Chicago Gameday 29 is July 9th: SIGN UP TO PLAY!

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First Post
Don't change anything yet. Just realized what that witch hunter game was though, and it was something I wanted to try. Heh. If someone gets desperate for a Buffy spot, I can always hop out. Oh well, ignore my rambles.


First Post
Afternoon Game 7: It Was a Mutual Decision

Could you put myself (Troy Pacelli) and my wife (Nanette Pacelli) down for the Afternoon Game 7: It Was a Mutual Decision? Thanks!

William Ronald

Hi, Buzz!!

I posted two threads about the Gameday over on the Paizo boards. One is in the Gamer Connection forum and another is in the Pathfinder Society Grand Lodge forum.

Let's get the word out about the Gameday!


Sign me up for Pathfinder morning and afternoon please
Added! Welcome to Gameday!

I'll take Treachery for 100, Alex... er...Buzz.

PM game 2, Rory Callahan

Please sign me up for the Danger Patrol game. I'll try to make Breakfast, too, but I'm not sure.

I'll get back to you regarding an afternoon game ASAP.

Added! Welcome back to Gameday, Monte! It's been a while.


Could ya sign me up for morning game 5 and afternoon game 7. :)

Thank you,

P.S. WOOT!!!!! :D
Added! WOOT!!!

Don't change anything yet. Just realized what that witch hunter game was though, and it was something I wanted to try. Heh. If someone gets desperate for a Buffy spot, I can always hop out. Oh well, ignore my rambles.

Could you put myself (Troy Pacelli) and my wife (Nanette Pacelli) down for the Afternoon Game 7: It Was a Mutual Decision? Thanks!

Hi, Buzz!!

I posted two threads about the Gameday over on the Paizo boards. One is in the Gamer Connection forum and another is in the Pathfinder Society Grand Lodge forum.

Let's get the word out about the Gameday!
Well done!


First Post
Afternoon Game 7: It Was a Mutual Decision

[SIZE=+1]For Afternoon Game 7: It Was a Mutual Decision - could you please change my name from "RFlatstone's guest" to "Netter"?

Thank you! :D[/SIZE]

Voidrunner's Codex

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