Kobold Avenger
So this is a little of reviewing things about the Githzerai from across the various editions, mainly 2e Planescape and some of the more recent things from 5e, with some ideas of my own. The details about the Githzerai have changed a bunch across editions, and there's even a change from within 5e, whereas their counterparts the Githyanki have mostly stayed consistent. Githzerai have generally been more of the player option, as they were one of the "core 3 races" in Planescape through the Campaign Boxed Set and Planewalkers Guide, Githyanki were in the Guide of the Astral Plane and were more of a "requires DM approval" as a race.
The main backstory
The Githzerai being an offshoot of the Gith race who separated from the Githyanki lead by Gith following their leader Zerthimon who had a less militant view of things. Planescape Torment calls this the Pronouncement of Two Skies, which lead to the civil war between the Githzerai and Githyanki. Zerthimon was killed in the conflict, but is still revered by the Githzerai who migrated to Limbo (though it was the Elemental Chaos in 4e).
The Githzerai themselves
For the most part the Githzerai are a less militant people compared to the Githyanki, they've traditionally have been of non-evil alignments where as the Githyanki have traditionally been Lawful Evil. But 1e and 2e they've been traditionally Chaotic Neutral with Planescape using any non-lawful alignment, and 3e to the early part of 5e generally saying they're Lawful Neutral. Some of this is because in 3e with the Monk class (and it's alignment restriction) returning to D&D where they doubled down on Githzerai being Monks, and some influence from Planescape Torment and its recruitable party member Dak'kon. While 5e ultimately dropped alignment restrictions from all classes, there was a poll asking for the typical Githzerai alignment and most picked LN as they were brought up by 3e's interpretation. Later 5e Githzerai like all humanoid races are of "any alignment" and are less forced into being Monks because of floating ability bonuses.
2e Githzerai were generally types that kept to themselves and are what could be described as being paranoid libertarians. While 3e they were a monastic people who were all into meditation and enlightenment, 5e generally carried on with that description. Psionics have very much been a part of the Githzerai, despite support and the mechanics for Psionics varying across editions.
So my interpretation especially with the later 5e changes, is that they Githzerai are not a monolith, some Githzerai are mystics with a ascetic lifestyle, others aren't and clearly do their own things. Ascetism is hardly something for all Githzerai, especially as highlighted by Factol Karan (who's probably a Barbarian in 5e terms) of the Xaositects, a faction isn't mentioned in the 5e Planescape book, but could be seen as merging with the Revolutionary League to form the Hands of Havoc. I think it's more a matter of each Githzerai seeking enlightenment in their own individual ways. There are Githzerai wanderers and uniters (as shown in PS 5e), Githzerai commoners, some like Dak'kon (from PS:T) or Zhaeve (from Neverwinter Nights 2), others like Factol Karan or the mad scientist Cahm'Fel (from Tales of the Infinite Staircase).
Githzerai Appearance
Githzerai in 2e looked more "Human" than Githyanki but were described as being pale skinned. Starting from 3e they started to look less Human and to almost indistinguishable from the Githyanki. In 5e they're described as being yellow, green or brown with spotted skin, I personally have it being spreckled skin in a variety of the skin tones mentioned across editions, including light grey. Though they don't describe the noses, they are often drawn having small noses just like the Githyanki. Personally I'd have the Githzerai with bigger less pinched noses, and less shrivelled up gaunt features to have them be more distinct from the Githyanki.
Githzerai society
Shra'kt'lor and the Floating City are the biggest cities of the Githzerai, though they've often been described as living in Adamantite Fortresses or Monasteries all scattered through out Limbo. The ruler of the Githzerai is the Wizard King Zaerith Meynar-Ag-Gith, in 2e he seemed to be very much like the Lich Queen Vlaakith in that he existed to enforce racial level limits for the Githzerai. I very much see this interpretation of him as being just another tyrant. He's mostly ignored in 3e and 4e, but brought up again in 5e. Tome of Foes describes him as being the successor of Zerthimon. His body can't move at all, but he's awake as a powerful being of magic and psionics who's guarded and tended by his disciples. I clearly like that interpretation over the vague Tyrant King interpretation.
Monks (in 2e they were Rogues) are a path that many Githzerai take, if they were a caste, though I wouldn't use that term as Githzerai aren't as caste-based as the Githyanki are, the Monks are the Brahmin of Githzerai society. They do hold importance for the Githzerai who choose those approaches to enlightment. Because they live in Limbo it's often ones body that is the most reliable weapon or tool one can use. Much like how Githyanki have their silver swords, Githzerai many warriors, especially their Zerths (the counterpart to the Githyanki Gish) use a material from Limbo called Karach.
