Chicago Gameday 26 is June 12th: sign up to play!


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Breakfast, PM game 5 (TSOY)

I'll have plenty of Fudge dice on hand for my AM game - I was going more for the "spend money with our sponsors" thing.

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pvt. patterson

First Post
Wooo! 'nother game day! :D

Breakfast(oh gawd, I don't wanna be last again. lol)
Morning Game 6
Afternoon Game 6 Delta Green With super agent Lamar(please)
Something else with 6..... o_O

Last edited:

William Ronald

I won't be able to make it in the morning, but I can be there in the afternoon. (I might be able to show up late in the AM after a test.)

Sign me up for Afternoon Game 3: BattleMasters.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone.


First Post

Please sign us up for the afternoon Paranoia XP (#4). It'd be two people - Nathaniel and Dax.




Please sign Laurie up for Cinematic Unisystem, "Mutant X: Use The Rod, Save The Child"

And both of us up for Supernatural.

Can I get Kingmaker in the morning and revenge in the afternoon please

Morning #6!
Afternoon #6!
Thank you.

Please sign me up for the Supernatural game in the evening, and I am so torn between Mutant X or Ghost Facers in the morning..... put me down for Mutant X for now.

Hello Gameday!!!

Please sign me up for Breakfast, The 4.0 dnd game by Vyvyan (Morning game 3), and Revenge is a Dish Best Served Hot! (with a side of pineapple!) by good ol TB42.

Thanks and see you guys soon.


Mr. Buzz:

Please sign both myself and Puffdebbie up for Mutant X in the morning and Supernatural in the afternoon. Thanks!

Please sign me up for BattleMasters in the afternoon slot. Thanks. :)

Welcome. Knowing you, you'll enjoy this game a lot. :)

Table 3 in the morning

Table 4 in the Afternoon, and I would like to play the Equipment Guy

Woo hoo! Star wars in the morning for me, please! (I edited this post, Buzz, sorry for any confusion.)

Breakfast, PM game 5 (TSOY)

I'll have plenty of Fudge dice on hand for my AM game - I was going more for the "spend money with our sponsors" thing.

Heya buzz,

Looking forward to this gameday!
I'd like...
Morning game 6 (DOTV)
Afternoon game 4 (Shadow of Yesterday)


6. Call of Cthulhu/Dogs in the Vineyard, "Delta Green in the Vineyard," WJMacGuffin, please!

All of the above... ADDED!

Wooo! 'nother game day! :D

Breakfast(oh gawd, I don't wanna be last again. lol)
Morning Game 6
Afternoon Game 6 Delta Green With super agent Lamar(please)
Something else with 6..... o_O

Josh, I signed you up for afternoon game 6, as I think that's what you meant. Unfortunately, morning game 6 filled up just before you posted. You'll need to pick something else. Sorry, man!

I won't be able to make it in the morning, but I can be there in the afternoon. (I might be able to show up late in the AM after a test.)

Sign me up for Afternoon Game 3: BattleMasters.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone.

pvt. patterson

First Post
Josh, I signed you up for afternoon game 6, as I think that's what you meant. Unfortunately, morning game 6 filled up just before you posted. You'll need to pick something else. Sorry, man!

Hmmmmmm, morning game....:hmm:... 3?

Seems I am little slow on the draw today. lol.

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