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Character Concepts

Land Outcast

-Fanatic Cleric Preacher (Variant: Radical of Travel deity, burns houses to get people to move :uhoh: )

-Crossbowman... Heavy Crossbow Sniper-style... no idea how to make mechanically

-Mad Diviner... No idea how to make mechanically (the rp is allright, but I've heard of rules for Divination as a skill)

-Quarterstaff-fighting acrobatic fighter... no, not a monk

-Barbarian with the throw anything feat... Two weapon fighting... and battleaxes (don't ask)

-40 year old man, who is adventuring because he's got to save his wife and his daughter (requiring some extra pre-game speech with DM)

-Paladin with a scythe

That's more-less it...

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Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Here's a few ideas I've had recently that I most like (I'm in the same boat as you, Olaf- mostly the DM )

-A Gypsy/Mariachi/Bard persuing revenge against a bandit lord who killed his fiancee (yeah, I watch El Mariachi/Desperado too many times ;) )

-A middle aged female Cleric or Favoured Soul whose husband died while on an important religious quest. Her grief was such that she turned more deeply to religion and vowed to complete her husband's quest, thus gaining her class abilities. Her god grants her the ability (through summon monster) to summon weakened versions of her husband's spirit (now a petitioner). She's aiming to reach the pinnacle of her faithful path to be able to cast True Resurrection, to restore him.

-A monk who wants to create his own unique fighting style, and spread his philosophy on life and the afterlife.

-A halfling paladin of Brandobaris, championing the cause of the downtrodden.

Side note: Olaf, you'd be welcome at my table if you wanted to play any of your concepts, or allow my to play one of mine. I'm in the Inner City/South Adelaide area. Send an e-mail my way if you'd like to catch up or something.


First Post
Here are some examples of as yet never played character concepts(and most if not all will ever be played, I fear):

For the city of the spider queen campaign I'm playing in (although the campaign seems to be 'dying' and not 'stabilizing' since the last session was several months ago), I had thought of several 'replacement' characters for my fighter/rogue/archer halfling.
In random order:

- a human Fighter/bard: sort of high-class knight with a good education
- a mage/thief/arcane trickster: basically a character who uses his magic to be a better thief, sort of specializing in entering (and leaving) the (magically) highly defended places
- a dwarven Fighter/cleric hammer of Moradin: this feels just right for an underdark campaign!


