No. The examples I gave included the basic spells an Eldritch Knight casts in melee (Blur, Haste) as well as the basic Cleric melee spell (Spirit Guardians). Paladins have all kinds of spells on their list, including buff and control spells (Bless, Command, Compelled Duel, Aid).
Most of those are spells that should be cast before entering combat, or (in the case of Command) cast from range during combat. As in:
Round 1 - party and foes see each other. Full-martials on both sides charge. Eldritch Knight does not charge and instead casts
Blur on someone. Paladin charges in while casting
Bless (one of the
very few spells I allow to be cast while in melee). Wizard does not charge and instead casts
Web behind the foes to cut off their escape. Cleric either hangs back and casts ranged spells* or charges, depending on the specific character.
Round 2 - melee continues. Eldritch Knight casts
Haste on someone. Paladin becomes a full-martial and just fights from here on. Wizard casts
Magic Missile on some annoying enemy or other.
Round 3 - melee continues. Eldritch Knight charges in and goes full-martial from here on. Wizard cast spells as appropriate while staying out of melee.
.....continues until......
Round x - melee ends. Cleric starts casting cures (which IMO should not be castable while in melee).
* - which don't include healing; ranged healing can die in a fire whenever it wants.
Most Wizards don't seek out melee, but they do often find themselves in melee. When I am DMing I usually have intelligent enemies try to go straight for the first clothy caster that throws a spell, even if it causes AOOs .... as a melee PC I usually do the same.
Indeed, and when that Wizard finds itself in melee it should by the same token find itself in a world o' trouble: it can't cast, and its fighting skills are awful.
If a Wizard finds itself in melee then either the martials didn't do their job (that being protecting the Wizard) or something crept up on the party from behind.
I don't think players are ardently pro-wizard, I think they are ardently pro-magic and I think they would be against rules that mean their Paladin, Ranger, Fighter .... or Wizard ....... will take an AOO for casting a spell in melee.
Never mind AOO, casting while in melee shouldn't even be an available tactic (exception: a very very few combat-affecting spells e.g. Bless, Chant, Prayer) unless your specific intent is to cast a wild magic surge and see what happens.