Huh. So as I was catching up on the thread, and thinking about cosmic forces and alignment, I started thinking about one of my favorite phrases- GYGAXIAN MUSCULAR NEUTRALITY.
Quick refresher- in early D&D, there was obviously people who picked "Neutral" as their alignment because it doubled your chance of finding a date they were like, "Hey, now we can take stuff from the baddies and goodies! WOOT!"
But there was also the weird concept of "muscular neutrality." That is to say, people who were actively neutral (NOT LIKE YOU SWISS! IMA WATCHIN' U!). The Circle of Eight, Mordenkainen- they would "keep the balance" by helping either good, or evil, to ensure that no "side" became dominant.
Which ... I mean, yeah, it does seem kinda silly.* On the other hand, if you really think about it from a rational point of view ... if there are competing cosmic sides trying to "win" so it's going to be one way forever .... isn't muscular neutrality the one smart play?
That's my new contribution! If alignment is cosmic forces, shouldn't you be muscularly neutral?
*Okay, I do like the idea of all the alignments getting together, and the muscularly neutral one going, "Bruh. Do you even lift? DO YOU EVEN LIFT, BRUH?" And getting no response because, of course, alignments can only speak in alignment languages, so none of them understand each other.