Caves of Chaos (Group 1, PF) - IC


Thy wounds are healed!
Starting an IC/RG thread for the Caves of Chaos. All players need to make their first post a character sheet post and after everyone has checked in I will start the game.

@Disposable Hero


To open up these caves a bit here are a couple house rules related to squares on the map.

Half squares (1/2sqs) will be marked with a blue dot on the battlemap.

Any square marked with a red dot will be counted as difficult terrain.

A black dot will mean impassable (even if you can see some of the square).

Characters count 1/2sqs normally when the wish to move on the battlemap.

Small characters may stand and fight normally in 1/2sqs.

Medium characters may stand and fight from 1/2sqs but count as if squeezing -4 to attack and AC; as the wall is closer to them and they don't make full swings or have room to dodge).

This should open up the corridors a little.[/sblock]
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Thy wounds are healed!
Map Tracker...

I wish to thank weem for the great Caves of Chaos maps we will be using.

Don't go here unless you want to ruin all the great surprises. Go if you are a DM it is well worth it.

Also thank him yourself Here


Caves Explored:

A - unexplored
B - unexplored
C - unexplored
D - current location
E - unexplored
F - unexplored
G - unexplored
H - unexplored
I - unexplored
J - unexplored
K - unexplored

Goblin statue


Equipment Divide:

- wand of cure light wounds (25 charges) to Dorian
- wand of cure light wounds (25 charges) to Belthasar
- potion of Stabilize to Kara
- potion of Stabilize to Cididien
- Flask of Acid to Belthasar
- Flask of Acid to Dorian
- Flask Alchemists' Fire to Kara
- Flask Alchemists' Fire to Cididien
- Crowbar to Quentin
- Hammer to Quentin
- 3 iron spikes Quentin
- Upgrade one party member's pack to Masterwork- Cididien

750gp worth of gear in goblin common room:


Chieftain's chest
- 7,132cp
- 2,345sp
- 229gp
- small sack with
-- 23 flawed gems (1gp each)
-- 2 garnets (20gp each)
-- gold holy symbol of Desna (100gp)
-- jade necklace (60gp)
-- masterwork manacles and key [/sblock]

[sblock=Quentin Thorsin]
[sblock=Game Info]
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Level: 2
Alignment: Lawful Good
Languages: Common
Deity: Heironeous[/sblock]
STR: 18
DEX: 13
CON: 14
INT: 10
WIS: 12
CHA: 14[/sblock]
HP: 29 = [1d10=20] + 4 (CON) + 3 (Toughness) + 2 (Paladin)
AC: 17 = 10 + 6 (Breatplate) + 1 (DEX)
AC Touch: 11 = 10 + 1 (DEX)
AC Flatfooted: 16 = 10 + 6 (Breastplate)
INIT: +1 = +1 (DEX)
BAB: +2 = +2 (Paladin)
CMB: +6 = +4 (STR) + 2 (BAB)
CMD: 17 = 10 + 4 (STR) + 1 (DEX) + 2 (BAB)
Fort: +7 = +3 (Paladin) + 2 (CON) + 2 (divine grace)
Reflex: +4 = +0 (Paladin) + 1 (DEX) + 2 (divine grace) + 1 (Deft Dodger)
Will: +7 = +3 (Paladin) + 1 (WILL) + 2 (divine grace) + 1 (Indomitable Faith)
Speed: 20'/30'
Damage Reduction: None
Spell Resistance: None
Spell Failure: 00%[/sblock]
[sblock=Weapon Stats]
Earth Breaker(melee): +7 = +2 (BAB) + 4 (STR) + 1 (MW)/ DMG = 2d6+6(B), CRIT 20x3

Earth Breaker(melee/PA): +5 = +2 (BAB) + 4 (STR) + 1 (MW) - 2 (PA)/ DMG = 2d6+9(S), CRIT 20x3

Javelin(ranged): +3 = +2 (BAB) + 1 (DEX)/ DMG = 1d6+4(P), CRIT 20x2, Range: 30 ft.

Dagger(ranged): +3 = +2 (BAB) + 1 (DEX)/ DMG = 1d4+4(S), CRIT 19-20x2, Range: 10 ft.[/sblock]
[sblock=Racial Traits]
+2 to One Ability Score: Humans get a +2 to one ability score of their choice.

Medium: Humans are medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Normal Speed: Humans have the base speed of 30 feet.

Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.

Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional skill rank at each additinal level.
[sblock=Class Features]
Weapon and Armor Proficiency:paladins are proficient with all simple and martial, with all types of armor (heavy, medium, and light), and with shields (except tower shields).

Aura of Good (Ex): The power of an paladin's aura of good is equal to his paladin level.

Detect Evil (Sp): At will, an paladin can use detect evil, as the spell. A paladin, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is evil, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the paladin does not detect evil in any other object or individual within range.

Smite Evil (Su): Once per day, an paladin can call out to the good powers to crush the forces of evil. As a swift action, the paladin chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is evil, the paladin adds his Charisma bonus on his attack rolls and adds his paladin level on all damage rolls made against the target of his smite. If the target of the smite good is an outsider with the good subtype, a evil-aligned dragon, or an undead creature, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to 2 points of damage per level the paladin possesses. Regardless of the target, smite evil attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess.

In addition, while smite evil is in effect, the paladin gains a deflection bonus equal to his Charisma modifier to his AC against attacks made by the target of the smite. If the paladin targets a creature that is not evil, the smite is wasted with no effect.

The smite evil effect remains until the target of the smite is dead of the next time the paladin rests and regains his uses of this ability. At 4th level, and at every three levels thereafter, the paladin may smite evil one additional time per day, to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level[/sblock]
[sblock=Feats & Traits]
Human- Toughness- +3 to HP and +1 to HP on every level beyond 3rd.
1st lvl- Power Attack- Trade attack bonus for damage bonus.

a) Deft Dodger: +1 on Reflex saves.
b) Indomitable Faith: +1 on Will saves.[/sblock]
Skill Ranks: 06 = [2 (Paladin) + 00 (INT)] x 02 (LvL) + 02 (Skilled) + 00 (Paladin)
Max Ranks: 02
ACP: -4

