D&D General (silly thread) What alignment is your furniture?

This is the whole point of Fung Shui, right?
I don't think Feng Shui had alignment. But it did make for great action scenes!


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My bookcases started out lawful neutral: everything alphabetized by author's last name, book series in sequence, and so forth.

Over the years, they've somehow become chaotic neutral, with books stacked in front of other books, books placed sideways on the tops of book rows because they happen to fit there, and so on. One bookcase in the corner even has paperbacks stacked horizontally to the ceiling in the order in which I happened to buy and read them - it's a real mess.

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I'm not sure about the furniture, but my daughter's Cat is definitely Chaotic Evil.

I know some people think that all cats are evil, but I've had many cats in my life, and I've never met one that was worse than Chaotic Neutral before. Most cats I've had were soppy mushballs who lived for the pats, food, and a warm place to curl up.

This one is out to kill us all.

This conversation is so dumb I won’t partici—

My pillow is so CE and it recruits like minded zealots from the store. I and up smashing it done at night and ending up with a neck ache most mornings.

The fridge is always there with open arms though so good and predictably lawful.

The toilet is a mystery and likely a follower of Ilmater…my throne is not furniture? How is that?

My couch is NG. Big enough for me and my wife to both sleep on it. (She takes the chaise, I take the main arm.) It is comfy and emotionally supportive.

My coffee table is neutral bucolic. It does whatever is asked of it. Hold the "to read" book pile? Check. Act as a footstool? Check. Boardgames? Check? Hold tea/coffee cups? Check.

My younger cat is chaotic dumdum, the older one is lawful lazy.

Table leg or bed leg. Lawful good when lights are on. Chaotic Evil when lights off. Source. My Little Toe.
I will second this, but add the living room couch legs are neutral evil or chaotic evil at all times. My little toes can attest that day or night those legs are out to get me.

Cheers :)

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