Can we stop the Angel Summoner BMX Bandit comparisons


First Post
Actually, the angels seem quite capable of carrying a BMX bike and rider across an impossible chasm.

And in the final episode, it is Angel Summoner who works out the plan for BMX to execute because he's already got his angels in place to help BMX suceed.

I think you're intentionally reading less into the point that Angel Summoner can summon Angels to do anything to create a non-existant weakness in Angel Summoner's power as compared to BMX Bandit.

No, my bad was that I did not see all of the episodes, now that a couple have been pointed out, I will step back.

I still hate the hyperbole as I see this as another dead end "Too Video Gamey" wall.

There is certainly a gap in power. And discussing those gaps (how big, is it a big or small problem, how to fix) is well worth discussion.

And, to the other poster, I will not be creating my own funny video because I dislike this one anymore than I will start a new Science Fiction station because I am unhappy with Sy-Fy's programming.


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No, my bad was that I did not see all of the episodes, now that a couple have been pointed out, I will step back.

I still hate the hyperbole as I see this as another dead end "Too Video Gamey" wall.

There is certainly a gap in power. And discussing those gaps (how big, is it a big or small problem, how to fix) is well worth discussion.

thanks for acknowledging the correction. I like to see people adjust their thinking when new evidence comes in.

I'd never seen or heard of AS/BB until danny posted the video on this thread.

I can certainly see that it is valid advice that a game design should avoid or correct a situation where one PC is very powerful like Angel Summoner, and the other is more limited in power like BMX Bandit.

I wouldn't read much more into it though.


Staff member
I can certainly see that it is valid advice that a game design should avoid or correct a situation where one PC is very powerful like Angel Summoner, and the other is more limited in power like BMX Bandit.

I think AS/BB does serve as a shorthand for a valid consideration.

But having played and enjoyed playing both ASs* and BBs in a variety of games, I don't see a lack of balance as an absolute flaw. It's just different.

* that's the plural, people!


Staff member
Wouldn't it be "ASes" since it ends with an S?

It's the plural, yes.

The rule for dealing with acronyms,'s based on the acronym:

Although an apostrophe may precede the s when forming plurals of letters, signs, symbols, figures, etc., the trend is to omit the apostrophe unless it causes confusion to do so...
So it could have been AS's or ASs, but not ASes.
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I think AS/BB does serve as a shorthand for a valid consideration.

But having played and enjoyed playing both ASs* and BBs in a variety of games, I don't see a lack of balance as an absolute flaw. It's just different.

Well a lot of people consider it a big flaw for various reasons, especially if they don't see it coming. The game gets played in way the game designers never expected or thought about. Sometimes, it can turn out great and other times it doesn't. It would help if the designers laid out the expected game style, so that people who do something different will know they're off the beaten path, and to be wary of surprises.

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