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CB's Grim Frequencies IC -- COMPLETE

"God damn. What the hell happened in there?" Marks eyed Feral's spliced hand. "Yeah, we can go to an e-room. They'll ask questions, but we can go. My guess is you got shot in the store and people saw?"

The sound of emergency sirens is now audible to everyone. Marks pulled the van into a Taco Bell parking lot about three blocks north of the toy store. Not only can you hear the sirens, but you can see four cop cars heading toward the toy store, two from the north and two from the south. A firetruck is in hot pursuit of the set of cop cars flying north up Meridian Street from the south.

Marks gave Feral a flat look. "Look, I'm your quartermaster for the year, but I've got three years of med school. That's why they picked me for this job. Someone somewhere thought you'd need a doc. I'll take you to the hospital, no problem. Or I can take you back to the church, patch you up there. We have a stainless steel table and a med kit. I won't lie, a lot of the decision depends on how bad the wound is. So get his jacket and shirt off, and let's see the damned hole."

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Forged Fury

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What skill is that roll for? Diplomacy? Dear God.
OOC: Yeah, that was Diplomacy, although per the Modern rules a 15 is good enough to improve an NPC's attitude by one step. Cyril's just really good at that stuff. Hell, I should just start Taking 10 from now on. Would have been a 21.

"What do you mean what happened in there? I just told you." Cyril huffed while avoiding looking at the wounds. Blood made him a little queasy. "We go in, head down the aisle to get the toy. I grab it and this big f(*&^()n' Russian guy comes out of no where and gives me a sob story about his dying niece or something wanting the toy. I tried to offer him a very reasonable way forward and he pulls out pepper spray. J.R. and T-Dawg distracted him long enough for me to get away. I tossed Feral the toy. At some point, the Russian dude pulls out a pistol and shoots the unarmed and unarmored J.R. here. From there, we kept out heads low and managed to sneak out the front of the store. Was it clean? No, but then no one mentioned we might be getting shot at either."

Forged Fury

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"If I might make a suggestion, we might want to spend some of that metric f*&^ ton of taxpayer green on kevlar. I get the FCC might not be enthused about giving us weapons..." Cyril looked around the van, studiously ignoring the work being done on J.R. "Hell, I'm not enthused about that idea. But we at least are going to need some protection, considering how sideways this endeavor went."


First Post
J.R. appreciates the concern shown by Marks.

"Stuffed my finger in da hole, I think it's a through and through aht da back."

He removes his jacket and shirt, revealing 2 tattoos, one on each shoulder. One depicts a skull wearing a beret and bold letters above it say "Army Rangers". The other looks like a unit tattoo, something the entire unit would get displaying two clasped hands holding on to dangling dog tags "never forget" labeled above it. He tears up his shirt to apply to the wound and leans forward so someone can tell if there's an exit wound.

"No hospital fer me. Gunshot wounds git reported to da police. Take me back to da church and redd up it, cauterize it, call it a day. By da way yinz might want to git yinzes people in dere to wipe any CCTV cameras that got a glimpse of us or I'm making da 7 o'clock news."

Marks threw a dark look at Otter. "What do you need to wipe the CCTV? We're short on time. They're coming, and all I have on me is my cell," Marks held out his cell phone to Otter before continuing. "Otherwise, we can be back at the house in fifteen. The tech's not truly up to snuff yet, but the house has more gear."

He cast a look at Feral. "Home ok with you? I can drop you at an e-room and take J.R. back to the church, if you want."

Marks nodded at Cyril. "Agreed. Gear just became priority one. I don't think higher-up anticipated fireworks tonight. Let's get J.R. patched up, and then we'll start on a list of equipment. Gonna be a late night."


Feral shakes his head, "Nah, I'm good. I've had worse...besides, it was worth it."

He finally reveals the gun he liberated from the caddy, "You can add this to the list of stuff we don't need. Though I guess we'll need more ammo for it. And, don't worry, it belonged to the bad guy. At least, I got it out of his car before everything hit the fan."

Marks whistled. "Well, that seals it. We def can't go to a hospital now. Home it is." He put the van in gear and maneuvered through the parking lot back onto Meridian Street. The thoroughfare was a normally busy street, but the approaching cop cars threw everything into a tizzy. Already traffic was starting to back up as cars slowed down and pulled over to the side of the road to let the emergency vehicles pass. Marks followed suit.

When, after another sixty seconds, the police vehicles and fire truck made their way through traffic to the Wee Bee store, Marks joined the flow of southbound traffic. The group headed back toward downtown Indy, passing directly in front of the toy store on their way.

OOC: Let me know if any of you want to do anything in particular as the van passes by Wee Bee.


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Death Otter laughed. "Unless the feds give you some pretty sweet cellphones, I can hack exactly Butt and Kuss with that thing. Once I have an actual rig, we can talk. But most cameras aren't exactly accessible over the internet, you know? So you pretty much have to break in to eff with them. Or, if they store data offsite sometimes you can go after that."

"Now WIRELESS cameras, or cameras set up to be monitored remotely? THEN we are talking."

Voidrunner's Codex

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