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Forged Fury

First Post
Silently bemoaning the turn of events that prevented him from acquiring the money, Cyril immediately high-tailed it around the corner.

Spotting Feral, the surprisingly quick-thinking disbarred lawyer tossed the Bun-Bun to his unpleasant companion, partially out of craftiness, but mostly out of a sense of self-preservation. Rounding the corner, Cyril made a bee-line down Aisle 4, heading toward the large group of people at the registers at the front of store, figuring that fat "Christian" lady would serve as excellent cover in the event things escalated.

"HELP!!!!! There's a skinhead psycho in the back spraying pepper spray! HAAAAALP!"
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OOC: Sorry, didn't realise you were waiting on me. T-dawg attempts to launch a grapple at Buzz Cut

Seeing Buzz Cut shoot the pepper spray in J.R.'s eyes, T-dawg tenses and launches a tackle at the attacker.

For some reason the rolling engine thing doesn't want to work for me...
Grapple: [roll]1d20+3[/roll]
Not sure if my +1 competence bonus to unarmed attack rolls from the Brawl feat counts on a grapple - if it does, add +1 to the total.
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First Post
(http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4779664/ rolled a 14 so just barely missed it.)

J.R. stumbles back a few feet and his hands go to his face. He lets out a scream for dramatic effect, although the spray does sting like no other. He's careful not to rub his eyes but with his hands up by his face he can better protect himself until his vision returns.


Otter --
Feral 23
J.R. 15
T-dawg 10
Buzz Cut 9
Cyril 8

Marks grabs his cell phone from Otter's hand, and attempts idle conversation. "We should start mapping out tech gear while we wait. Stingray, check. Though, that might blow the whole $10k budget. If not a 'ray, then what're you thinking?"

Feral keeps his injured hand on the gun and grabs the Bun-Bun toy, diving to the side and rolling in to the next aisle as soon he catches it. He makes it to the endcap of Aisle 6, out of Buzz Cut's line of sight. A woman with a pre-teen in tow is in Aisle 6 about ten feet away from Feral. The pre-teen girl looks over as Feral stands up from his tuck-and-roll. She elbows the woman, "MOM! Weirdo! Look!" The woman looks up and frowns and starts to say something but snaps her mouth shut, opting instead to grab hold of her daughter's arm and pull the girl away from Feral. Just then, the girl spots a smear of blood from Feral's arm on the white floor and exclaims, "Hey, Mister! You okay?!" Two patrons further down Aisle 6 toward the cash registers look up in Feral's direction.

J.R. stumbles back a few feet. His hands go to his face, and he lets out a scream for dramatic effect, although the spray does sting like no other. He's careful not to rub his eyes but with his hands up by his face he can better protect himself until his vision returns. J.R. is blinded for Combat Round 2, and has an effective AC of 6 for the round.
[sblock=Blinded]You can’t see at all, and thus everything has total concealment to you, which means you have a 50% chance to miss in combat. Furthermore, you have an effective Dexterity of 3, along with a –4 penalty on the use of Strength-based and Dexterity-based skills. Please note that a Dexterity 3 drops your AC to 6, unless you are wearing armor or have the benefit of some other buff/spell/ability. This –4 penalty also applies to Search checks and any other skill checks for which the GM deems sight to be important. You can’t make Spot checks or perform any other activity (such as reading) that requires vision.[/sblock]​

Seeing Buzz Cut shoot the pepper spray in J.R.'s eyes, T-dawg tenses and launches a tackle at the attacker. Buzz Cut is caught unaware and tries to punch T-dawg with his off-hand, but misses as T-dawg ducks and goes low. Buzz Cut does, however, manage to hold on to the canister of pepper spray with his primary hand. T-dawg barrels forward and grabs Buzz Cut, who twists and yanks free.
[sblock=OOC]My reading of the d20 Modern Grapple, Brawl, and unarmed strike rules indicates that T-dawg his +1 competence bonus to unarmed attack rolls from his Brawl feat to grapple checks. Unfortunately, however, a grapple incurs an attack of opportunity. I checked T-dawg's character sheet in the RG but don't see a feat or ability that will negate the AoO. Let me know if I missed something. Buzz Cut has Combat Martial Arts, which I read to grant him an unarmed melee attack, which in this case will go using Buzz Cut's off hand (since he's holding the pepper spray with his primary hand). Buzz Cut's punch with his off hand misses T-dawg. T-dawg rolled a 10 for his unarmed melee touch attack. He needed to beat Buzz Cut's touch AC 15. :( [/sblock]​

Buzz Cut steps backward 5', away from T-dawg, drops his pepper spray, and reaches inside his vest and pulls out a handgun. T-dawg sees Buzz Cut extract the handgun. J.R., although blinded, hears the distinct click of a gun's safety being drawn back. "Back the hell off, boo. Right. Now." Buzz Cut aims at T-dawg.
[sblock=OOC]Buzz Cut does not incur an AoO when he draws the handgun because he has a BAB of +1 or higher and can combine drawing the gun with a regular move action.[/sblock]

Silently bemoaning the turn of events that prevented him from acquiring the money, Cyril tossed the Bun-Bun to Feral and immediately high-tailed it around the corner, down Aisle 4. Cyril runs 60 feet and makes it all the way to the inside end of Aisle 4, near the fat "Christian" lady. Cyril shrieked, "HELP!!!!! There's a skinhead psycho in the back spraying pepper spray! HAAAAALP!" People up front by the cash registers and customer service desk scream and flock for the two entrance doors, forming an immediate bottleneck at the entry door nearest Cyril and the customer service desk. The fat lady uses the large box she still carries to push aside a man in his 40s or 50s. Unfortunately, the fat lady and her box are too wide to squeeze through both the 7-foot entry door and the tight crowd. She's wedged fast, precluding egress. The rest of the crowd at the cash registers pushes through the second entrance door, across the store by the cash registers.