  • A Scottish bard with bagpipes as his chosen instrument. Probably named Angus. Seeks to do more with his music than simply inspire bloodlust for clan-vs-clan massacres such as by bringing a large crowd to uncontrolled weeping with a heart-searing rendition of Amazing Grace or Mull of Kintyre. :)
  • A beast-man of some kind (sasquatch or yeti-ish) with a name like Ghan-Buri-Ghan. Fighter or barbarian but with deeply-held beliefs about spirits manifesting in all things. Perhaps multiclassing as a spirit shaman.
  • A faerie dragon. Sorceror perhaps. (an undeveloped character that I originally conceived only as a comic-relief companion of a somewhat jack-of-all-trades-and-master-of-them-too character for a story I was writing.)
  • The aforementioned Jack-of-all-trades character. [Actually makes a better written fiction character concept than practical gaming character concept.] Son of a ships captain, press-ganged into an army, discovered psionic talent and obtained freedom as an accomplished assassin for hire, but finally rejected his evil alignment and discovered his most exceptional talents as a bard who is fast on his way to becoming a souped-up Shakespeare writing, directing, acting, and singing in hugely popular plays where he nonetheless hopes to keep all of his former life an absolute secret. But of course SOMEbody will eventually see him in a play and recognize him for his past...
  • A fairie (wings and all) who wears shockingly revealing clothing and lives for spellcasting. Inspired by a character from fiction read in Dragon. I'm sure somebody will tell us the author and story which I forget.
  • Human big-dumb-farmboy sort of fighter. Former mine-worker or son of a smith who uses hammers with an eye toward ultimately obtaining and using the Maul of the Titans.
  • A Witchfinder General. Uses 2h sword and wears clerical robes over his armor and an executioners hood. I have the mini for it. :) Has the backing of a large, powerful religion though their definition of "witch" might be... flexible.
  • An intelligent, talking dog based roughly on Gaspode from Discworld. Probably a dog Awakened by a druid who was killed shortly thereafter. His initial/enduring motivation is to avenge that death. Hella ranger, but I could also go fighter, barbarian or even monk. If not starting out as the "pet" of another PC, he will simply be a mangy-looking stray that starts to tag along. Will remain silent initially but eventually revealing the fact that he can speak. I actually like this concept for several complex reasons, including exploring what kind of treasure a DOG would want and can use. As a player, of course, I don't want my PC to simply get NOTHING in the way of treasure, concept or no, but given the limitations of the physical form of a dog - what would he want? What could he use?
  • A spiked-chain fighter very like someone else mentioned - a former/escaped slave, or an escaped prisoner who uses the instruments of his captivity. Like Torquil from the movie Krull, perhaps destined to one day redeem himself of a life of crime by becoming the Lord Marshall. May or may not have committed crimes or even evil acts in the past.
  • A fish-out-of-water samurai. Toshiro Mifune's character from the movie Red Sun. Spends the campaign searching for something that he's been directed to find but may end up never revealing this to anyone due to language barriers and/or vow of secrecy and matters of honor. Or maybe he doesn't even really know - he simply has to find "it", and only then will he know what "it" is and why he was given the task.
That's the short list. :)
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First Post
My favorite character was a compasionless human rogue ( and later in his career a cleric also). He was a rustic looking fellow with a very calm attitude an a knack for lying through is teeth and other people's teeth too. He avoided combat alot, usually casually walking away, but when pressed to fight generally used his mace he swindled from a church of "pelor" more or less. His combat skills were less than desirable, his awesome ac of 22 at lvl 29, and he was above pick pocketing and opening locks. Most of his skills resided in his ability to disarm almost anything with movable parts (disable device) and solve ancient riddles (decipher script). Usually he used his skills to help him gain wealth or items of interest, especially highly decorated doors which he took off the hinges and left the lock..
Many times on his adventures he found himself without proper tools, being too lazy to actually buy any, but he used some human inginuity and was able to achieve such great feats as scaling a wooden palisade wall with a set of silverwear and then using the forks to jam a few doors. Eventually his ability to use his skills creatively allowed him to disable near solid objects (such as weapons) in combat and at level 24 he was able to disable magical auras once he entered into the "clergy" (which was actually a religion he started himself; in order to convince a Ha Naga to spare his life he claimed he was there to worship him and start a following, of course my lovely DM allowed me to cast up to level 3 spells after the Ha Naga "ascended").
Sadly at lvl 29 I had to retire him. The campaign was a bit messy and most of our characters were hiding on a demi plane from an assassin that was sent to slay us by the son of a demi god whom we booted from a layer of hell for another prince. So he opened up a school to teach others his disabling abilities.


First Post
Of Warforged

RigaMortus2 said:
Lawful Neutral Warforged Incarnate
A character I am currently playing, that I really enjoy...(snip)...

Very cool!

The following are a few character concepts that I came up with for an Eberron campaign, that was going to be at level 5, a few months back. Unfortunately the campaign was nixed in favor of the DM having time enough to do homework... he had 2 or 3 other campaigns already going so its very understandable.

1) Animus - Soulforged

A few months ago I designed a Warforged who was destroyed during the Mourning and then reanimated with incarnum energy becoming what I dubbed a "Soulforged". Warforged Incarnate (Chaos) 5. Animus, which started as just a nickname, would have likely ended up as a Necrocarnate. He was going to talk like the Archons from Starcraft. :D

Animus is an example of a character concept I've held on to for want of Gestalt. Ideally, Animus would be a Warforged Incarnate/Necrocarnate | Warlock.

2) Havoc - Warforged

The character I went with. We played exactly one session before the DM realized he was overloaded on time. RP wise, Animus or Legion would've been cooler... but the party needed a Tank and I was the last one to submit a PC.

