Savage Pathfinder Check Out How Savage Pathfinder Makes A Wizard!

One question that has come up a number of times regarding the upcoming Pathfinder for Savage Worlds (currently on Kickstarter and doing phenomenally well!) conversion is how the game handles classes. The folks over at Pinnacle Entertainment Group have sent me along a preview to share with you -- this is the wizard, Savage-style! We already knew that the approach involved Edge 'trees', and...

One question that has come up a number of times regarding the upcoming Pathfinder for Savage Worlds (currently on Kickstarter and doing phenomenally well!) conversion is how the game handles classes. The folks over at Pinnacle Entertainment Group have sent me along a preview to share with you -- this is the wizard, Savage-style!

We already knew that the approach involved Edge 'trees', and that each 'class' was made up of its own tree of Edges. But this preview shows you in detail how it all works!

Chris Warner and Mike Barbeau, two of the designers, discussed this in our podcast last week!



You can back the campaign over on Kickstarter!


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For anyone that is interested ... the preview (who if they stay like PF wizards, have access to all spells) has the wizard clocking in at 64 spells currently (10 over the base 54 in SWADE).
The new spells list:
1* Conjure Item
2* Curse
3* Holy Symbol
4* Locate
5* Planar Travel
6* Prescience
7* Scrying
8* Song of Contempt
9* Song of Inspiration
10* Time Stop

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Sir Brennen

I'm betting it's a typo from changes.. the +1 would have been inline with the old edition of Savage Worlds while the reroll is in line with SWADE.

Someone had the same question on the Kickstarter, and per Donald Schepis, one of the designers on the project:

It's still in the design phase; making sure the latest version of each rule is in each place they pop up happens later in the editing step. The Arcane Background page uses the latest version of the Bonded Object.

Sir Brennen

I'm mostly excited to see how D&D style fantasy works with SWADE since all we've seen officially has been sci-fi (Rifts, Deadlands Lost Colony - and I have both). But the Paizo stuff is certainly interesting to give me an idea how to do fantasy in general.
Not to downplay this Kickstarter, but Pinnacle has mentioned the revised Fantasy Companion for Savage Worlds should be available sometime in the next couple of months. Apparently they worked with the SWPF team to make sure the Companion lines up with what was done in the PF conversion, and vice versa. Sounds like a completely new book, not just a refresh of the old companion, and will include things like building strongholds.


In SPELLBOOKS, 2nd paragraph, 1st sentence, it has "wrote memorization"
However "wrote" is the wrong word
The correct word is "rote"
I'm betting it was an autocorrupt mistake. They don't do so good with words that aren't all that common these days.
(I had to continually fight with one in a paper for a college class talking about "wrought iron" a few years back.)

Paragon Lost

Terminally Lost
I really don't understand all the drama and turmoil over this. Classes, nothing more than another name for Archetypes, which Savage World does. At least the version I have does. Anyhow, I've always loved the world of Golarion, I was just never a huge Pathfinder mechanics fan. So since I was a fan of Savage Worlds, this was a no brainer to back. 🏁🏍 I do appreciate their sharing how they break down the classes with this though example. Looks awesome.

What I am wondering is how far off Savage Pathfinder is from regular fantasy Savage Worlds - it would be cool to play Rise but using something closer to normal SW creation and advancment, rather than as a replication of the Pathfinder system.

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