Can we stop the Angel Summoner BMX Bandit comparisons


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I have seen the Angel Summoner & BMX Bandit videos brought up a lot and decided to watch one.

I don't understand why anyone would compare that to any edition of D&D. I don't care how powerful you think Clerics/Druids/Wizards (or Magic-Users) are, it is not remotely the same.

From what I saw: BMX Bandit scopes out the situation devices a plan. A plan that revolves around his apparent sole physical skill (Bike Riding) and then the Angel Summoner points out that he can solve it by summoning Angels.

Some Notes:

1) BMX Bandit apparently has the investigation/stealth/gather knowledge skills, and finds out what needs to be done.

2) BMX Bandit is the leader, as Angel Summoner never questions the goals only the methods.

3) BMX Bandit should realize that it is his own fault that he has no combat skills should stop trying to plan attacks based around his feeble physical skill and/or pick up a freakin gun.

Also, if this were an RPG Game, why would the DM put these two up against mundane only enemies? Why not have an evil witchdoctor that can block some angel power.

Sorry, this is all pretty pointless, but it is my rant and i am sticking to it.


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Staff member
This is thë BMX Bandit of rant threads.

First you say:
I don't understand why anyone would compare that to any edition of D&D. I don't care how powerful you think Clerics/Druids/Wizards (or Magic-Users) are, it is not remotely the same.
then you say:

From what I saw: BMX Bandit scopes out the situation devices a plan. A plan that revolves around his apparent sole physical skill (Bike Riding) and then the Angel Summoner points out that he can solve it by summoning Angels.
Which is the very basis for the comparison.

After a certain point in many editions of D&D, there is virtually no situation that an optimized full caster can't solve more quickly, efficiently and effectively with spells than any of the non-casting classes. In some cases, if simply hitting something in melee is the answer, a spellcaster may be able to out-melee a melee-focused non-caster.

I'm not saying this is badwrongfun or anything like that, just stating the facts of the game's mechanics.
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Doing the best imitation of myself
Whenever I see threads like this (and there have been a lot of them, especially with 5E on the horizon) I'd suggest that before anyone makes them, they play a BMX Bandit character for several months.

Showing up for a game knowing that the only thing you can do is be a hit point sponge for other characters is not something that I can see sparing an afternoon or evening with.

It's just a suggestion. People may have trouble remembering, but discussions of earlier editions at the time they were current were filled with "this class is worthless and doesn't get played." It seems only in retrospect that we talk about how great our monk or 3E bard was.


Staff member
Showing up for a game knowing that the only thing you can do is be a hit point sponge for other characters is not something that I can see sparing an afternoon or evening with.

I find ways to contribute and make my own fun.


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
Whenever I DM, I don't allow bicycles of any kind.


First Post
I thought Nicole Kidman was pretty cute in that movie. I always wanted wakie talkies after seeing it, more so then a BMX bike

Am I the only one that has no idea what you guys are referring too?


Staff member
[ame=]BMX Bandit and Angel Summoner - Mitchell & Webb - YouTube[/ame]

I find ways to contribute and make my own fun.

I wonder how you would feel if you played with paul. (disclaimer paul has been a good friend for 10+ years, has played 3 edtions of D&D, and 2 of WW with us, and is welcome at my table any day, this is not bashing him or even saying he is always a problem)

a tale of 3 paul characters.

1) the bomb diggity swordsman... 3.5. His and another character were brothers, and they rolled almost the same stats, except for Str, and Cha they had the same stats, paul had a 18 cha and a 10 str, kurt had a 16 str and 15 cha. They both had 16 dex. Kurt was playing a Fighter going for kensi and wanted to come in saying "I am the worlds greatest swordsman" Paul wanted to be a warlock with a finessed rapier and one or 2 cool moves his older brother taught him.

the problem: becuse paul had his feats arranged better, and had an atwill attack called something blow (horrandas maybe) that let him add his eldritch blast damage to his sword damage, he would routinly hit on lower numbers, and do 3-4 times the damage. Kurt tried to just make his character better, but kept hitting a wall. Then the final straw came when paul's character took a feat from tomb of battle that let him have a manuver that let him make his next attack roll a touch attack, then used it to make an item that gave him a second use of that per encounter...

2) the Azrathel show...3.0 forggoten realms game where we had 8 players, 1 monk, 1 fighter/rogue, 2 clerics, 1 barbarian/ranger, 1 psion, and 2 wizards. 1 wizard was played by Ross, he was a general wizard with a 16 Int, and a really low dex (I wish I could remember how low, I just know we use to joke when he rolled low on intitive, he went next round) Things started off a little rocky when Paul used a feat and his 18 Int to count as a 20 for spell casting, and all of his money getting a magic tatto that let him recall 1 spell per day. meaning at 3rd level he had double the spells of the other wizard. It only got worse when we leveled and he spent xp on scrolls, and later wands. He always had the right spell, he always had 10 items holding extra spells, and he spent every free gp he could get crafting scrolls, wands, and pearls of power.

3) That damn Barbarian... this is the only one I did not DM, I was infact the one being overshadowed. 3.5 almost the end (4e may have already been anounced) Paul played a barbarian 1 or 2/ cleric X. He had night sticks and divine meta magic. I was a Warblade/Swordsage/Master of 9 who the DM felt so sorry for he gave me (from an NPC a direct gift) a belt that was a belt of magnficents +6 (so +6 all stats) that also counted as a belt of battle (spend charges for extra actions), and a belt of healing (spend charges to heal self or touched other) that had double set of charges on both, a +6 Keen sword, and the books that up both Int and Str by 4 each... and I still could not at equal level keep up with that cleric in a fight.

now those are not the only or even the worst ones, but being 1 player who was not trying to step on toes... ok maybe the last time it was... ruined other people's concepts.

Now as bad as that was, let me tell you of the one who was worse... chris (remeber that last disclaimer, well we don't want this guy back...)

1) Alex evergreen. 2e A ranger duiled into wizard who use to say "What do I need you guys for" starting around 14th level. at 17th level he became an archmage (3rd party role aids suplimant) and would solo encounters well we just sat back. At one point becuse we would let him run off on his own, he killed a black dragon solo.

2) I can't even remember the character name without rage... he play a psion useing the cards for 2e. He had Kenetic control, worm hole, and some sorta tk blast thing. He was scry and dieing things from level 6 or 7.

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