Havoc, in brief
Warforged Barbarian (variants: Whirling Frenzy, and Boar-totem - both from UA) 1 / Fighter (variants: Subclasses levels from races of E) 4.

At lvl 6 I think he was going to be capable of 6 attacks (Off the top of my head, I'm sure to forget some bonuses somewhere... Frenzy - Falchion +10/+10/+5 2d4+9 and Slam +5/+5 1d4 +5 and Bite +5 1d6 +3...or +5?) Add in an decently high AC and high HP. :D

3) Legion - Psiforged (without the lameass feat)

Legion's concept was to redefine the term "Tank" in RPGs. High AC, High HP, and long range fire-power.

Warforged Psion 5 (Shaper)

Feats: Adamantine Body, Overchannel, Psy-crystal, and Talented with Expanded Knowledge: Energy Missile coming at 6th.
Powers known: Astral Construct, Mind thrust, Vigor, Energy Missile (6th), Share Pain, Time Hop and... Energy Burst or Energy Retort (again, just off the top of my head...).

4) Onslaught - Uberforged?

Onslaught was originally a "what if" concept that came up between myself and another player involving an amalgam of Havoc and Legion...

I'm currently playing Onslaught in a Gestalt - Shackled City campaign. So far he is holding his own in the party where all the other PCs have LA templates and/or races built into one half of thier Gestalt builds. (Example: 1/2 Dragon Fighter 2 | Rogue 5). Half the time I forget about his Frenzy.
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BiggusGeekus said:
Inspired by the Suzanne Vega song "Blood Makes Noise", I've been wanting to play a Gnoll Ranger with the Scent feat and human as his favored enemy. He's chaotic neutral, which is an alignment I normally stay away from and discourage in my own groups. Basically the scent of blood drives him to kill.

He isn't accepted by his own tribe because even Gnolls don't like having sociopaths around, so he travels with humans in an effort to channel his urges into something positive. However, he still imagines he can hear the sound of blood pumping through every heart and he longs for silence.

I'm currently playing your character concept, Biggus. I'm NPC-ing him (and a goblin) with two other player "humanoids" through a 1-20 box set adventure. A one-time player I met got to play him for one game, and he added some war cries from WarCraft, I think. Something to the effect of "Blood for the Blood God!" and "Skulls for the Skull Throne!" Well, I took that and ran with it; now he follows a homebrew deity of slaughter. :)


Some character concepts I have yet to try:

- Pixie Paladin. Tired of orcs and other evil humanoids constantly destorying woodlands and killing beasts for food, the Pixie Paladin hoists pixie sword and shield and swears a blood oath to smite evil wherever it treads.
- Dwarven Monk. Separated from his dwarven brothers during a drow raid, he fled to the surface and was forced to live out in the open tundra... among the animals. He will specialize in fighting like a wild boar; bull rushes, trips, grappling... a real savage h2h fighter.
- Gestalt Elven Bard/Illusionist. With an appearance, dance moves, and a voice not unlike Shakira, this elven hottie is dedicated to organizing a group of perfomers and staging the most impressive magical, musical concert the world has ever seen. Think "Rock Star", but in reverse... she's the one looking for everyone else.
- The Ballisteer. I just think it'd be cool. The Gun Mage found on Privateer Press's website is also a decent class concept, but I'd prefer to Gestalt it over running a single-classed one. I attempted to play a Goblin Gun Mage in a PBP here on EnWorld before the last Big Bang, but the game never came back.


First Post
Herobizkit said:
Some character concepts I have yet to try:

- Pixie Paladin. Tired of orcs and other evil humanoids constantly destorying woodlands and killing beasts for food, the Pixie Paladin hoists pixie sword and shield and swears a blood oath to smite evil wherever it treads...(snip)...

If Onslaught falls, I think I'm going to bring in...

Grahzue the Imp (yes, he claims Baatezu lineage :p)
1/2 dragon Faen-Lorespryte Fighter 2 | Druid 5
All about the Spirited Charge from the back of my Eagle Companion!
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