Can we stop the Angel Summoner BMX Bandit comparisons

Elf Witch

First Post
Whenever I see threads like this (and there have been a lot of them, especially with 5E on the horizon) I'd suggest that before anyone makes them, they play a BMX Bandit character for several months.

Showing up for a game knowing that the only thing you can do is be a hit point sponge for other characters is not something that I can see sparing an afternoon or evening with.

It's just a suggestion. People may have trouble remembering, but discussions of earlier editions at the time they were current were filled with "this class is worthless and doesn't get played." It seems only in retrospect that we talk about how great our monk or 3E bard was.

I have played many a fighter, monk and bard and you know what I never flt useless. I was a member of a team and I had my skills. I had a blast playing those characters and will play those classes again.

To be honest I think the people who complain about this have either had bad DMs who didn't know how to tailor adventures for the characters in his party or didn't follow the rules. In a recent thread someone was complaining about how a wizard could know every spell. His DM never made the player roll a spellcraft check to see if he could actually put the spell in his book nor did he make the character do any bookkeeping so he had never had to buy a new spellbook.

There was another thread about how the party was knocked out by a high level monk because the magic users of the party couldn't get past his improved evasion.

I also think some players judge how good their character is on how much damage they can do. The fact that having a bard in the party helps everyone do their job better seems lost on these type of players.

At least I now know where this very annoying meme comes from.

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Staff member
I wonder how you would feel if you played with paul.

As a player: Wouldn't bug me at all. I have fun playing my PC; what you or anyone else plays is your business.

As a DM: Wouldn't bug me at all. Any trick available to the players, I can use myself.
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Elf Witch

First Post
No, I think it's an excellent comparison - Thief vs Magic-User in 1e/2e, or any non-caster vs caster in 3e. Playing the non-caster often felt exactly like being the BMX Bandit.

It just befuddles me that so many people have such different experiences playing with the same rule set.

Which is why I doubt they will ever make a game that satisfies all of us.


Staff member
No, I think it's an excellent comparison - Thief vs Magic-User in 1e/2e, or any non-caster vs caster in 3e. Playing the non-caster often felt exactly like being the BMX Bandit.

Mechanically, it's accurate.

However, since my main concern is playing my PC in a way consistent with his personality as opposed to mechanics, it never bugs me. Which is one reason I enjoyed playing things like Monks, massively multiclassed PCs (including spellcasters), characters with level adjustments, and so forth.

IOW, I'm more concerned that my PC does what he/she/it should do, not whether a demigod in training walking beside him could do it better.


I played in a game recently where one PC did 154 points of damage a round to the dragon we were fighting. My PC (albeit an unoptimized NPC I was given) did 7. I was a fighter. it was a tremendously boring 3 hours.

I should have hit him with my BMX!

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