() = class skill
^ = trained only
Total                       Stat Rank CS Misc ACP
-03 = Acrobatics            +01  +00  +0 +00  -4 DEX
+00 = Appraise              +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
+02 = Bluff                 +02  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+01 = Climb                 +04  +01  +0 +00  -4 STR
+07 = Diplomacy             +02  +02  +3 +00     CHA
+02 = Disguise              +02  +00  +0 +00     CHA
-03 = Escape Artist         +01  +00  +0 +00  -4 DEX
-03 = Fly                   +01  +00  +0 +00  -4 DEX
+02 = Handle Animal^        +02  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+05 = Heal                  +01  +01  +3 +00     WIS
+02 = Intimidate            +02  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+00 = Know:Nobility^        +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
+04 = Know:Religion^        +00  +01  +3 +00     INT
+01 = Perception            +01  +00  +0 +00     WIS
+02 = Perform:_____         +02  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+01 = Profession^:_____     +01  +00  +0 +00     WIS
-04 = Ride                  +01  +00  +0 +00  -5 DEX
+01 = Sense Motive          +01  +00  +0 +00     WIS
+04 = Spellcraft^           +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
-03 = Stealth               +01  +01  +3 +00  -4 DEX
+01 = Survival              +01  +00  +0 +00     WIS
+00 = Swim                  +04  +00  +0 +00  -4 STR
None Yet[/sblock]
Equipment                      Cost        Weight
Breastplate                     200   gp     40 lbs
Earth Breaker,mw              340   gp     14 lbs
Javelins (3)                    3   gp      6 lbs
Dagger                          2   gp      1 lb
Ioun Torch                     75   gp      - lbs
Backpack                        2   gp      2 lbs
-Bedroll                         .5 gp      5 lbs 
-Trail Rations (2)              1   gp      2 lbs
-Waterskin                      1   gp      4 lbs
-Flint and Steel                1   gp      - lbs
-Rope, Hemp (50 ft.)            1   gp     10 lbs      
                     Total weight carried: 74 lbs
Total spent: 326.5

GP: 450
SP: 0
CP: 0

Carrying Capacity:
light- 0-100 lbs
medium- 101-200 lbs
heavy- 201-300 lbs[/sblock]
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 210
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Fair
[sblock=Background]Quentin grew up in his father's shadow, even though by age 16 he towered over him, Sir Gregor Thorsin. He served him as a squire and followed him to tournament after tournament until finally his father was defeated.

He spent the next several years keeping his father out of chains. Since his defeat he had become a violent drunkard and resorted to stealing and cheating to earn his next bit of coin. It was in this time of great stress that the young Quentin began to faintly hear the calling of Heironous. His father did teach him the basics of combat and he had a strong back from his days carrying his father's equipment, equipment that the young Quentin had stored in a safe place.

His training began shortly after reaching one of Heironeous' temples. A middle-aged priest named Aiden Gais took Quentin as his student. Feeding both his stomach and his mind. Shaping him into the man he is today. Someone that knows the difference between right and wrong. Also that there is a thin line distinguishing the two.

He travels now wearing his father's old chainmail and wielding his father's earth breaker.[/sblock]
[sblock=Adventure Notes] None yet[/sblock]
[sblock=Level Ups]
Level 2
Class: Paladin(favored)
BAB: +1 to +2
Fort: +2 to +3
Ref: +0 to +0
Will: +2 to +3
Feat: none
Class Features: divine grace, lay on hands
HP: 13 = [1d10=10 + 2 (CON) + 1 (FC)] +16 (Old Total) = 29 (new total)
Skill Ranks: +03 = [+02 (Class) + 01 (misc)] + 03 (Old Total) = 06 (new total)
Skills: +2 Diplomacy, +1 Heal
Favored Class Bonus: +1 HP[/sblock] [/sblock]
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Disposable Hero

First Post
[sblock=Quentin Thorsin]
[sblock=Game Info]
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Level: 1
Alignment: Lawful Good
Languages: Common
Deity: Heironeous[/sblock]
STR: 18
DEX: 13
CON: 14
INT: 10
WIS: 12
CHA: 14[/sblock]
HP: 16 = [1d10=10] + 2 (CON) + 3 (Toughness) + 1 (Paladin)
AC: 17 = 10 + 6 (Breatplate) + 1 (DEX)
AC Touch: 11 = 10 + 1 (DEX)
AC Flatfooted: 16 = 10 + 6 (Breastplate)
INIT: +1 = +1 (DEX)
BAB: +1 = +1 (Paladin)
CMB: +5 = +4 (STR) + 1 (BAB)
CMD: 16 = 10 + 4 (STR) + 1 (DEX) + 1 (BAB)
Fort: +4 = +2 (Paladin) + 2 (CON)
Reflex: +2 = +0 (Paladin) + 1 (DEX) + 1 (Deft Dodger)
Will: +4 = +2 (Paladin) + 1 (WILL) + 1 (Indomitable Faith)
Speed: 20'/30'
Damage Reduction: None
Spell Resistance: None
Spell Failure: 25%[/sblock]
[sblock=Weapon Stats]
Earth Breaker(melee): +5 = +1 (BAB) + 4 (STR)/ DMG = 2d6+4(S), CRIT 20x3

Earth Breaker(melee/PA): +4 = +1 (BAB) + 4 (STR)/ DMG = 2d6+7(S), CRIT 20x3

Javelin(ranged): +2 = +1 (BAB) + 1 (DEX)/ DMG = 1d6+4(P), CRIT 20x2, Range: 30 ft.

Dagger(ranged): +2 = +1 (BAB) + 1 (DEX)/ DMG = 1d4+4(S), CRIT 19-20x2, Range: 10 ft.[/sblock]
[sblock=Racial Traits]
+2 to One Ability Score: Humans get a +2 to one ability score of their choice.

Medium: Humans are medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Normal Speed: Humans have the base speed of 30 feet.

Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.

Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional skill rank at each additinal level.
[sblock=Class Features]
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Anti-Paladins are proficient with all simple and martial, with all types of armor (heavy, medium, and light), and with shields (except tower shields).

Aura of Good (Ex): The power of an paladin's aura of good is equal to his paladin level.

Detect Evil (Sp): At will, an paladin can use detect evil, as the spell. A paladin, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is evil, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the paladin does not detect evil in any other object or individual within range.

Smite Good (Su): Once per day, an paladin can call out to the good powers to crush the forces of evil. As a swift action, the paladin chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is evil, the paladin adds his Charisma bonus on his attack rolls and adds his paladin level on all damage rolls made against the target of his smite. If the target of the smite good is an outsider with the good subtype, a evil-aligned dragon, or an undead creature, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to 2 points of damage per level the paladin possesses. Regardless of the target, smite evil attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess.

In addition, while smite evil is in effect, the paladin gains a deflection bonus equal to his Charisma modifier to his AC against attacks made by the target of the smite. If the paladin targets a creature that is not evil, the smite is wasted with no effect.

