Chicago Gameday 32 is July 14th - SIGN UP TO PLAY

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Buzz, thanks for making yesterday's Enworld so awesome in setting everything up. This was my first Enworld, and I will definitely come back! I played a goblin shaman, and a healing cleric on the Jenny ship. It was just a quick train ride from Palatine, so I will have ab no problem doing it again. Am still talking stories about how much fun I had. My roomie wishes I would shut up and let him watch baseball reruns. Once again, thanks for showing me an awesome time is to be had. --Jason (Widgety)

We did it again!

Total attendance this time around was 52 gamers, which may make this the second-largest Gameday ever. A banner day in the annals of Gameday history!

I've shared the pictures I took on the Gameday Facebook page and my Google+ account. Apologies if a lot of them are shaky; I had so much coffee at LePeep that I think my whole body was vibrating.

Thanks are due as usual to:
  • Games Plus, our gracious hosts;
  • all of our volunteer GMs for the work they do to facilitate;
  • and to everyone who took time out of their weekend to come and play games.

(And special thanks to Genevieve80 for all the baked goods!)

I also want to thank all the players in my GURPS event for enduring all the math and gleefully accepting a TPK. 96,000,000 points of damage! I probably bit off more than I could chew, but I had a lot of fun finally experiencing this classic RPG.

And big kudos to all of us playing Monsterhearts in the afternoon! That was a fantastic "episode" of Dresden-inspired, supernatural teen drama. I want more!

Thanks to you all, and I hope to see as may of you as possible in the fall for Gameday 33!

Special Note: If you signed up for our mailing list yesterday, you should have received an email from "" about ten minutes ago. If you did not, please contact me; I probably transcribed your email address incorrectly. My apologies if this is the case!

Buzz, thanks for making yesterday's Enworld so awesome in setting everything up. This was my first Enworld, and I will definitely come back! I played a goblin shaman, and a healing cleric on the Jenny ship. It was just a quick train ride from Palatine, so I will have ab no problem doing it again. Am still talking stories about how much fun I had. My roomie wishes I would shut up and let him watch baseball reruns. Once again, thanks for showing me an awesome time is to be had. --Jason (Widgety)

Booyah, sir!

Thank you so much for facilitating! I had an absolutely *fantastic* time and will definitely be coming back. Monsterhearts was a blast- I'm only sad it was a one shot, I want more!

I had a great time yesterday. Trollbabe was a lot of fun and had some interesting concepts (I'm going to have to ponder the concept of scale quite a bit.)

Monsterhearts was twisted and delightful. Big thanks to Willow for running that. She embraced the role of the evil popular girl with great relish.

Thanks for organizing, Buzz. I had a lot of fun running Dungeon World. The players really got into it. We didn't have quite enough time to finish the adventure. I need to do some editing before I run it again.


Thanks, as always to Curt/thalmin for hosting, Mark/buzz for organizing, and to all who showed up to make it happen!

Extra thanks to the Star Wars crew in the morning. Fun time had by all including the line:
Captain: “My droid here likes to fire missiles at a rapid and expensive rate.”
Droid: “Roger Roger.”

Also, more shame on Josh/sw333 for making a "You Got Served" joke during the game. Really, Josh? Really?

“Where does one get served inthis place?”
“On the dance floor.”

For shame.

Still, good time in a great game. LOVED the cantina battle. Still not sure how you tracked all of that. Thanks!

9 players...kind of daunting, but a full crew is a full crew. Thanks for making me laugh so much throughout the nonsense that became of our game session. That River/Jayne moment in the infirmary will live in my mind forever.

JAYNE: Are you going to kill me with your brain?
RIVER: I won't have to.

Perfect creepiness.

Thanks to all nine players.

And in case you're wondering, "High-voiced Bob" is ok.

Also, I'm attaching a scan of Jayne's beautiful artwork because it just seems like the right thing to do.


Can't wait to do it all again!

Thanks, buzz, for pulling this together again. Great job! And thank you to everyone who came out to play or run. I am looking forward to the next Game Day.

BTW, this Saturday, July 21, is World Wide D&D Day. We are teaching and playing the new Dungeon Command miniatures combat game by WotC. C'mon out and give it a try.

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