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CB's City of the Spider Queen v3.5 OOC


Guest 11456

Sorry for the misunderstanding. I had posted this in post number 11 and thought that these were OK.

CanadienneBacon said:
Tailspinner, I noticed after I'd already posted for Ardyth the first time that she dropped sleep for magic missile that I'd let a wizard PC drop a prepared spell in favor of another. Not being one to backtrack and correct errors (either my own or players'), I let it go and then promptly forgot to ask about it later. Now I need to ask...how is it that Ardyth is dropping prepared spells? What item or ability is allowing her to do that? She's not a cleric.
See feat descriptions below.

CanadienneBacon said:
I just went through and had a more thorough look at Ardyth's character sheet and I see some things on there that I hadn't approved after vetting the character. I remember approving Spellcasting Prodigy. I don't remember ever seeing Magical Artisan: Wondrous Items (6th level)
Source: Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
Description: The character has mastered the method of creating certain magic items. Twenty-five percent less on materials and experience.

CanadienneBacon said:
or Signature Spell: Magic Missile (9th level) on anything I agreed to allow. You'll need to please let me know where you got these two feats so that I can reference them.
Source: Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
Description: The character is so familiar with a mastered spell that you can convert other prepared spells into that spell.

CanadienneBacon said:
I also need to know where the Superior Rope of Climbing comes from.

Source: Underdark
Description: Same as Rope of Climbing but it infers a +5 enhancement bonus to climb checks.

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I can only laugh at myself here. :)

You posted answers to my questions back in post 11 of this new OOC thread, and I actually replied something to the effect of "good," but after seeing Ardyth dropping spells in action, I "conveniently" forgot that I apparently had already approved the PC. That's absolutely my error and I thank you for your patience and for re-directing me to the post you created back on the first page---much appreciated. Your character sheet can stand as is. Ardyth will be powerful, but this is the Realms, and she is a human character trying to make it in the Underdark.

kinem, the short sword taken from Drider 1 by Prixo is large short sword; accordingly, the weapon is size large.

For anyone not familiar with or who doesn't own a 3.5 PHB, or who simply doesn't have access to a PHB or SRD while at work, weapons have sizes. I'm sure most of you are already more than familiar with how 3.5 addresses weapon sizing, but just in case someone isn't, here goes. The short sword we are discussing is size large and therefore deals 1d8 for its base damage. For most normal medium-sized characters, the large short sword changes its category from light melee to one-handed melee (PHB 113) and will cause a medium-sized character wielding it to incur a -2 penalty to attack (also PHB 113). For a normal small-sized character, the large short sword is a two-handed melee weapon that will garner a -4 penalty to attack. A large character would still consider the weapon light and would suffer no attack penalty. In all three cases, the 1d8 of damage remains the base damage, regardless of who is wielding the large short sword.

Map of the Bazaar posted in the IC thread. The description and map provided should hopefully help you all to make a better-informed decision about which direction to head next.


First Post
What do we (and K'yorl in particular) know about the lower bar? I can only assume that it will be well guarded and prepared for any magical chicanery. This is the Underdark, after all.

Does K'yorl have any reason to think her status as a cleric of Lolth will earn her any special priviledges?

In this city of refugees and social misfits, K'yorl doesn't have any reason to believe that her status as a priestess of Lolth with gain her priviledge. Her status as a drow female, however, may well be enough to put the fear of God into these male drow guardsmen. Some social habit die hard, after all. :)

I will provide a map of the Lower Bar no later than tomorrow morning. I started on it this morning, only to realize that Word won't let me do what I want. I may end up hand-sketching the map and scanning it in. We aren't on initiative at the moment, so I'm hoping to do the map later tonight or early tomorrow morning. In the meantime, please feel free to ask questions about the layout based on the description I've provided in our IC thread.


Guest 11456

I will be on vacation for the next week. I should be back to posting on Wednesday June 14. Please NPC Ardyth until then.


I've got something to do out in town this afternoon so instead of posting in our IC and putting up the map, I unfortunately need to head out the door. I will, however, have the evening hours free to devote to an IC post and map and will do so after supper today. Apologies; I realize that for most of you, that's past bedtime hours.

Scotley and Tailspinner, thanks for letting us know that you'll be MIA for the next bit.

I've gotten a DM's reply posted in the IC. The map I shall do and post after supper this evening. Thank you for waiting.

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