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Chicago Gameday 28 (Feb 26) Event Planning Thread

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YOkay, I'd like to run my traditional Cortex SPN for six players at Table D in the morning slot: "Feat of Clay".


System: FATE 3 (Spirit of the Century, Dresden Files, Diaspora) with notable houserules from The Shadow of Yesterday...

Players: the standard 6+GM works, but I'll always make room if someone wants to play.

Slot: AM, please. (basically, opposite Buzz's Dresden game as I want to play in it...)
Table: F, for FATE

I'll take a small table in the morning for an epic game of Minecraft: The Blockening, the epic new Minecraft RPG...

*This is a joke, there is no Minecraft RPG (yet). But I will take the table for a game TBA.


Hey Buzz.

I'd like to go with a SW Saga game in the morning ... ummm ... table E?

I would like to run the event that I had as a back up this time, the Pallid Plague as a Pathfinder Society scenario. Please give me a GM +6 or more table (H or I, preferably I) for the morning slot. (Technically, I could go up to 8 players legally.)

Master Buzz, if I may lay claim to Table D in the afternoon, it'd be greatly appreciated. I have not yet decided on my game, but it'll either be Ghostbusters or Pathfinder.

We're filing up nicely. :cool:

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First Post

Does this mean I shouldn't run a second event? Make Floyd run Smallville! (Or sweetly ask your sister to make him do it, heh.)

My bad...it looked like you were only running in the morning. If so, I like that table, too! If you also need it in the afternoon, though, I could let you keep it.

I'd like to nab a table in the morning, perhaps G or E for a TBD game. I'd like to get a chance to run what I worked up for last gameday, but I'm hesitant with how unpopular 4e seemed in our little survey. Your thoughts, fellow gamedayers, are of course welcome

Potential Things I might run, in rough order of my preference:
*9th level 4e D&D (My cancelled event from last gameday)
*Feng Shui with my other group of celebrity lookalikes. FS is always fun, super rules light, but I haven't seen a suitably-inspiring bad movie lately, and I'm having a bit of writers block when it comes to making a new scenario that doesn't feel an awful lot like my last two.
*A 2e AD&D / Player's Option game with a selected published adventure from my vault. Come remember the joy of THAC0!
*Pathfinder, just to say I've tried it out, with a module from my selection. I have literally zero desire to make pregens for this one though, unless someone points me in the direction of something really awesome and free that makes characters for me (or we think people will be willing to come ready to play)

Any of these events would be for 6 players.

I'll make a firm decision within the next week. If nothing else, I'm a decent backup DM in case someone has to cancel, as I've got one event basically fully planned out.


First Post
My bad...it looked like you were only running in the morning. If so, I like that table, too! If you also need it in the afternoon, though, I could let you keep it.

Well, I am Very Much Interested in trying out Cortex Plus, so if Floyd or someone else intended to run it, I'd be happy to play, instead. If not (and there's only three events in the afternoon so far, and five in the morning...), I'd like to run it instead. And it just seems silly to switch tables, but it's not like I need the back table...I think it's more like I've been banished to it anyway, heh.


I'd like to nab a table in the morning, perhaps G or E for a TBD game. I'd like to get a chance to run what I worked up for last gameday, but I'm hesitant with how unpopular 4e seemed in our little survey. Your thoughts, fellow gamedayers, are of course welcome
Added! You're in the private room, Table C, as the other GM+6 tables are occupied, and I figured we would not spill over into the big minis tables yet. If you'd prefer some other table, give a holler!

I would not shy away from 4e if that's what you really want to run. It may not have made the top 10, but it was pretty close. And, hey, most popular RPG on the planet...

Go with your gut and run whatever feels like the most fun to you.


First Post
I would be interested in running 4E Tomb of Horrors. I doubt I could get through the entire thing, but giving some new D&D players a bit of a taste of an old dungeon crawl would be interesting. As for timing, I can run in the afternoon, any table.


First Post
I will be running BATTLEFLEET: EXODUS, a scenario for Burning Empires, based heavily on the Battlestar Galactica show. Mistrust! Paranoia! Alien Worms in People's Heads! Massive Space Battles! Up to six players can play. I want an evening slot and a big table. Experience with either Burning Empires or BSG is not mandatory, but both help. Pregen characters will be provided.

Vyvyan Basterd

Buzz, please put me down for the afternoon slot. D&D 4E. Up to 5 players. I can't see the table diagram, but any table that fits 6 is fine with me.


The battle against the slavers continues! You and your fellow adventurers have defeated the slavers of Highport, but you have learned of the existence of another slaver stronghold, and you have decided to continue the attack. But beware! Only the most fearless of adventurers could challenge the slavers on their own ground, and live to tell of it!

Through a map and information gained in Highport, you learned the location of the slavers' stronghold. The slavers once used a stockaded fort as their headquarters. The hill fort was destroyed by the wild tribesmen of the Drachensgrab Hills, but the slavers returned to the site and began operating again out of the underground complex, now concealed by the rubble above.

After an arduous journey you reached the ruins of the hill fort. Waiting until nightfall, you cautiously entered the demolished fort, battling patrols of ruthless hobgoblin guards. You found a newly-built trapdoor amid the rubble. The entrance is unguarded, as the slavers believe that no one would dare attack them. You are determined to correct that mistaken impression as you lift the trapdoor and descend into the darkness.

This module was originally used for the offlclal ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Tournament at Gen Con XIII and has been updated for the newest edition of Dungeons & Dragons.

Bring at least one (I would suggest two) Character Builder legal 5th-level character. Your character should have standard equipment for a character starting at 5th level. Past experience suggests that, as the event approaches, players confer with each other to create a balanced party. The slavers aren't pulling any punches just because you came unprepared.
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First Post

I would like to propose the following "old school edition" event for an evening slot:

AD&D 1E game for GM+6 players.

Where the Fallen Jarls Sleep (module by John Turcotte): The heroes are charged with traveling to the Valley of the Sleeping Jarls to discover the source of the malevolence bearing down upon the land and with eradicating it. The well-protected gorge can be found on the eastern shoulder of a particularly rugged mountain some three days’ travel from Yngvar’s hall. Who can say what evil lurks amid the towering peaks and shadowed fjords? An adventure for characters of level 3-5.

I will have pre-gens available, but players may bring their own character if they wish (standard equipment).

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Retired game store owner
buzz, Table i is not available, as the historical miniatures group will be using it.

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