NOTE: This is NOT a thread to argue about alignment in general, whether is is good or bad or stupid or neat. It is also not a place to argue about real world ethics and morality.
What it IS is a thread where we express our personal views of what each alignment means in a (hopefully fun and pithy) single sentence or phrase or song title or whatever.
So, with that out of the way, here is my list:
Lawful Good: Right is might.
Lawful neutral: Unity is strength.
Lawful Evil: Dissent is weakness.
Neutral Good: Right is right, no matter what the law says.
Neutral: Whatever, man.
Neutral Evil: Always look out for Number 1.
Chaotic Good: Do what thou will, let it harm none.
Chaotic Neutral: Possession is 9/10 of the law.
Chaotic Evil: Some men just want to watch the world burn.
What it IS is a thread where we express our personal views of what each alignment means in a (hopefully fun and pithy) single sentence or phrase or song title or whatever.
So, with that out of the way, here is my list:
Lawful Good: Right is might.
Lawful neutral: Unity is strength.
Lawful Evil: Dissent is weakness.
Neutral Good: Right is right, no matter what the law says.
Neutral: Whatever, man.
Neutral Evil: Always look out for Number 1.
Chaotic Good: Do what thou will, let it harm none.
Chaotic Neutral: Possession is 9/10 of the law.
Chaotic Evil: Some men just want to watch the world burn.