The smite evil effect remains until the target of the smite is dead of the next time the paladin rests and regains his uses of this ability. At 4th level, and at every three levels thereafter, the paladin may smite evil one additional time per day, to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level[/sblock]
[sblock=Feats & Traits]
Human- Toughness- +3 to HP and +1 to HP on every level beyond 3rd.
1st lvl- Power Attack- Trade attack bonus for damage bonus.

a) Deft Dodger: +1 on Reflex saves.
b) Indomitable Faith: +1 on Will saves.[/sblock]
Skill Ranks: 03 = [2 (Paladin) + 00 (INT)] x 01 (LvL) + 01 (Skilled) + 00 (Paladin)
Max Ranks: 01
ACP: -4

() = class skill
^ = trained only
Total                       Stat Rank CS Misc ACP
-03 = Acrobatics            +01  +00  +0 +00  -4 DEX
+00 = Appraise              +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
+02 = Bluff                 +02  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+01 = Climb                 +04  +01  +0 +00  -4 STR
+02 = Diplomacy             +02  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+02 = Disguise              +02  +00  +0 +00     CHA
-03 = Escape Artist         +01  +00  +0 +00  -4 DEX
-03 = Fly                   +01  +00  +0 +00  -4 DEX
+02 = Handle Animal^        +02  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+01 = Heal                  +01  +00  +0 +00     WIS
+02 = Intimidate            +02  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+00 = Know:Nobility^        +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
+04 = Know:Religion^        +00  +01  +3 +00     INT
+01 = Perception            +01  +00  +0 +00     WIS
+02 = Perform:_____         +02  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+01 = Profession^:_____     +01  +00  +0 +00     WIS
-04 = Ride                  +01  +00  +0 +00  -5 DEX
+01 = Sense Motive          +01  +00  +0 +00     WIS
+04 = Spellcraft^           +00  +00  +0 +00     INT
-03 = Stealth               +01  +01  +3 +00  -4 DEX
+01 = Survival              +01  +00  +0 +00     WIS
+00 = Swim                  +04  +00  +0 +00  -4 STR
None Yet[/sblock]
Equipment                      Cost        Weight
Breastplate                     200   gp     40 lbs
Earth Breaker                  40   gp     14 lbs
Javelins (3)                    3   gp      6 lbs
Dagger                          2   gp      1 lb
Ioun Torch                     75   gp      - lbs
Backpack                        2   gp      2 lbs
-Bedroll                         .5 gp      5 lbs 
-Trail Rations (2)              1   gp      2 lbs
-Waterskin                      1   gp      4 lbs
-Flint and Steel                1   gp      - lbs
-Rope, Hemp (50 ft.)            1   gp     10 lbs      
                     Total weight carried: 74 lbs

Total spent: 326.5

Carrying Capacity:
light- 0-100 lbs
medium- 101-200 lbs
heavy- 201-300 lbs[/sblock]
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 210
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Fair
[sblock=Background]Quentin grew up in his father's shadow, even though by age 16 he towered over him, Sir Gregor Thorsin. He served him as a squire and followed him to tournament after tournament until finally his father was defeated.

He spent the next several years keeping his father out of chains. Since his defeat he had become a violent drunkard and resorted to stealing and cheating to earn his next bit of coin. It was in this time of great stress that the young Quentin began to faintly hear the calling of Heironous. His father did teach him the basics of combat and he had a strong back from his days carrying his father's equipment, equipment that the young Quentin had stored in a safe place.

His training began shortly after reaching one of Heironeous' temples. A middle-aged priest named Aiden Gais took Quentin as his student. Feeding both his stomach and his mind. Shaping him into the man he is today. Someone that knows the difference between right and wrong. Also that there is a thin line distinguishing the two.

He travels now wearing his father's old chainmail and wielding his father's earth breaker.[/sblock]
[sblock=Adventure Notes] None yet[/sblock]
[sblock=Level Ups]
Level 2
BAB: +0 to +0
Fort: +0 to +0
Ref: +0 to +0
Will: +0 to +0
Class Features:
HP: +?? = (1d?? - 2 = ?) + 0 [CON] + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Skill Ranks: +?? = +?? (Class) + 0 (misc) + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Favored Class Bonus:[/sblock] [/sblock]


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Walking Dad

First Post
Dorian Greenleaf

Character Sheet:

[sblock=Game Info]
Race: Human
Class: Cleric (Gozreh)
Level: 2
Hero Points: 1
Alignment: TN
Languages: common, elven
Deity: Obad-Hai[/sblock]
STR: 16 +3 (05pts) (includes racial bonus)
DEX: 14 +2 (05pts)
CON: 12 +1 (02pts)
INT: 13 +1 (03pts)
WIS: 15 +2 (07pts)
CHA: 13 +1 (03pts)
HP: 20 = [2d8+2=9] +3 [feat] + 2 [fav class]
AC: 18 = 10 + 2 (Dex) + 2 (shield) + 4 (armor)
AC Touch: 12 = 10 + 2 (Dex)
AC Flatfooted: 16 = 10 + 2 (shield) + 4 (armor)
INIT: +2 = +2 (DEX) + 0 (misc)
BAB: +1 = +1 (cleric)
CMB: +4 = +3 (STR) +0 (size) +1 (BAB)
CMD: 16 = +3 (Str) + 2 (Dex) +1 (BAB) + 10
Fort: +4 = +3 (base) + 1 (Con)
Reflex: +2 = +0 (base) + 2 (Dex)
Will: +5 = +3 [base] + 2 [Wis]
Speed: 20'
Damage Reduction: none
Spell Resistance: none[/sblock]
[sblock=Weapon Stats]
Weapon(morningstar MW): +5 = +1(BAB) +3 (Str) + 0 (feat) + 1 (item) +0 (magic) / 1d8+3 p or b 20/x2
Weapon(light crossbow): +3 = +1(BAB) +2 (Dex) + 0 (feat) + 0 (item) +0 (magic) / 1d8 p 19-20/x2 rn 80ft[/sblock]
[sblock=Racial Traits]
+2 to One Ability Score: Human characters get a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Medium: Humans are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Eye for Talent: Humans have great intuition for hidden potential. They gain a +2 bonus on Sense Motive checks.
In addition, when they acquire an animal companion, bonded mount, cohort, or familiar, that creature gains a +2 bonus to one ability score of the character’s choice.
Heart of the Wilderness: Humans raised in the wild learn the hard way that only the strong survive. They gain a bonus equal to half their character level on Survival checks. They also gain a +5 bonus on Constitution checks to stabilize when dying and add half their character level to their Constitution score when determining the negative hit point total necessary to kill them.
Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).[/sblock]
[sblock=Class Features]
Aura - none
Channel Energy (Positive) 1d6+3
Domains (Growth, Fur)
Enlarge(Su): As a swift action can enlarge yourself as if target of an enlarge person spell. 5 times/day
Preadtor's Grace(Su): As a swift action can grant yourself a +10' bonus to movement and low-light vision. Increases by 5' for every 5 cleric lvls you possess. 5 times/day[/sblock]
Toughness (Level 1)
Prof. with all simple weapons (cleric)
Light & medium armor proficiency (cleric)
Shield Proficiency (cleric)[/sblock]
Desperate Concentration = +2 on Concentration checks
Armor Expert = Reduce armor penalty by 1
Cleric Spells Prepared: DC = 10 + spell level + 2 [WIS]
0 (3): Detect Magic, Guidance, Light
1 (2+1): Bless, Shield of Faith - Enlarge Person
Skill Points: 3 = (2 class) +1 (Int)
Max Skill 1
ACP -5
  [FONT=Courier New]Skills                Total   Rank     CS   Ability  ACP  Misc[/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Acrobatics              3      0       0       2     -5    [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Appraise                1      0       3       1      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Bluff                   1      0       0       1      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Climb                  -2      0       0       3     -5   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Craft (       )         1      0       3       1      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Diplomacy               1      0       3       1      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Disable Device                 0       0       2      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Disguise                       0       0       1      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Escape Artist          -3      0       0       2     -5[/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Fly                            0       0       2     -5   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Handle Animal                  0       0       1      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Heal                    2      0       3       2      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Intimidate              1      0       0       1      0 [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Knowledge (Arcana)             0       3       1      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Knowledge (Nature)      5      1       3       1      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Knowledge (Religion)    5      1       3       1      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Linguistics                    0       0       1      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Perception              2      0       0       2      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Perform (       )       1      0       0       1      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Profession                     0       0       1      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Ride                   -3      0       0       2     -5   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Sense Motive            4      0       3       2      0   +2 (R) [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Slight of Hand                 0       0       2      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Spellcraft              5      1       3       1      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Stealth                -3      0       0       2     -5   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Survival                3      0       0       2      0   +1 (R)[/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Swim                   -2      0       0       3     -5[/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Use Magic Device               0       0       1      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]     * Situational Bonus not included in Total[/FONT]

