Ceramic DM Modern/Spycraft (need 3 more)

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I was working...but, things have come up, annoyingly enough. Mother's going to the hospital for a few days(just an evaluation, nothing bad :)) and school is starting Monday. With keeping my own games running, I'm kind of stuck for time. Sorry, alish2o. Looks like you're not getting much of a turnout. :(


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alsih2o said:
is anyone working on this?

I can't promise anything good, though. I went for the story angle, which I'm not very experienced at, and I didn't get to work on it over the weekend (computer crashed), so I've been doing odd bits here and there.

But I'll submit something by the deadline :).


First Post
I hate to ask this so late, but my story has some ugly political/religious elements. Blame it on picture #3.

Anyway, the question is: how acceptable is a story with ugly political and religious elements? I should have asked this as soon as I saw that this was a modern-oriented CeramicDM, but I didn't think I'd be the one pushing borders.

I'll still have something, either way.


First Post
seasong said:
I hate to ask this so late, but my story has some ugly political/religious elements. Blame it on picture #3.

Anyway, the question is: how acceptable is a story with ugly political and religious elements? I should have asked this as soon as I saw that this was a modern-oriented CeramicDM, but I didn't think I'd be the one pushing borders.

I'll still have something, either way.

i owuld assume if it is from the mouths of a fictional character it would be passable, but i should check....

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