A man in khaki pants and a red polo shirt with the WeeBee logo on it sticks his head out the door of the room sandwiched between the row of cash registers and the customer service counter. He raises a walkie talkie to his mouth and bellows, "Roger, confirmed. Alert, Aisle 4. Checking it out, wait 5." Red Polo Shirt exits the room, walkie talkie in hand, and approaches Cyril. "What's the problem, sir?"

[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION], make a Perception check DC 5 to notice the mass exodus of customers from the store.
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Feral smiled at the kid and said, "I just cut myself on some broken glass. No big deal." Making sure the toy is secure, Feral heads back the way he came in, through the back loading entrance. He realized he was effectively stealing the stupid toy, but things were getting out of control quickly and he'd rather bystanders didn't get hurt.

Forged Fury

First Post
OOC: From what I can tell after a quick skim, Pepper Spray is considered a Simple Ranged weapon and AoOs can only be performed with Melee Weapons and Unarmed Attacks.

Huffing and puffing, Cyril slapped on his best expression of terror. "I was just trying to buy my kid a toy for making the Honor Roll when this big guy with a buzz cut offered me forty bucks for..." The former lawyer paused and leaned in before finishing the sentence in a stage whisper clearly audible to everyone around him. "...a blow job!"

Cyril was pretty sure he heard someone faint behind him and definitely saw a young mother's eyes go wide as she simultaneously dropped her hands over her now-giggling pre-teen's ears in the ever classic earmuff move. "What kind of deviants do you let in this store? I'm getting out of here. It's crazy I tell you!"

OOC: [roll0] -1 to fool the ladies


OOC: From what I can tell after a quick skim, Pepper Spray is considered a Simple Ranged weapon and AoOs can only be performed with Melee Weapons and Unarmed Attacks.
OOC: That was my first thought as well - as he's armed only with a ranged weapon he doesn't get an AoO (unless he has improved unarmed strike and can punch me with an off-hand)? Regardless, if you want to rule it that way I'm cool with it, so here is the save:
Fortitude Save:[roll0]
Regardless, I don't think him hitting me stops the grapple, though if blinded I guess I do get the 50% miss chance:
Miss Chance (low is a miss):[roll1]
Otherwise, does the grapple work? Will hold action til I get clarification on all this...


First Post
(OOC - I find myself in a tricky spot, I'm not going to lie I was not expecting Buzz Cut to pepper spray someone who was not a threat. I've considered disarming Buzz Cut or even just trying to openly attack him, either way J.R. is at a disadvantage until the effects of the OC spray have subsided.)

J.R. hears the guns safety disengage and immediately yells,


As loud as he possibly can and retreats away from Buzz Cut until he can see again.


First Post
Perception: [roll0]

Otter surrenders the phone easily enough * and looks over at the spot the van had vacated.

"Eh, don't worry about buying a Stingray," Death Otter opines. "They register their access with the cell network, so...you can't tell which calls they're tapping necessarily, but you know when one's been active in the area, and which one's been active so you can kind of keep track of them. What we really want isn't a Stingray of our own, but the little chip from someone ELSE'S Stingray. Then when we go on to monitor calls, it looks like THAT machine's on the network, and the judge is all, 'Why was this machine monitoring calls,' and the cops are all 'but it wasn't, it was in the AV room over here' and the cellphone people are all, 'nope, we have records lol...'"

She actually pronounced 'lol' was if it was a word in this narrative.

"...and meanwhile, the investigation is completely deadlocked, and the FCC thinks the cops are obstructing justice, and the cops think the FCC is on a witch hunt and the cellphone company doesn't really CARE, they just want their cut, and the IMPORTANT PART is that eventually either the whole crew of investigators has to be replaced and the new team has to start over again...hah! Good luck! ...or they just say 'screw it, it's been years now, lets just throw this on the unsolved pile and get on with our lives.'"

She sighs.

"So yeah. No real point in just buying one. Totally defeats the purpose."

After a moment she spied movement from the store and looked over that way.

"Oh hey. Uh...start the engine. Almost showtime."

[sblock=*]I am going to make a Dex roll...consider it an untrained Sleight of Hand perhaps?...to see if she can slyly swap her cellphone with Marks' before he grabs it. Like, she switches which hands the phones are in right after she finishes her call, when the van pulls out and he's presumably a bit distracted. :) [roll0] When/if he realizes it, she'll sheepishly hand him his own phone without further shenanigans. :)[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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