(starting 150gp)

Item                        Cost (gold)                 Weight(lbs.)

Explorer's Outfit                0                            8
Morningstar                      8                            6
Crossbow, light                 35                            4
Bolts, crossbow (20)             2                            2
Dagger                           2                            1
Shield, heavy wooden             7                           10
Scale Mail                      50                           30
Holy Symbol, Wooden              1                            0
Whetstone                        0.02                         1
Backpack                         2                            2
- Bedroll                        0.1                          5
- Rations, trail (2 days)        1                            2
- Waterskin (2)                  2                            8
- Rope, hempen (50 ft.)          1                           10
Spell Component Pouch            5                            2
Large Belt Pouch                 1                            0.5
- Sunrods (4)                    8                            4
- Small Mirror                  10                            0.5

Total Weight: 96 lbs      Money: 4gp 8sp 8cp

                    [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift   Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]         76    153    230   460   1,150
Size: medium
Gender: male
Height: 5 ft. 9 in.
Weight: 175 lb.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: light tan
Appearance: rugged, handsome
Demeanor: down to earth, cautious
Dorian was found under one of Obad-Hai's sacred trees near the Bronzewood Lodge as a newborn. A female half-elf ranger adopted him as her own and taught him the way of nature and the land.
Rebellious a any youth he rebelled to the notion of the inherent badness of civilization, and started to visit Diamond Lake and started to wear metal armor to even more contrast from the druids living around the lodge. The town itself wasn't as bad as he was told, but there still were signs of corruption and men who exploit nature for their own gain, but also people who worked hard on their land and showed respect for their animals.
In a dream the Old Shalm himself appeared to Dorian and gave him the mission to act as an intermediate between the civilization despising druids and the farmers.
After his mothers death he started to live in Diamond Lake itself, hoping to bring a peace between human greed and nature's bounty.
Big and strong, he goes by the nickname 'Little Oak'.


still to update: Spells & Skills
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Kara Starsplice

Character Sheet:

[sblock=Game Info]
Race: Halfling
Class: Sorcerer (Aberrant)
Level: 1
Hero Points: 1
Alignment: Lawful Good
Languages: Common, Halfling
Deity: Polytheist [/sblock]
STR: 8 -1 (00pts)
DEX: 18 +4 (10pts) (includes racial bonus)
CON: 14 +2 (05pts)
INT: 10 +0 (00pts)
WIS: 10 +0 (00pts)
CHA: 18 +4 (10pts) (includes racial bonus)

HP: 21 = [2x(1d6+2)=16] +3 [feat] + 2 [fav class]
AC: 15 = 10 + 4 (Dex) + 1 (size)
AC Touch: 15 = 10 + 4 (Dex) +1 (size)
AC Flatfooted: 10 = 10
INIT: +4 = +4 (DEX) + 0 (misc)
BAB: +1 = +1 (sorcerer)
CMB: -1 = -1 (STR) -1 (size) +1 (BAB)
CMD: 13 = -1 (Str) + 4 (Dex) -1 (size) +1 (BAB) + 10
Fort: +5 = +2 (base) + 2 (Con) +1 (Halfling Luck)
Reflex: +5 = +0 (base) + 4 (Dex) +1 (Halfling Luck)
Will: +4* = +3 [base] + 0 [Wis] +1 (Halfling Luck) *(+2 vs. Fear)
Speed: 20'
Damage Reduction: none
Spell Resistance: none[/sblock]

[sblock=Weapon Stats]
Weapon(Club): 1 = +1(BAB) -1 (Str) + 0 (feat) + 0 (item)+1 (size) +0 (magic) / 1d4-1 b 20/x2
Weapon(Dagger): 1 = +1(BAB) -1 (Str) + 0 (feat) + 0 (item) +1 (size) 0 (magic) / 1d3-1 p or s 19-20/x2
Weapon(light crossbow): +7 = +1(BAB) +4 (Dex) + 0 (feat) + 1 (size) +1 (MW) / 1d6 p 19-20/x2 rn 80ft
Weapon(Club, thrown ): +6 = +1(BAB) +4 (Dex) + 0 (feat) + 1 (size) +0 (magic) / 1d4-1 b 20/x2 rn 10ft
Weapon(Dagger, thrown ): +6 = +1(BAB) +4 (Dex) + 0 (feat) + 1 (size) +0 (magic) / 1d3-1 p 20/x2 rn 10ft
Acidic Ray (Ranged Touch attack): +6 = +1(BAB) +4 (Dex) + 0 (feat) + 1 (size) +0 (magic), 30' range limit, 1d6 acid; 7 uses/day

[sblock=Racial Traits]
+2 DEX, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength
Small: +1 size bonus to AC and Attack Rolls; -1 penalty to CMB, CMD, +4 size bonus to Stealth
Slow Speed: Base Speed 20'
Fearless: +2 Racial Bonus on saves vs. Fear (stacks with with Halfling Luck)
Halfling Luck: +1 racial bonus on all saving throws
Keen Senses: +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks
Sure-Footed: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Climb skill checks
Weapon Familiarity: Halflings are proficient with slings and treat any weapon with the word "halfling" in it as a martial weapon.
Languages: Halflings begin play speaking Common and Halfling. Halflings with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, and Goblin.

