Chicago Gameday 37 Event Planning

Truth be told there are a few more events that are really piquing my interest at the moment, (not that there's a lack of awesome in the 2nd slot, mind you), but especially the potential to break one of the biggest rules in the dresdenverse in your morning game, buzz...

But, as I'm all about making life easier for the organizer who volunteers for this gig gameday after gameday, I suppose I could keep my event in the morning.

(Though you might make TB sad. And owe him a dollar.)

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Truth be told there are a few more events that are really piquing my interest at the moment, (not that there's a lack of awesome in the 2nd slot, mind you), but especially the potential to break one of the biggest rules in the dresdenverse in your morning game, buzz...
Well, you'll have a chance if I run it agin in the afternoon! Let's keep things as-is for a bit and then see.

Making me sad has never stopped Buzz before...why should now be any different? (I kid, I kid...)


First Post
Warhorn update request

Hey, Buzz:

My event description had a link to further info on my site, but the Warhorn description just has the word "here" copy-pasted, not actually a link. Can that either be updated to be the proper link, or just edit the Warhorn description to read:

" available on my site, at "



I guess we have no takers for that empty table in the afternoon? Time to start thinking about running my event twice...

Tim C Koppang

First Post
Ok, let's do this!

I would like to run the following in the remaining afternoon slot:

Time: afternoon (3:30 p.m.) slot

Game system: Conspiracy of Shadows: Apprentice

Event Title: Return from the Icy Realm

Description: Conspiracy of Shadows: Apprentice is a game about the conflict between the Master and his Apprentice in a land inspired by Norse mythology. The Apprentice has returned from death to challenge his master. Players take the roles of the Master, his Minions, the Apprentice, and his Warband. Bonus: the resolution system uses actual rune stones, which will of course be provided.

Content Rating: Adults Only. It will be a friendly game, but somewhat serious in tone.

Number of Players: 2-8 (that's a huge range, but lower counts should work fine)

Feel free to choose an image, Mark, or you can use the cover here:

Voidrunner's Codex

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