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Vyvyan Basterd

We almost got TPK'd by the introductory monsters, there was no way we were gonna take on the boss.

I asked some follow up questions and the 9 wretches are considered an *easy* encounter for the points you had to play with. The final encounter was "anti-climatic" as I had an encounter budget of double what I used for a final encounter. Something does seem amiss.

Nev the Deranged

First Post
I asked some follow up questions and the 9 wretches are considered an *easy* encounter for the points you had to play with. The final encounter was "anti-climatic" as I had an encounter budget of double what I used for a final encounter. Something does seem amiss.

2 main things.

1) Death spirals are no fun. Remove the "one solid hit cuts your options in half" factor. Heck, in 4e, getting bloodied (half HP) often grants PCs a temporary BOOST in ability. That's fun. Losing abilities every time you get hit is emphatically not fun.

2) Change the d20 for a d10 to cut down on the randomness factor. Having a +5% just isn't worth the points. This is a problem 4e has as well. If I have, say, Wilderness Lore, I should expect to do well on a Wilderness Lore roll a majority of the time, otherwise I may as well save the points for something I can rely on. The prevailing counterargument is usually "over dozens of rolls it makes a difference". This is weak. I'm not going to roll for Wilderness Lore a dozen times a game (unless it's really poorly designed). If I have a card for an ability, I should be able to rely on it.

Fix those two things, and maybe scrap all the range/distance/area measurements in card texts (with no map, they are meaningless), and I think the game has promise.

If you're trying to design a game that uses cards, take advantage of that, rather than holding onto legacy mechanics from pen and paper games.

I asked some follow up questions and the 9 wretches are considered an *easy* encounter for the points you had to play with. The final encounter was "anti-climatic" as I had an encounter budget of double what I used for a final encounter. Something does seem amiss.

It seems to me that the designer hasn't play-tested this enough with GMs other than himself. There is a crazy imbalance between what the monsters can do and what the PCs can do. I agree with Dave, the designer needs to rethink the idea of making a card-based game wherein the cards actually slow down play and detract from the fun factor by essentially constituting your PC's hit points.

I was expecting a game that was quick to resolve actions and combat, we got the opposite. No fault of yours, Kelly. I guess you got what you paid for system-wsie.


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