[sblock=Class Features]
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Sorcerers are proficient with all simple weapons, but not with any type of armor or shield.
Bonus Feat: Eschew Materials
Bloodline: Aberrant
-Class Skill: Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
-Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell of the polymorph subschool, increase the duration of the spell by 50% (minimum 1 round). This bonus does not stack with the

increase granted by the Extend Spell feat.
-Bloodline Powers (1st level):
--Acidic Ray: Starting at 1st level, you can fire an acidic ray as a standard action, targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The acidic ray deals 1d6 points of acid damage + 1 for every two sorcerer levels you possess. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3+ your Charisma modifier.
(1st level) Toughness: +3 HP, +1 HP/level past 3rd level
Magical Lineage (Shocking Grasp): Metamagic Feats applied to this spell treat its level as 1 lower than it actually is.
Conspiracy Hunter (Stealth): +1 trait bonus to skill and it is a class skill
Sorcerer Spells: DC = 10 + spell level + 4 [CHA]
Cantrips: 5: Mage Hand, Dancing Lights, Read Magic, Spark, Ghost Sound
Level 1: 2 (5 uses/day): Grease (DC 15); Color Spray (DC 15)
Skill Points: 4 = (2 class x 2 level)
Max Skill 2
  [FONT=Courier New]Skills                Total   Rank     CS   Ability  ACP  Misc[/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Acrobatics              6      0       0       4      0    +2 

  [FONT=Courier New]Appraise                0      0       0       0      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Bluff                   4      0       0       4      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Climb                   1      0       0      -1      0   +2 (racial)

  [FONT=Courier New]Craft (       )         0      0       0       0      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Diplomacy               4      0       0       4      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Disable Device                 0       0       4      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Disguise                       0       0       4      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Escape Artist           4      0       0       4      0[/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Fly                            2       0       2      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Handle Animal                  0       0       1      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Heal                    0      0       0       0      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Intimidate              4      0       0       4      0 [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Knowledge (Arcana)             4       1       3      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Knowledge (Dungeon)     4      1       3       0      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Knowledge ()                   0       0       0      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Linguistics                    0       0       0      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Perception              2      0       0       0      +2 (racial)   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Perform (       )       4      0       0       4      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Profession                     0       0       1      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Ride                    4      0       0       4      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Sense Motive            0      0       0       0      0  /FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Sleight of Hand                0       0       4      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Spellcraft              4      1       3       0      0   [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Stealth                13      1       3(trait)4      0   +1 (trait) +4 (racial)[/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Survival                0      0       0       0      0  [/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Swim                   -1      0       0      -1      0[/FONT]
  [FONT=Courier New]Use Magic Device               0       0       4      0   [/FONT]

Item                        Cost (gold)                 Weight(lbs.)

Explorer's Outfit                0                           (4 lbs)
MW Crossbow, light             335                            2
Bolts, crossbow (30)             3                            1.5
Club (Walking Stick)             -                            1.5 
2 Daggers                        4                            1
2 Flasks Lamp Oil               0.2                            2

Signal Whistle                   0.8                            -
Vial of Acid                     10                           1
Potion of Stabilize            25                          1
Potion of Cure LW           50                           1

Ioun Torch

MW Backpack                     50                            1
- Bedroll                        0.1                          1.25
- Rations, trail (2 days)        1                            0.5
- Waterskin (1)                  1                            1
-2 Torches                       0.02                         2

Scroll Case 1( Belt)        1 gp                          1
Scroll:  Feather Fall               25             1 
Scroll:  Vanish                     25             1 
Scroll:  Hold Portal                25              1 
Scroll:  Obscuring Mist             25               1 

Total Weight: 21.5 lbs
Total Expenses: 288.88 gp

Note:  As indicated above, she carries a stout walking stick that doubles as a club.

                    [B]Lgt   Med    Hvy    Lift   Push[/B]
Max Weight:         19.5  39.75   60  60/120   600
With MW Pack:    22.5   45       67.5
Size: medium
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Height: 2'10"
Weight: 27 lbs
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Pale
Appearance: Kara is of average height for a halfling, and has the slightly rounded body and features common to her race. She dresses in a modest, practical style, favoring a tunic and breeches. She walks barefoot most of the time.

Demeanor: Kara is a genial, modest companion who places a great emphasis on courtesy and propriety. She is very much a "team player," and always works to do her share. But for all her charm, there is something faintly unsettling about her presence, like weird, twisted music that seems just beyond the range of hearing. She moves with an unnatural quiet, at times seeming to appear out of thin air, or vanish just as puzzlingly.

When she uses magic, it feels less like the life-affirming flow of divine energy and more like some cold, chilling power has leeched through her from a dark beyond. She seems aware of the effect her powers have on others, but never talks about it.

The halflings of Greenvale were always pleased to have an esteemed college of wizardry on the hill overlooking the town. It was good for the reputation of the place, and of course the wizards helped to keep the peace and defend the town. Mena Proudfoot was the college's most famous diviner, a world-recognized expert on astrology. She was respected, even if she did seem to spend far too many nights alone in the mountains nearby, making observations. Making contact, as she sometimes put it.

Everyone was surprised when she became pregnant. The townsfolk could not think of a time when she might have been available to a suitor at the college, nor could they imagine her encountering anyone in the remote peaks she frequented. When her daughter was born, even the midwife could not help commenting on the sense of the unnatural that seemed to surround the child. No one's nerves were soothed when the Mena named her daughter Kara Starsplice, and declined to explain why.

Kara grew up, a quiet child who favored quiet places. She frequented the dungeons and caves below the college, seeming most at home in them. While not stupid, Kara knew from a young age that she lacked the mind for wizardry and seemed in any case to be blessed -- if that were the word -- with other gifts. When she came of age, she left Greenvale and set about making her way in the world.



