Character Builder Status


I don't know if anyone here frequents the DDI General board over at Wizards but the thread there about the MIA March update to the character builder revealed the non-announcement that there will be no more regular updates to the character builder. Furthermore there is not currently any information on when (which I cynically read as if) there will be an another update.

I understand that there is a dearth of new 4e material (the last printed product was May of last year I think) and that Dragon and Dungeon is somewhat split between 4e material and Next material but the lack of any clear information for the system that currently exists (and many of us are still playing) is rather frustrating. I get that design and development has moved on to the new edition but the lack of communication to paying customers (only breaks down to about 5.80/month but still) feels like an insult.
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Has there been any new player options in Dragon or Dungeon Magazine in the past couple months? That should tell you right there whether or not there would be / should be another update to the Builder. If there are no new powers, feats, equipment being designed and released for 4E... why would we expect an update?


First Post
Yeah, this looks official, in a forum post so vague that a twitter conversation had to clarify with one of those "Hey, wait, didn't I post this already?" moves, followed by "Oh, I must not have been clear enough...". Damn... I will miss the ease of the Compendium far more than the CB, which can be remedied elsewhere. Looks like the tools are on borrowed time given a few member's inability to pay for six-month subscriptions, as well.


First Post
Has there been any new player options in Dragon or Dungeon Magazine in the past couple months? That should tell you right there whether or not there would be / should be another update to the Builder. If there are no new powers, feats, equipment being designed and released for 4E... why would we expect an update?

Oh there definitely has. Some good stuff, including hobgoblin and bladeling race write ups, a ton of racial options, etc. However it hasn't actually been updated since, I think, September 2012? Sept was rolled into Oct, then Nov, then Dec. I think so, anyway. It's all become so confusing. Then the update was promised March 19, the date passed, and then April came around, and finally the 'announcement'.


Maybe this will give the developers the time they need to take some classes so they can learn enough new stuff to enable them to build their new applications in HTML5 instead of Silverlight.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Has there been any new player options in Dragon or Dungeon Magazine in the past couple months? That should tell you right there whether or not there would be / should be another update to the Builder. If there are no new powers, feats, equipment being designed and released for 4E... why would we expect an update?

There's a rather impressive backlog of bugs, errors, and incomplete information. I've got at least 4 bug reports submitted and still waiting results. None are common, but all came up when building characters. For example, hybrid executioner has significant problems. (Defining problems as where the CB doesn't match the rules.)

If I keep paying, I expect them to keep working. And I'm paying.


Wizards has the data on how often the character builder and other DDI tools are used. I would guess (no actual knowledge) that usage is pretty low. The usage is probably largely confined to core activities already handled well by the tools. I've updated a number of PCs for use as pregens without any issues. I've edited a few monsters, etc. But my usage is not what it once was. I would expect that's the case for many.

At the same time, I continue to subscribe because I do like having the tools for when I need them. Primarily, I really enjoy the DDI content. Yes, I would like more 4E crunch (not a lot, but more than the current rate), but I am also enjoying the articles and especially the adventures. The adventures really are top-notch. When I think back on what I used to pay for Polyhedron magazine and a few adventures, this is still a very good deal for me.

While I would like for Wizards to add a few things (Hobgoblin and other race articles, for sure), I can understand that their focus is on D&D Next. I hope their digital team is working on the foundation for Next, because it would be really nice to have tools up front rather than waiting a long time for them (as we did with 4E).

For what it is worth, I'm both highly critical and a fan of DDI. It has been a long hard road, but ultimately it remains worth the price I pay:
Why I Stayed with DDI
D&D Next and the Digital Divide

Voidrunner's Codex

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