Chicago Gameday 32 is July 14th - SIGN UP TO PLAY

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
...for Mark CMG's killer dungeon in the afternoon.

Admittedly, I am daunted by taking on this: "It's time to test your mettle against one of the most dangerous adventures ever devised." And with only three players I am shaking in my little leather booties.

But then, I don't need to be the fastest-- just faster than the rest of the party when I run away and hide. I mean, 'tactically retreat.'

I'll have some extra PC pregens available so even if you're down, you're never out. :)

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...for Mark CMG's killer dungeon in the afternoon.

Admittedly, I am daunted by taking on this: "It's time to test your mettle against one of the most dangerous adventures ever devised." And with only three players I am shaking in my little leather booties.

But then, I don't need to be the fastest-- just faster than the rest of the party when I run away and hide. I mean, 'tactically retreat.'

Added! Glad to see you make Gameday, rowport!


Okay folks, we're just one week away from Gameday 32! :cool:

GMs, if you haven't done so already, you should be crossing the following items off your to-do list this week:

* Creating (and printing) all of your pre-gens, if your game uses them;

* Gathering notes for your adventure, if your event requires them;

* Compiling/creating (and printing) any handouts for your event;

* Getting ready any other ephemera (e.g., minis, maps, terrain, props. etc.).

If you have the time, get these tasks completed before this coming Friday. Then, come Friday, relax, put your event out of your mind, and get a good night's sleep. Lack of sleep because you had to stay up all night prepping is a sure-fire recipe for a lousy Gameday; I speak from experience!

Okay, enough of my yappin'; let's boogie.


First Post
Okay, this is tentative, but go ahead and put Ninjacat, Der Spot, and Puffdebbie down for breakfast. Spot & I ALMOST made it last time, so hopefully we'll get this one to work out properly.....

..See you guys in less than a week!!!

Voidrunner's Codex

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