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First Post
Cididien Starion

Character Sheet:

[sblock=Game Info]Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Level: 2
Alignment: CG
Languages: Common, Draconic
Deity: Cayden Cailean[/sblock]
[sblock=Abilities]STR: 12 +1 (02pts)
DEX: 19 +4 (13pts) (includes racial bonus)
CON: 12 +1 (02pts)
INT: 13 +1 (03pts)
WIS: 10 +0 (00pts)
CHA: 14 +2 (05pts)
[sblock=Combat]HP: 18 = (Lv1: +9 =1d8+1(Con)) (Lv2: +9 =1d8+1(Con))
AC: 17 = 10 + 4 (Dex) + 3 (armor) + 0 (shield)
AC Touch: 14 = 10 + 4 (Dex)
AC Flatfooted: 13 = 10 + 3 (armor) + 0 (shield)
INIT: +4 = +4 (DEX) + 0 (misc)
BAB: +1 = +1 (Rogue Lv2)
CMB: +2 = +1 (STR) +0 (size) +1 (BAB)
CMD: 16 = +1 (Str) + 4 (Dex) +1 (BAB) + 10
Fort: +1 = +0 (base) + 1 (Con)
Reflex: +7 = +3 (base) + 4 (Dex)
Will: +0 = +0 (base) + 0 (Wis)
Speed: 30'
Damage Reduction: -
Spell Resistance: -
Spell Failure: na
[sblock=Weapon Stats]Rapier(MW): +6 = +1(BAB) +4 (Dex) +1 (misc) / 1d6+1 P 18-20/x2

Dagger (Melee): +5 = +1(BAB) +4 (Dex) +0 (misc) / 1d4+1 P or S 19-20/x2

Dagger (Thrown): +5 = +1(BAB) +4 (Dex) +0 (misc) / 1d4+1 P 19-20/x2 rn 10ft

Shortbow: +5 = +1(BAB) +4 (Dex) +0 (misc) / 1d6 P /x3 rn 60ft
[sblock=Racial Traits]+2 to One Ability Score: Human characters get a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.

Medium: Humans are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Normal Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.

Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.

Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.

Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).[/sblock]
[sblock=Class Features]Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Rogues are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword. They are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

Sneak Attack: If a rogue can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage. The rogue's attack deals extra damage (called "precision damage") anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every two rogue levels thereafter. Should the rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.
With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (like a sap, whip, or an unarmed strike), a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual –4 penalty.
The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment.

Trapfinding:A rogue adds 1/2 her level to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device skill checks (minimum +1). A rogue can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.

Evasion: At 2nd level and higher, a rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.
[sblock=Rogue Talents]Finesse Rogue: A rogue that selects this talent gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat.
[sblock=Feats]Human Bonus: Combat Expertise
Level 1: Improved Feint
Rogue Talent Bonus: Weapon Finesse
[sblock=Traits]Fast-Talker (Social)= You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks, and Bluff is always a class skill for you.
Threatening Defender (Combat)= When you use Combat Expertise, reduce the number you subtract from your melee attack rolls by 1. To a minimum of -1 to your attack roll.
[sblock=Skills]Lv1: +11=(8 class) +1 (Int) +1 (Favored Class) +1 (Human Bonus)
Lv2: +11=(8 class) +1 (Int) +1 (Favored Class) +1 (Human Bonus)
Total Skill Points: 22
Max Skill 2
ACP -0

() = class skill
^ = trained only
Total                         Stat Rank  CS  Misc ACP
+09 = Acrobatics()            +04  +02   +3  +00  -0 DEX
+06 = Appraise()              +01  +02   +3  +00     INT
+08 = Bluff()                 +02  +02   +3  +01     CHA  (trait bonus)
+06 = Climb()                 +01  +02   +3  +00  -0 STR
+01 = Craft()                 +01  +00   +0  +00     INT
+07 = Diplomacy()             +02  +02   +3  +00     CHA
+09 = Disable Device()^       +04  +02   +3  +00  -0 DEX
+02 = Disguise()              +02  +00   +0  +00     CHA
+09 = Escape Artist()         +04  +02   +3  +00  -0 DEX
+04 = Fly                     +04  +00   +0  +00  -0 DEX
+na = Handle Animal^          +02  +00   +0  +00     CHA
+00 = Heal                    +00  +00   +0  +00     WIS
+02 = Intimidate()            +02  +00   +0  +00     CHA
+na = Know:Arcana^            +01  +00   +0  +00     INT
+05 = Know:Dungeoneering()^   +01  +01   +3  +00     INT
+na = Know:Engineering^       +01  +00   +0  +00     INT
+na = Know:Geography^         +01  +00   +0  +00     INT
+na = Know:History^           +01  +00   +0  +00     INT
+na = Know:Local()^           +01  +00   +0  +00     INT
+na = Know:Nature^            +01  +00   +0  +00     INT
+na = Know:Nobility^          +01  +00   +0  +00     INT
+na = Know:Planes^            +01  +00   +0  +00     INT
+na = Know:Religion^          +01  +00   +0  +00     INT
+na = Linguistics()^          +01  +00   +0  +00     INT
+05 = Perception()            +00  +02   +3  +00     WIS
+02 = Perform:()              +02  +00   +0  +00     CHA
+00 = Profession:na()^        +00  +00   +0  +00     WIS
+04 = Ride                    +04  +00   +0  +00  -0 DEX
+05 = Sense Motive()          +00  +02   +3  +00     WIS
+09 = Sleight of Hand()^      +04  +02   +3  +00  -0 DEX
+na = Spellcraft^             +01  +00   +0  +00     INT
+09 = Stealth()               +04  +02   +3  +00  -0 DEX
+00 = Survival                +00  +00   +0  +00     WIS
+01 = Swim()                  +01  +00   +0  +00  -0 STR
+na = Use Magic Device()^     +02  +00   +0  +00     CHA
Equipment                     Cost  Weight
Rapier(MW)                    320     02  
Wrist Sheath, Spring Loaded(R)  5     01
  Dagger                        2     01 
Wrist Sheath, Spring Loaded(L)  5     01
  Potion of Cure Light Wounds  50     01
Shortbow                       30     02
  Arrows(20)                    1     03
Studded Leather Armor(MW)     175     20
Pickpocket's Outfit            na    (03)
  Thieves' Tools(MW)          100     01
  Potion of Stabilize          25     01
  Potion of Cure Light Wounds  50     01
  Flask Alchemists' Fire       20     01
Backpack(MW)                   50     02
  Torch                         0.01  01
  Bedroll                       0.1   05
  Waterskin                     1     04
Total Cost: 836.11 gp
Total Weight: 47 lbs

Carrying Capacity w/ MW Backpack:
light- 50
medium- 100
heavy- 150
[sblock=Details]Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Height: 5 ft. 10 in.
Weight: 165 lb.
Hair Color: Redish-Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Lightly Tan
Appearance: see attached image..
Demeanor: Cididien is outwardly calm and collected, and is slow to loose his temper, but once roused he has difficulty holding back. More often than not he appears bored. When like this his eyes seem half-closed, as if he isn't paying any attention to what is going on around him, but is lost in thought.
He is as likely to pat his companions on the back as offer a backhanded compliment, but he rarely directly insults others.
He frequently gambles in his free time, and prefers games of skill, over games of chance.
Cididien's childhood was spent in a traveling troupe that wore the blue and gold colors of their patron, Lord Rathorn Summerlocke's, house. His mother was part of a group of acrobats and his father one of the actors. By the age of 5 Cididien was becoming a decent acrobat himself, and his father had begun his enigmatic attempt at education. A few years later the troupe had to start hiring mercenaries to safeguard the wagons, as the year had been dry, and the taxes had been raised. Not long after midsummer that year the troupe was attacked in the night. Both of Cididien's parents died in the raid, and the boy was essentially raised by one of the remaining sell-swords, Favian Doranen.