The Anarch's Guild from Planes of Chaos is a Sect/Minor Faction (and referenced in 5e's Monsters of the Multiverse as simply Githzerai Anarch) that teaches those with the right talent the ability to reshape the essence of Limbo to their will. They were mainly a NPC only faction, but do allow non-Githzerai to join their ranks. The Anarch's Guild is quite instrumental in keeping all of those Githzerai settlements up with their Chaos-Shaping abilties. In 3e terms they are likely Psions who specialize in the Metacreation Discipline.
Githzerai outside of Limbo
Sigil and many of the planar metropolises and Gatetowns across the Outland have significant populations of Githzerai. The Githzerai from those places often don't hold many strong ties to Skra'kt'lor or any of the fortresses in Limbo. The Githzerai diaspora is quite vast, and despite them being described as insular in the past, they aren't, or at least they aren't compared to the Githyanki who don't have the same widespread diaspora across the planes. Intermixing the Githzerai with other species is not that uncommon, especially among their diaspora.
Githzerai military capabilities
The Githzerai do not have the same military capabilities as the Githyanki do, they don't have Red Dragons or fleets of warships they can use. Githzerai sometimes do work with the Slaadi that they share Limbo with, but it's nothing compared to the Red Dragon pact with Tiamat. Because chaos-shaping or adaption is the way to travel across Limbo, most don't really on vehicles or warships. Though in some cases they do use submarine like vehicles in Limbo. The Githzerai prefer guerilla tactics against their foes like the Illithids. Rrakma bands operate in this manner, and a Rrakma band can often work with local help across the Material Plane when it comes to fighting the Illithids. Sometimes the Githzerai do fight aggressive Slaadi in Limbo as necessary, but most of the time they ignore each other.
The Githzerai do have access to "nukes", they've used a Psionic Bomb to go nuclear on the Githyanki before on the world of Athas. Centuries ago the Githzerai's Psionic Bombs destroyed the Githyanki foothold on Athas, and mutated the surviving Githyanki into shattered remnants of their former selves, and it may have been responsible for the prevalence of creatures with Psionic abilities on Athas. Some theorize they might have use such bombs on Krynn to reduce the Illithids into beings called Yaggols. The after affects of the Psionic Bombs are generally cause consequences the Githzerai do not want to deal with unless they need to use them as a last resort.
Typical Githzerai class choices (5e)
Artificer - Alchemist, Battlesmith. Artificers are not common among Githzerai of Limbo due to the ever-shifting nature of the plane, but some incorporate Karach as an element of their creations.
Barbarian - Zealot, Wild Magic. The more unruly of those who became Zerths sometimes take up certain Barbarian paths.
Bard - Lore, Creation, Dance, Swords. Some have taken to the teachings of the Anarch's Guild to shape more than just Limbo, while others combine art with the practice of honing their bodies.
Cleric - Knowledge, Peace, Trickery. Githzerai don't typically worship any Gods (Zuoken being the most common of those who do), though some follow Zerthimon as an example and get divine powers from enlightened understanding of philosophies.
Druid - Moon, Dreams. On Limbo and other planes their conception of the natural world is quite different from many other places. Though the understanding of reality as something that's malleable has lead to some Githzerai becoming Druids.
Fighter - Champion, Battlemaster, Psi Warrior, Eldritch Knight. The path many Zerths take are often as Psi Warriors or Eldritch Knights.
Monk - Any. Almost all of the Monk ways are followed by the Githzerai, to the point that many theorize that many of the Monk traditions were originally codified by the Githzerai as the first disciples of each tradition. Githzerai teachings perscribe the well-honed body and mind as the most reliable weapon one can use.
Paladin - Vengeance, Ancients, Glory, Watchers. Zerths and Rrakma hunters do swear oaths in name of Zerthimons teachings against the eternal threats to the Githzerai
Ranger - Horizon Walker, Hunter, Fey Wanderer. Githzerai who travel the planes often become Rangers, many dedicated members of Rrakma bands are Rangers themselves.
Rogue - Arcane Trickster, Scout, Soulknife. Some Zerths and Rrakma hunters become Rogues.
Sorcerer - Wild Magic, Abberant Mind. The nature tendecies toward Psionics or to the every-changing nature of Limbo often lead to many Githzerai being Sorcerers of these paths.
Warlock - Great Old One, Hexblade. Githzerai Warlocks tend to form pacts with the powers of Limbo such as the Slaad lords Ygorl, Renbuu and Ssendam (best covered under Great Old Ones).
