Savage Pathfinder Check Out How Savage Pathfinder Makes A Wizard!

One question that has come up a number of times regarding the upcoming Pathfinder for Savage Worlds (currently on Kickstarter and doing phenomenally well!) conversion is how the game handles classes. The folks over at Pinnacle Entertainment Group have sent me along a preview to share with you -- this is the wizard, Savage-style! We already knew that the approach involved Edge 'trees', and...

One question that has come up a number of times regarding the upcoming Pathfinder for Savage Worlds (currently on Kickstarter and doing phenomenally well!) conversion is how the game handles classes. The folks over at Pinnacle Entertainment Group have sent me along a preview to share with you -- this is the wizard, Savage-style!

We already knew that the approach involved Edge 'trees', and that each 'class' was made up of its own tree of Edges. But this preview shows you in detail how it all works!

Chris Warner and Mike Barbeau, two of the designers, discussed this in our podcast last week!



You can back the campaign over on Kickstarter!


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Sir Brennen

The effects of Arcane Bond are different in the Edge and the Arcane Background. One gives you a free re-roll on "arcane skills", the other a +1 on Spellcasting. Mistake or cumulative?

Dire Bare

Somehow I didn't think about this until this news post, but . . . Pathfinder IS D&D, and so this is a translation of D&D tropes into the Savage Worlds rules. I've never played Savage Worlds, and I'm not really looking for a new system . . . but I'm intrigued how a very different ruleset handles the same tropes, like how D&D wizards work. Perhaps I need to back this Kickstarter after all . . . .


This may just signal the death of Pathfinder 2nd Edition. Why bother when a much easier game now exists with Savage Pathfinder. And has wizards too.


The effects of Arcane Bond are different in the Edge and the Arcane Background. One gives you a free re-roll on "arcane skills", the other a +1 on Spellcasting. Mistake or cumulative?
I'm betting it's a typo from changes.. the +1 would have been inline with the old edition of Savage Worlds while the reroll is in line with SWADE.

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