Favian taught Cid what he knew of the sword, but Favian had never been that much of a swordsman. What he taught the boy were little tricks and ways to catch his opponent off guard. After his assignment with the troupe ended he intended to take Cid with him as he joined up with a trade caravan. Cid wasn't happy leaving the people he had grown up with, but he liked the old sell-sword, and so he followed.

The two traveled from city to city moving where the job took them, until Favian lost his left hand in a bar fight. Favian had been playing a particularly good game that night, and had had too much to drink. When a man accused him of cheating, which incidentally he had been, he reacted by insulting the man.

When Favian woke the next morning his hand was gone, and Cid had payed a healer a fair sum of his own money to simply keep the man from dying from his injuries. Cid spent the next year trying to help Favian, but even after he had recovered his strength the man was never the same. He drank too much, too often, and became prone to fits of rage in which he would lash out at those around him. In one of those fits he beat the young Cididien bloody, and kicked him out into the street telling him never to come back.

Having nothing but the clothes on his back, Cid used the skills he'd learned as a child to make a place for himself on the streets. Eventually earning enough money to buy some old armor, and a weapon of his own.

Early Adulthood to present:
He returned to the rooms that Favian had occupied when he had known the man. Cid confronted Favian, and took from him everything of value he owned, and left the man strapped to a chair. With the gold he earned from the sale of the old sell-sword's belongings, he began to travel again.


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Rangerjohn's copy

[sblock=Game Info]
Race: Elf
Class: Magus[Bladebound]
Level: 2
Alignment: LN
Languages: Common, Elven, Dragon, Ancient Thasilonian, Goblinoid, Orc
Deity: unknown[/sblock]
STR: 14 [05pts]
DEX: 16 [05pts] +2 racial
CON: 12 [05pts] -2 racial
INT: 18 [10pts] +2 racial
WIS: 08 [+2pts]
CHA: 12 [02pts][/sblock]
HP: 21 = [2d8=16] + 2 (CON) + 3 (Toughness0
AC: 17 = 10 + 4 (armor) + 3 (DEX)
AC Touch: 13 = 10 + 3 (DEX)
AC Flatfooted: 14 = 10 + 4 (armor)
INIT: +3 = +3 (DEX)
BAB: +1 = +1 (Magus)
CMB: +3 = +2 (STR) + 1 (BAB)
CMD: 16 = 10 + 2 (STR)+ 3 (DEX) + 1 (BAB)
Fort: +4 = +3 (Magus) + 1 (CON)
Reflex: +3 = +0 (Magus) + 3 (DEX)
Will: +2 = +3 (Magus) - 1 (WILL)
Speed: 30'
Damage Reduction: None
Spell Resistance: None
Spell Failure: 0%[/sblock]
[sblock=Weapon Stats]
MW Longsword(melee): +4 = +1 (BAB) + 2 (STR) + 1 (item)/ DMG = 1d8+2(S), 19-20x2
Dagger(melee): +3 = +1 (BAB) + 2 (STR)/ DMG = 1d4+2(SorP), 19-20x2
Dagger(range): +4 = +1 (BAB) + 3 (DEX)/ DMG = 1d4+2(P), 19-20x2[/sblock]
[sblock=Racial Traits]
+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, –2 Constitution
Medium: Elves are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Elves have a base speed of 30 feet.
Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light (see low-light vision).
Keen Senses: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Elven Magic: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft skill checks made to identify the properties of magic items.
Weapon Familiarity: Elves are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word “elven” in its name as a martial weapon.
Languages: Elves begin play speaking Common and Elven. Elves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Celestial, Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan.[/sblock]
[sblock=Class Features]
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A magus is proficient with all simple and martial weapons. A magus is also proficient with light armor. He can cast magus spells while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. Like any other arcane spellcaster, a magus wearing medium armor, heavy armor, or a shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component. A multiclass magus still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells received from other classes.

Spells: A magus casts arcane spells drawn from the magus spell list. A magus must choose and prepare his spells ahead of time.

To learn, prepare, or cast a spell, the magus must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a magus’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the magus’s Intelligence modifier.

A magus can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table: Magus. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Intelligence score.

A magus may know any number of spells. He must choose and prepare his spells ahead of time by getting 8 hours of sleep and spending 1 hour studying his spellbook. While studying, the magus decides which spells to prepare.

Cantrips: A magus can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table: Magus under “Spells per Day.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again.

Spellbooks: A magus must study his spellbook each day to prepare his spells. He cannot prepare any spell not recorded in his spellbook except for read magic, which all magi can prepare from memory. A magus begins play with a spellbook containing all 0-level magus spells plus three 1st-level magus spells of his choice. The magus also selects a number of additional 1st-level magus spells equal to his Intelligence modifier to add to his spellbook. At each new magus level, he gains two new magus spells of any spell level or levels that he can cast (based on his new magus level) for his spellbook. At any time, a magus can also add spells found in other spellbooks to his own.

A magus can learn spells from a wizard’s spellbook, just as a wizard can from a magus’s spellbook. The spells learned must be on the magus spell list, as normal. An alchemist can learn formulae from a magus’s spellbook, if the spells are also on the alchemist spell list. A magus cannot learn spells from an alchemist.

Arcane Pool (Su): At 1st level, the magus gains a reservoir of mystical arcane energy that he can draw upon to fuel his powers and enhance his weapon. This arcane pool has a number of points equal to 1/3 his magus level (minimum 1) + his Intelligence modifier. The pool refreshes once per day when the magus prepares his spells.

At 1st level, a magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to grant any weapon he is holding a +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute. For every four levels beyond 1st, the weapon gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon enhancement to a maximum of +5. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack with themselves.

At 5th level, these bonuses can be used to add any of the following weapon properties: dancing, flaming, flaming burst, frost, icy burst, keen, shock, shocking burst, speed, or vorpal.

Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property’s base price modifier. These properties are added to any the weapon already has, but duplicates do not stack. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added. These bonuses and properties are decided when the arcane pool point is spent and cannot be changed until the next time the magus uses this ability. These bonuses do not function if the weapon is wielded by anyone other than the magus.

A magus can only enhance one weapon in this way at one time. If he uses this ability again, the first use immediately ends.