Wizard - Evocation, Divination, Transmutation, Bladesinging, Illusion. Many Githzerai study and practice arcane magic, most of them are of the more mystically included paths, but some Zerths take up something like Bladesinging.
Psion - Any. The Githzerai talent for Psionics covers all disciplines and forms. Though Metacreation has a special place with the Anarch's Guild.
The main backstory
The Githzerai being an offshoot of the Gith race who separated from the Githyanki lead by Gith following their leader Zerthimon who had a less militant view of things. Planescape Torment calls this the Pronouncement of Two Skies, which lead to the civil war between the Githzerai and Githyanki. Zerthimon was killed in the conflict, but is still revered by the Githzerai who migrated to Limbo (though it was the Elemental Chaos in 4e).
The Githzerai themselves
For the most part the Githzerai are a less militant people compared to the Githyanki, they've traditionally have been of non-evil alignments where as the Githyanki have traditionally been Lawful Evil. But 1e and 2e they've been traditionally Chaotic Neutral with Planescape using any non-lawful alignment, and 3e to the early part of 5e generally saying they're Lawful Neutral. Some of this is because in 3e with the Monk class (and it's alignment restriction) returning to D&D where they doubled down on Githzerai being Monks, and some influence from Planescape Torment and its recruitable party member Dak'kon. While 5e ultimately dropped alignment restrictions from all classes, there was a poll asking for the typical Githzerai alignment and most picked LN as they were brought up by 3e's interpretation. Later 5e Githzerai like all humanoid races are of "any alignment" and are less forced into being Monks because of floating ability bonuses.
2e Githzerai were generally types that kept to themselves and are what could be described as being paranoid libertarians. While 3e they were a monastic people who were all into meditation and enlightenment, 5e generally carried on with that description. Psionics have very much been a part of the Githzerai, despite support and the mechanics for Psionics varying across editions.
So my interpretation especially with the later 5e changes, is that they Githzerai are not a monolith, some Githzerai are mystics with a ascetic lifestyle, others aren't and clearly do their own things. Ascetism is hardly something for all Githzerai, especially as highlighted by Factol Karan (who's probably a Barbarian in 5e terms) of the Xaositects, a faction isn't mentioned in the 5e Planescape book, but could be seen as merging with the Revolutionary League to form the Hands of Havoc. I think it's more a matter of each Githzerai seeking enlightenment in their own individual ways. There are Githzerai wanderers and uniters (as shown in PS 5e), Githzerai commoners, some like Dak'kon (from PS:T) or Zhaeve (from Neverwinter Nights 2), others like Factol Karan or the mad scientist Cahm'Fel (from Tales of the Infinite Staircase).
Githzerai Appearance
Githzerai in 2e looked more "Human" than Githyanki but were described as being pale skinned. Starting from 3e they started to look less Human and to almost indistinguishable from the Githyanki. In 5e they're described as being yellow, green or brown with spotted skin, I personally have it being spreckled skin in a variety of the skin tones mentioned across editions, including light grey. Though they don't describe the noses, they are often drawn having small noses just like the Githyanki. Personally I'd have the Githzerai with bigger less pinched noses, and less shrivelled up gaunt features to have them be more distinct from the Githyanki.
Githzerai society
Shra'kt'lor and the Floating City are the biggest cities of the Githzerai, though they've often been described as living in Adamantite Fortresses or Monasteries all scattered through out Limbo. The ruler of the Githzerai is the Wizard King Zaerith Meynar-Ag-Gith, in 2e he seemed to be very much like the Lich Queen Vlaakith in that he existed to enforce racial level limits for the Githzerai. I very much see this interpretation of him as being just another tyrant. He's mostly ignored in 3e and 4e, but brought up again in 5e. Tome of Foes describes him as being the successor of Zerthimon. His body can't move at all, but he's awake as a powerful being of magic and psionics who's guarded and tended by his disciples. I clearly like that interpretation over the vague Tyrant King interpretation.
Monks (in 2e they were Rogues) are a path that many Githzerai take, if they were a caste, though I wouldn't use that term as Githzerai aren't as caste-based as the Githyanki are, the Monks are the Brahmin of Githzerai society. They do hold importance for the Githzerai who choose those approaches to enlightment. Because they live in Limbo it's often ones body that is the most reliable weapon or tool one can use. Much like how Githyanki have their silver swords, Githzerai many warriors, especially their Zerths (the counterpart to the Githyanki Gish) use a material from Limbo called Karach.
