Chicago Gameday 37 Event Planning


OK Buzz, here is my Afternoon event description:


Time: afternoon (3:30 p.m.) slot;
Game system: Fate Accelerated plus playtest of Youxia: Wandering Force - Character Creation / Adventure Creation deck system
Event Title: Youxia: Wandering Force playtest
Description: The lands prospered under the rule of Emperor Li and all of the people mourned his sudden passing. This was joined by suffering as his son took the throne and began a reign of corruption. Sensing weakness, old enemies stir in the south waiting for the time to strike. Now only a few wandering heroes (Youxia) have the will to bring justice back to the people and honor back to the land.
In addition to using the awesome Fate Accelerated rules we will be trying out a card based character creation system and adventure creation system. Since this is a playtest, please excuse any small hiccups that may be encountered. no experience necessary. Fate dice will be provided.
The Fate Accelerated rulebook PDF is available for Free here:

Content Rating: Adults Only
Number of Players: 6
Table Preference: D,E,F, or G please.
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My apologies for the delayed response, folks; I've been comatose with a cold the last few days.

OK Buzz, here is my Afternoon event description:

Time: afternoon (3:30 p.m.) slot;
Game system: Fate Accelerated plus playtest of Youxia: Wandering Force - Character Creation / Adventure Creation deck system
Added! Thanks, Reidzilla.


Would you please update my morning event game system to: Castles & Crusades.



Buzz, hope you are feeling better!

I am, thanks!

Bonus: Nathan has decided to run his World Wide Wrestling RPG in the afternoon slot. Woo!

Now we just need [MENTION=45422]Nev the Deranged[/MENTION] and [MENTION=77074]sailorkitsune[/MENTION] to fill in their TBDs. :)

Time: Morning
Game System: Numenéra
Title: The Beale of Boregal
Number of Players: 6 pre-generated characters
Image: use either the cover of the Numenéra book or something equally far-future/magical/awesome. You're good at this, buzz.

Long after we’re gone, the Earth remains…strange artifacts from civilizations who conquered the stars, reshaped the world, and then vanished dot the landscape. You are one the ones left behind—inhabitants of the Earth one billion years in the future on a pilgrimage to see if rumors of a town where the dead can return to life is really true.

Come experience the world and new rules system of Numenéra crafted by designer Monte Cook and funded last year via a massively successful Kickstarter campaign. Pre-generated characters provided. Bring a d20 (other standard polyhedrals can be helpful, but aren’t required), your imagination, and a writing implement of your choice.
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