Spell Combat (Ex): At 1st level, a magus learns to cast spells and wield his weapons at the same time. This functions much like two-weapon fighting, but the off-hand weapon is a spell that is being cast. To use this ability, the magus must have one hand free (even if the spell being cast does not have somatic components), while wielding a light or one-handed melee weapon in the other hand. As a full-round action, he can make all of his attacks with his melee weapon at a –2 penalty and can also cast any spell from the magus spell list with a casting time of 1 standard action (any attack roll made as part of this spell also takes this penalty). If he casts this spell defensively, he can decide to take an additional penalty on his attack rolls, up to his Intelligence bonus, and add the same amount as a circumstance bonus on his concentration check. If the check fails, the spell is wasted, but the attacks still take the penalty. A magus can choose to cast the spell first or make the weapon attacks first, but if he has more than one attack, he cannot cast the spell between weapon attacks.[/sblock]
[sblock=Feats & Traits]
1st lvl- Toughness- +3 to HP and +1 to HP on every level beyond 3rd.

a) Desperate Focus: +2 concentration checks
b) Eyes of the Wild: +2 perception checks in wilderness[/sblock]
Skill Ranks:13 = [02(Magus) + 04 (INT)] x 02 (LvL) + 1 (Favored Class)
Max Ranks: 02
ACP: -3 (medium load)

() = class skill
^ = trained only
Total                       Stat Rank CS Misc ACP
+00 = Acrobatics            +03  +00  +0 +00  -3 DEX
+04 = Appraise              +04  +00  +0 +00     INT
+01 = Bluff                 +01  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+07 = Climb()               +04  +01  +3 +02  -3 STR
+08 = Craft():weapon        +04  +01  +3 +00     INT
+01 = Diplomacy             +01  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+01 = Disguise              +01  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+00 = Escape Artist         +03  +00  +0 +00  -3 DEX
+00 = Fly()                 +03  +00  +0 +00  -3 DEX
+na = Handle Animal^        +01  +00  +0 +00     CHA
-01 = Heal                  -01  +00  +0 +00     WIS
+01 = Intimidate()          +01  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+09 = Know:Arcana()^        +04  +02  +3 +00     INT
+09 = Know:Dungeoneering()^ +04  +02  +3 +00     INT
+na = Know:Planes()^        +04  +00  +0 +00     INT
+01 = Perception            -00  +01  +0 +02     WIS
+01 = Perform:_____         +01  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+na = Profession()^:_____   -01  +00  +0 +00     WIS
+00 = Ride()                +03  +00  +0 +00  -3 DEX
-01 = Sense Motive          -01  +00  +0 +00     WIS
+08 = Spellcraft()^         +04  +02  +3 +00     INT
+00 = Stealth               +03  +00  +0 +00  -3 DEX
-01 = Survival              -01  +00  +0 +00     WIS
+04 = nSwim()                +02  +02  +3 +00  -3 STR
+06 = Use Magic Device()^   +01  +02  +3 +00     CHA

Arcane(INT); prepared
DC = 14 + spell level
Concentration: +8

Cantrips: all
Level 1: color spray, enlarge person, jump, magic missile, mount, shield, shocking grasp

Spells Prepared:
Cantrips: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Light
1st LvL: Shield x 2, Shocking Grasp [/sblock]
Item                        COST  WEIGHT
mw longsword               315gp    4lb
mw chain shirt                250gp   25lb
mw backpack                     50gp    4lb
bedroll                     .2gp    5lb
blanket                     .2gp    1lb
spellbook                   free    3lb
explorer's outfit           free    0lb
flint & steel                1gp    0lb
5 days trail rations       2.5gp    5lb
grappling hook               1gp    4lb
inkpen&ink                 8.1gp    0lb
climber's kit               80gp    5lb
10 sheets parchment          2gp    0lb
spell component pouch        5gp    2lb        
scroll case                  1gp   .5lb
ioun torch                  75gp    0lb
2 water skins                2gp    8lb
2 daggers                    4gp    2lb
Chirugeon's Bag   400gp   4lbs

                    Total Weight 71.5lb
Treasure; none
Gems: none

Carrying Capacity:
light- 0-66 lbs
medium- 67-133 lbs
heavy- 134-200 lbs[/sblock]
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 151
Height: 5'-10"
Weight: 124lbs
Hair Color: silver
Eye Color: pale blue
Skin Color: light tan
Appearance: see picture
Demeanor: BAD @$$[/sblock]
[sblock=Background]... [/sblock]
[sblock=Adventure Notes] None yet[/sblock]
[sblock=Level Ups]
Level 2
BAB: +0 to +0
Fort: +0 to +0
Ref: +0 to +0
Will: +0 to +0
Class Features:
HP: +?? = (1d?? - 2 = ?) + 0 [CON] + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Skill Ranks: +?? = +?? (Class) + 0 (misc) + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Favored Class Bonus:[/sblock] [/sblock]
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Thy wounds are healed!
The forest was only moments ago full of life and sounds. But now even the wind seems afraid to ruffle the leaves.

The trail you have been following stops abruptly surrounded by dense foliage and trees. The tracks so easily seen have disappeared as if the thieves you were pursuing were swallowed up by the hard ground itself.

Stopping for a break each of you are lost in your own thoughts as how you came to be here.


The market was crowded and noisy, but you had preparations to make and things you needed, so braving the noise and smell you took yourself off to market.

Stopping near a large fountain you notice a strange procession making it's way through the throngs. A group of stargazers march in a double line, ten men in all, with an older man in the center carrying an overly large staff of curious design.

They move slowly not only because of age or the crowds but as if waiting for something. A step then pause and a step then pause.

Suddenly bursting from under stalls and behind hidden areas comes a group of humanoids of all kinds. Bugbears, gnolls, goblins, and hobgoblins to name a few. The start attacking everyone in the market as well as smashing stalls, barrels, and carts.

The chaos sends the people in a panic and soon the only ones left to defend the stargazers is you and a few other bold adventurers. During the fighting the odd staff is taken from the old man by a group of goblins who turn tail and run for the sewers.

To busy to pursue at that moment it takes you, the others, and the city guard to defeat the humaniods that are left.

Standing in your victory, it is short lived as the dying old man begs you to retrieve the staff at all cost. Feeling compelled not to let the goblins have whatever they were after you descend into the sewers and follow them to the forest outside the city.

For a day and a half you have followed the trail left by the goblins. You don't know where they are headed but retrieving the staff is all that is important.[/sblock]

Suddenly a patch of what you believed to be a mushrooms rises up from the ground before you. This pale jellyfish like creature floats in the air before you. Two long stalks extend from the top of it with dark black eyes that gaze at each of you in turn with intelligence.


"Finally you have arrived my vigilance
was not for naught."



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Does Balthasar have any idea what this creature is?

OOC: Actually, that should be a 23 knowledge, dungeonerring check.
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