the same encounter building ideals as D&D. In my humble opinion, they are a little better suited for groups which don't meet the ideal group size (as defined by many of the games in the d20 family.)


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Another woman with a big sword...


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