The Anarch's Guild from Planes of Chaos is a Sect/Minor Faction (and referenced in 5e's Monsters of the Multiverse as simply Githzerai Anarch) that teaches those with the right talent the ability to reshape the essence of Limbo to their will. They were mainly a NPC only faction, but do allow non-Githzerai to join their ranks. The Anarch's Guild is quite instrumental in keeping all of those Githzerai settlements up with their Chaos-Shaping abilties. In 3e terms they are likely Psions who specialize in the Metacreation Discipline.
Githzerai outside of Limbo
Sigil and many of the planar metropolises and Gatetowns across the Outland have significant populations of Githzerai. The Githzerai from those places often don't hold many strong ties to Skra'kt'lor or any of the fortresses in Limbo. The Githzerai diaspora is quite vast, and despite them being described as insular in the past, they aren't, or at least they aren't compared to the Githyanki who don't have the same widespread diaspora across the planes. Intermixing the Githzerai with other species is not that uncommon, especially among their diaspora.
Githzerai military capabilities
The Githzerai do not have the same military capabilities as the Githyanki do, they don't have Red Dragons or fleets of warships they can use. Githzerai sometimes do work with the Slaadi that they share Limbo with, but it's nothing compared to the Red Dragon pact with Tiamat. Because chaos-shaping or adaption is the way to travel across Limbo, most don't really on vehicles or warships. Though in some cases they do use submarine like vehicles in Limbo. The Githzerai prefer guerilla tactics against their foes like the Illithids. Rrakma bands operate in this manner, and a Rrakma band can often work with local help across the Material Plane when it comes to fighting the Illithids. Sometimes the Githzerai do fight aggressive Slaadi in Limbo as necessary, but most of the time they ignore each other.
The Githzerai do have access to "nukes", they've used a Psionic Bomb to go nuclear on the Githyanki before on the world of Athas. Centuries ago the Githzerai's Psionic Bombs destroyed the Githyanki foothold on Athas, and mutated the surviving Githyanki into shattered remnants of their former selves, and it may have been responsible for the prevalence of creatures with Psionic abilities on Athas. Some theorize they might have use such bombs on Krynn to reduce the Illithids into beings called Yaggols. The after affects of the Psionic Bombs are generally cause consequences the Githzerai do not want to deal with unless they need to use them as a last resort.
Typical Githzerai class choices (5e)
Artificer - Alchemist, Battlesmith. Artificers are not common among Githzerai of Limbo due to the ever-shifting nature of the plane, but some incorporate Karach as an element of their creations.
Barbarian - Zealot, Wild Magic. The more unruly of those who became Zerths sometimes take up certain Barbarian paths.
Bard - Lore, Creation, Dance, Swords. Some have taken to the teachings of the Anarch's Guild to shape more than just Limbo, while others combine art with the practice of honing their bodies.
Cleric - Knowledge, Peace, Trickery. Githzerai don't typically worship any Gods (Zuoken being the most common of those who do), though some follow Zerthimon as an example and get divine powers from enlightened understanding of philosophies.
Druid - Moon, Dreams. On Limbo and other planes their conception of the natural world is quite different from many other places. Though the understanding of reality as something that's malleable has lead to some Githzerai becoming Druids.
Fighter - Champion, Battlemaster, Psi Warrior, Eldritch Knight. The path many Zerths take are often as Psi Warriors or Eldritch Knights.
Monk - Any. Almost all of the Monk ways are followed by the Githzerai, to the point that many theorize that many of the Monk traditions were originally codified by the Githzerai as the first disciples of each tradition. Githzerai teachings perscribe the well-honed body and mind as the most reliable weapon one can use.
Paladin - Vengeance, Ancients, Glory, Watchers. Zerths and Rrakma hunters do swear oaths in name of Zerthimons teachings against the eternal threats to the Githzerai
Ranger - Horizon Walker, Hunter, Fey Wanderer. Githzerai who travel the planes often become Rangers, many dedicated members of Rrakma bands are Rangers themselves.
Rogue - Arcane Trickster, Scout, Soulknife. Some Zerths and Rrakma hunters become Rogues.
Sorcerer - Wild Magic, Abberant Mind. The nature tendecies toward Psionics or to the every-changing nature of Limbo often lead to many Githzerai being Sorcerers of these paths.
Warlock - Great Old One, Hexblade. Githzerai Warlocks tend to form pacts with the powers of Limbo such as the Slaad lords Ygorl, Renbuu and Ssendam (best covered under Great Old Ones).
Wizard - Evocation, Divination, Transmutation, Bladesinging, Illusion. Many Githzerai study and practice arcane magic, most of them are of the more mystically included paths, but some Zerths take up something like Bladesinging.
Psion - Any. The Githzerai talent for Psionics covers all disciplines and forms. Though Metacreation has a special place with the Anarch's Guild.
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