D&D 5E Chains of Asmodeus: Official 286-Page Nine Hells Book & Adventure Released!

Adventure for levels 11-20, stat blocks for Asmodeus and the Lords of the Nine, and a Nine Hells sourcebook!

For Extra Life, the children's hospital charity, Wizards of the Coast just released Chains of Asmodeus on DMsGuild in PDF format. Written by James Ohlen and Adrian Tchaikovsky, this book includes an adventure for levels 11-20, stat blocks for Asmodeus and the other archdevils, a corruption mechanic, and more.


Arcanum Worlds Presents: Chains of Asmodeus
Chains of Asmodeus is a 286-page source book and adventure for the Nine Hells written by legendary game designer James Ohlen (Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Dragon Age: Origins) and award-winning author Adrian Tchaikovsky (Children of Time, The Tiger and the Wolf, The Doors of Eden). This book is beautifully illustrated with haunting art from Sergei Sarichev, Sergey Musin, Julian Calle, Sebastion Kowoll, Paul Adams, Luis Lasahido, and the Aaron Sims Company.

Travel through the Nine Hells to save your soul in this tome that includes:
  • 50+ High Challenge Monsters
  • Stat Blocks for Asmodeus, Lord of the Nine, and all major Archdevils
  • 20+ Infernal Magic Items
  • New Item Corruption Mechanic
  • Details on all Layers of the Nine Hells, with Beautifully Illustrated Maps created by John Stevenson
  • A Fiendish Adventure for Levels 11-20

The book includes full stat blocks for Asmodeus (CR30), Beelzebub, Belial, Dispater, Fierna, Glasya, Levistus, Mammon, Mephistopheles, and more including Bel, Zariel, and a ton of monsters and NPCs.

You can pick it up for $29.99 on DMsGuild.

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I haven't read through it yet, but it was advertised as 11-20 in the OP
Right, but does that mean it takes characters from 11-20, or does it mean that the adventure is written for characters of those levels with encounter adjustment guidance.


I genuinely have no idea why Adrian Tchaikovsky doesn't get more recognition. He's got a list as long as your arm of high-quality output, almost nobody writes more books faster, he just won a Hugo, but he seems to have largely slipped under the geek culture radar and doesn't get talked about much.

I frigging loved Shadows of the Apt, and that badly needs to be a D&D setting, by the way. And his WH40K novel was one of the better ones in recent years too.
He's also appeared on gaming podcast Good Friends of Jackson Elias Special: Adrian Tchaikovsky on Non-Human Intelligences and Call of Cthulhu actual play How We Roll 001 - Flotsam & Jestam - Inheritance - The Gilman House - HowWeRoll Podcast


So how is the actual adventure? How long is it? What levels does it cover? Is it a sequel to Descent into Avernus in any way?
FYI, the ToC was added to the OP. The adventure appears to be a romp through all 9 layers of Hell and covers approximately 180 pages (though that seems to include a bit of lore for each layer). I would guess the assumption is you would level as your delve deeper into Hell.


FYI, the ToC was added to the OP. The adventure appears to be a romp through all 9 layers of Hell and covers approximately 180 pages (though that seems to include a bit of lore for each layer). I would guess the assumption is you would level as your delve deeper into Hell.

This is an avernus sequel.


Here's hoping it gets a Fantasy Grounds release soon!

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