Channeling OotS


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So, yesterday I started a new campaign for our group. Now, one of my players is relatively (compared to the rest of us at least) new to gaming, and thanks to myself, is an avid reader of Order of the Stick.

Well, everyone made their characters, and he made an Expert with a mining background (extremely modified character gen system using the generic class rules from UA and a list of occupations I created using D20 Modern as a guideline). Things were going well, although he seemed to be spoiling for a fight. So to move things along I gave them a Coach Inn to rest overnight in. Well, after some socializing (to make things quick and nice here, a female character with a courtesan background decided to work up some business, and went off with a travelling silk merchant), a fight broke out between the merchants guards and one of the characters trying to guard the lone female in the party.

Everything was non-lethal combat with punches and grapples being applied... that is until Josh (the Expert/Miner) channeled Belkar. Coming behind one of the guards he cut him almost in half with his sword. The other guard was dropped quickly afterwards.

Later, after saving the merchant from kobolds who had captured him, my personal "Deaths L'il Helper" was looking at me with that gleam in his eye and only the intervention of another party member kept him from doing undue harm to the bound man.

And to top it off, we have no Roy to keep him in line... *sigh* guess I am going to have to do it the old fashioned way... this is gonna be fun, heh.

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*sigh* players that don't gel well or hang in the background until they figure out what's going on or how the group interacts. Atleast you can laugh about it.


dmccoy1693 said:
*sigh* players that don't gel well or hang in the background until they figure out what's going on or how the group interacts. Atleast you can laugh about it.
Aww, come'on; it's awesome when you see a player get that glint in their eye, even if you know it will have to come back and bite them. Actually, especially when you know it will come back to bite them. :)


Felix said:
Aww, come'on; it's awesome when you see a player get that glint in their eye, even if you know it will have to come back and bite them. Actually, especially when you know it will come back to bite them. :)

LOL, point to you sir.


First Post
Heh, well, while it does give me a slight headache, I think it is funny overall. He told me later that he was thinking of Belkar the entire time and was enjoying himself. Considering that it was the first gaming session we have had as a group since last June, I wasn't too upset. We all had a good time.

Like I said, just means I get to have some fun with him now, since the merchant just went from disposable NPC to possible pain-in-the-#$% when they return to the big city. I always enjoy it when the players dig their own holes. Makes it much more enjoyable to fill it in later while they are still down there.

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