D&D General Alignments in a sentence/phrase/whatever


aka Ian Eller
NOTE: This is NOT a thread to argue about alignment in general, whether is is good or bad or stupid or neat. It is also not a place to argue about real world ethics and morality.

What it IS is a thread where we express our personal views of what each alignment means in a (hopefully fun and pithy) single sentence or phrase or song title or whatever.

So, with that out of the way, here is my list:

Lawful Good: Right is might.
Lawful neutral: Unity is strength.
Lawful Evil: Dissent is weakness.
Neutral Good: Right is right, no matter what the law says.
Neutral: Whatever, man.
Neutral Evil: Always look out for Number 1.
Chaotic Good: Do what thou will, let it harm none.
Chaotic Neutral: Possession is 9/10 of the law.
Chaotic Evil: Some men just want to watch the world burn.

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I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Oh man, this is a good thread but sooooo should have been a +.

imma go with quotes.

Lawful Good: "One for all, and all for one!"
Lawful Neutral: "No one is above the law, and no one is below it; nor do we ask any one's permission when we require they to obey it."
Lawful Evil: "There's no place for me there... any more than there is for you. ... I'm a monster."
Neutral Good: "If you can't pay it back, pay it forward."
Neutral: “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change"
Neutral Evil: "I was afraid...I'd eat your brains..."
Chaotic Good: "I fight against a tyrant who holds you under his boot! If you would be free people, then you must fight!"
Chaotic Neutral: "The fact that you can remember yesterday but not tomorrow is because of entropy."
Chaotic Evil: "They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."


Lawful Good: "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one"
Lawful Neutral: "Sign here... and here ... and here. And here's your copy."
Lawful Evil: "Fear - fear will keep them in line"
Neutral Good: "Legal or not, I can't just stand on the sidelines and let this happen - it's wrong and you know it."
Neutral: "That is the way of things"
Neutral Evil: "What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot more to me alive."
Chaotic Good: "Look sister, I ain't in it for your rebellion. I'm doing this for one person - me!"
Chaotic Neutral: "Sorry, I wasn't listening - too busy thinking whether I should burn the place down or not just to shut you up"
Chaotic Evil: "First, I kill you..."


This is getting harder, as many of the obvious stances have already been used.

LG: The Law Protects.
LN: Obey the Law.
LE: The law serves my needs.
NG: There is Good, and there is Evil. It's not hard to tell them apart.
N: Not my circus, not my monkey, not my problem.
NE: My needs matter, yours don't
CG: Very little, if anything, can justify depriving a person of their freedom.
CN: I will not be constrained - by your morals or your laws.
CE: Only my will matters, only I am real.


Why write when you can meme. I couldn't read the little stuff below the pictures either.



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