Cheese Sammiches

Colby Jack just melts better, its softer than cheddar. Never thought about it but is colby jack just cheddar and American or swiss?
Colbyjack a mixture of Colby and Monterey Jack. American cheese is made with some kind of cheese product mixed in with a regular cheese like cheddar or Colby. I think Colbyjack is like an alloy where when it's two cheeses you get the best qualities of both.

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Grilled or toasted? (is there a difference?)

What kind of cheese?

What's your special recipe?

I've been doing grilled, thick wheat with butter on the outside, Colby Jack melted on the inside. But I'm looking to expand my horizons.
Thinking more about it, I've played around with different styles of grilled cheese. Have you ever had a "cheese skirt"? There's a pretty famous burger placed called Squeeze that makes cheddar cheese skirts. I've tried that with grilled cheese and it works. I've also sprinkled cheddar to have a grilled cheese on the outside of the bread, with Colbyjack in the center. The crispy cheddar on the outside is really salty and has a very different flavor.

I have an uncle that toasts the bread first before buttering and grilling the rest. Less soggy inside he says. Never tried it myself. I seen somewhere that you use mayo instead of butter when grilling it. My mom tried it and said don't bother. My daughter is trying to perfect my mother's way of cooking them, since she says only Grammy's taste good. It is just the basic way with Italian bread and white Land-O-Lakes cheese but most things taste better when Grammy makes it.
Mayo on the outside rocks. Makes for perfect browning - better than butter.

I toast the bread first. Either cheddar or Swiss. Three or four slices, depending on thickness. I've occasionally used fresh mozzarella when I'm building one of my fancy ones.

My personal thing is to slice up and brown a couple of hot dogs and brown some chopped onions, then put a layer of those (a dog sliced into 16 pieces fits perfectly on standard bread in four nested rows of four) in the middle of the cheese. Ketchup on the side to dip it in as I eat.
Other times I use whatever meat happens to be handy - some chicken, a slice of ham, can of tuna, etc.

I prefer the deconstructed grilled cheese.

A few hot saltine crackers, chased by a double blast of cheez-whiz straight down the pie hole.
In 1988 when I was a high school senior one of my teachers brought in cheez-whiz and crackers to class to share with us. One of my classmates looked down at his cheez-whized cracker, stuck his finger on the cheez-whiz, and pulled the cracker up by his single finger. Then he started to recite the super poly grip denture commercial. :ROFLMAO:

I took an opportunity to wander around my old high school about fifteen years after graduation (the local Native American tribe was holding their powwow in the fields on the hill above the school), and I noticed that the Cheezwiz-ed crackers myself and another friend had stuck to the ceiling of an out-of-the-way area where still up there...

Hot spam and cheese. Hamburger buns don't work as well grilling as just bread

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