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Did you guys see the 5e Unearthed Arcana article for Modern Magic?

Is there interest in converting this to a 5e game? I am guessing not, since I've already jumped you two levels recently, and a conversion from d20 Modern to 5e would entail yet another round of retooling.

Forged Fury

First Post
The classes for Modern are so... different compared to straight D&D that it might be challenging to convert for a lot of us. I would say stick with what we've got. I will note that, after playing 5e for a little while now, going back into a 3.5/Pathfinder type paradigm does really draw attention to all the modifiers the earlier systems used.

The modifiers are awful, IMO! And I say that fully admitting that 3.5 is my sentimental favorite system.

Will see what the others have to say. Honestly, I'm not sure I want to convert either. Lot of work, all around. But I saw the article and wondered if any of you had, too. Thought it was worth a mention.

Forged Fury

First Post
It's a good article, I wish they would come up with something for the base classes though. I mean, let's play with it for a second...

T-Dawg is a barbarian
JR is a fighter or ranger
Feral is a monk
Otter is a... wizard, sorcerer (chaos), warlock (GOO), or rogue?
Cyril is a lore bard.

Some work better than others. You'd also need to convert the monsters, which is probably going to be the toughest challenge.


First Post
Otter would be a wizard...she's all Int, all the time. Hanging anything mechanical on her charisma would be a MISTAKE. :) I suppose an argument could be made for Arcane Trickster rogue though. Hm.

I'm open to conversion. Also worth mentioning: Pathfinder has an expanded set of modern rules as well! Based on d20 Modern, but with the Pathfinder treatment as far as rules slimming (minimal, but some welcome changes) and revisions of character class structure.

Advantage of adding some meat and applying some of the lessons learned in RPG design since d20 Modern was released...as well as being lighter on conversion work. Disadvantage of still requiring some conversion work. And it's still nowhere near as streamlined as 5e.

Just throwing that out there. :) I'm perfectly happy sticking with the status quo if that's what's we decide. That said, the longer we wait to make a big change, the harder it'll get.

My main concern is that there doesn't really appear to be much 5e support for Modern character options. Could we convert yet retain the essential flavor of "Cyril" et al? I'm not sure. Your characters are all wonderful and I'm hesitant to mess with that.

On my end, converting monsters from 3.x to 5e is, admittedly, tricky. I tried to re-work a bunch of 3.5 Planescape traps and monsters this past spring, and it was no fun at all. It's apparently a heck of a lot simpler to convert 1e monsters to 5e than it is 3.x (not that I've tried, at least not yet).

The adventure I'm running for you here, however, is a module that I'm only loosely following. I chose two real-life news stories and am layering them on top of a 3.0 d20 Modern module. What I would do is just pick up my 5e MM and select substitutions for any of the pre-statted monsters and NPCs that I've chosen to retain from the module. The thrall, for example, is 30 percent from the Scarred Lands Creature Collection and 70 homebrew; I basically already statted it out by hand, so in that sense it's no more work to pull something from the 5e MM and/or re-skin a monster than what I'm already doing.

The PCs are the main thing. I don't know that the characters convert easily. And I don't know how well Wizards will support Modern under the 5e rubric...my guess is not that well since their focus appears to be on adventures and on The Realms.
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I like Pathfinder, but don't want to convert to it. The difference between 3.5 and Pathfinder is slight enough to not be worth the growing pains born of converting our game from one system to another. I agree Pathfinder has appealing tweaks, but they aren't compelling enough to make me want to jump.

*If* we convert, I only want to jump to 5e.


I'm all for it but will be perfectly happy to stick with D20 Modern, also. So, put me in as a vote for converting, but it won't break my heart if we don't. :D

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