WOIN Chi Wind Stance "Full Movement"

Juan Sierra

First Post

I am not sure how to interpret the following sentence from the Chi Wind Stance:

You can ignore a number of attacks equal to your CHI dice pool until the beginning of your next turn as long as you take your full movement during your turn.

Specifically, what does "full movement" mean? I can see two possible interpretations.

1) You must spend both (all if 2+ actions?) actions moving, but the distance moved doesn't matter. Basically you spent the entire time running and dodging, so you are unhittable. This means you can't attack or do anything else but run and dodge, but it allows you to get into position for next turn, where you may be able to do some crazy thing now that you are up close/far away.

2) You must move distance equal to your SPEED. This raises further questions about measuring distance.
  • Could you run in a loop (1 block left/down/right/up) until you exhaust the movement?
  • Do you count distance "as the crow flies", or do you count path distance?
    • If path distance, do you count actual path (in which case you could always run in a loop or play snake with yourself), or minimum path (in which case you must travel as far as you possibly can, preventing you from doubling back or doing silly things to "waste" SPEED).
    • Since your SPEED is doubled while in the Wind Stance, this becomes really hard for a character who is already fast, since they may be required to move 20+ squares, which is unlikely to put you somewhere useful, and seems mostly useful to run away.

We're having trouble with a Chi character, who is currently being forced to find the silliest path to his destination in order to move his "full movement" while still arriving at the desired square, and we're unable to come to a consensus on what "full movement' means.

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