Chicago Gameday 32 is July 14th - SIGN UP TO PLAY


Okay, this is tentative, but go ahead and put Ninjacat, Der Spot, and Puffdebbie down for breakfast. Spot & I ALMOST made it last time, so hopefully we'll get this one to work out properly.....

..See you guys in less than a week!!!


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FYI, I've assigned tables to all of the events based on GM requests and current number of sign-ups. If any GMs want to request changes, please let me know ASAP.

Vyvyan Basterd

I noticed Danger Patrol was added to the morning slot, but I don't remember an anouncement to let people know it was there. Just trying to be helpful. :blush:


I noticed Danger Patrol was added to the morning slot, but I don't remember an anouncement to let people know it was there. Just trying to be helpful. :blush:

Good catch, Vyv! I notified every outlet except for this thread. :)

Ace GM Matt Woods has stepped up to offer his Dangerous Patrolling services in the morning for any who are interested.

He's one of a big contingent of folks from the Southwest Suburban RPG Gamers Meetup Group who will be joining us for Gameday this time around. Be sure to give them all big hugs!

Voidrunner's Codex

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