Chicago Gameday 36 is October 19th: SIGN UP TO PLAY!


First Post
Once again Fate conspires against me, there must be an undiscovered aspect on me.
Turns out that I can not make Saturday, please take me off the FAE Starwars list.

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I'ma need at least 4 players for Primitive... I probably should have said that earlier.



please sign me up for game 15 into the barrow of the dreaming king. torchbearer.

ADDED! Torchbearer is now FULL.

Hey buzz, primitive in am and cold fusion or (backup) eternal contenders in pm. And breakfast!!

Hey Buzz!

Please add these names to the AM AND PM slots for Dawn Patrol:

And then please add for the PM slot only: (Special Guest) Mike Carr

As an added bonus incentive to invite new players (who we in the Dawn Patrol community always enjoy to teach the game to): Any new player who manages to shoot down an aircraft flown my Mike Carr will WIN a free PRIZE! (And that's besides the thrill of shooting down a game designer, lol).

ADDED! I did not list your afternoon game as "full", since I think you said you can take on more players if need be. If that's not the case, let me know and I'll mark it full.

Once again Fate conspires against me, there must be an undiscovered aspect on me.
Turns out that I can not make Saturday, please take me off the FAE Starwars list.
Stink! Noted.

Fate Accelerated now has an open seat.

Isawa Hochiu

First Post
Yeah Buzz, Dawn Patrol NEVER gets full, lol. You could probably remove Mitch and Morg from that PM list so the casual viewer sees there is more room. They will still be there (assuming they don't bail on their plans to come in from Michigan), but at least the description appears less congested.

Also, I remember hearing that some of the local guys might be in and hanging out with Mark CMG who is making the trip in from Lake Geneva. I just want to remind them that Dawn Patrol will have games starting up throughout the day, and that people (not just that group, everyone reading this) are more than welcome to try a game of Dawn Patrol and stay for more if they like it or meander onward as they choose.

I hope that offering this style of "sampler gaming" promotes interest in Gameday for those who want to come in and see what its about but can't get tied up for the whole time slot! I wish I had thought of it earlier, but if I run Dawn Patrol in future Gamedays I will be sure to add it to the description... Of course I SO WANT TO run a 1E delve... :D


Okay, folks — tables assignments have been made. Take a look at the first post to see where your event has been placed, and let me know if you have a compelling reason for changes to be made.

For reference, the Games Plus table map is here:

Voidrunner's Codex

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