D&D 5E cancelled 5e announcement at Gencon??? Anyone know anything about this?


In another thread I saw this by Terrdave

"Apparently our own guv just twittered something about 5E rumors from a trusted source at the con."

Maggan in the same thread followed up with:

"It seems that the rumour is that an announcement by WotC was abruptly cancelled, and that the announcement was connected to 5e.

I can conceive of a credible scenario where this would happen, but I haven't got any inside information so it'd be just speculation."

Anyone know anything about this? Link to the twitter?

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I can't think of a credible scenario where such a huge and game-changing announcement, requiring likely months of heavy build-up, planning, and investment, would simply be canceled at the last minute.


The Laughing One
I can't think of a credible scenario where such a huge and game-changing announcement, requiring likely months of heavy build-up, planning, and investment, would simply be canceled at the last minute.

I actually can, I've seen it happen. Not in the RPG business, but in the banking business, and actually rather late. The bank wanted to move from office hours to pretty much 24/7 availability of services, both the business side and the IT side agreed that this should happen. Something went seriously wrong at one of the meetings between the business and IT departments and the business started informing the clients that they were now open until midnight, extra personnel was being hired, marketing was ready to launch a rather big campaign. IT was not aware of everything that was happening and assumed that everything was in preparation and not actual implementation. By some odd luck I heard what the clients were being told and I realized that IT just wasn't ready yet (backup procedures took to long every night and systems would have to be inaccessible at those times). It took me most of a day to find everything out and pull on the brakes at the business end. The really funny thing is that I was working at the IT helpdesk at the time and this was so far out of my responsibilities it wasn't even funny.

I could see it happen within WotC, plans to announce 5E at GenCon 2011, marketing goes off, design goes off. Design isn't ready, forgets to inform marketing, marketing forgets to ask, things get planned, things get canceled.

Or a market research group just determined that releasing 5E would be a bad idea and forgot to clue in marketing until the last possible moment...


WotC_Trevor said that everything they wanted to talk about at gencon they did, so no cancelled last minute announcements.

Take from that what you will...


First Post
If they confirm a 5e announcement was canceled that is basically doing a 5e announcement. I did hear rumors from some pretty reliable sources at the con though.


I was expecting, and indeed kinda hoping for, an announcement of 5e at GenCon.

But it didn't happen. So be it. Personally, I'm not going to get drawn into any conspiracy theories about last minute cancellations, or the like. It just doesn't 'feel' right.

In fact, I think I'm done cloud watching for the time being. They'll announce 5e when they're ready. In the meantime, I'll get back to working on my homebrew version of the game - and if that's ready first then WotC are out of luck! :)



I actually can, I've seen it happen.

I was not at Deloitte when it happened - but they even had the new name for the consulting group printed up on mugs and bags when the plug got pulled to spin off the consulting group (post Sarbanes-Oxley). A SNAFU turned into a "great decision" as it turned out ;)

It might have been a truck load of 5e mugs got hijacked on the way to the convention center, thus messing up the announcement.

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