Chicago Gameday 37 Event Planning

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Et tu N-cat? :(


Yes, "and me"...I knew what you were gonna do! I knew it didn't change anything! YOU'RE not irrelevant, just that decision; I KNOW HOW YOU THINK, MISTER. (So, if you were actually irrelevant, I'm wasting my genius, or something. :heh:)

Also, the part where we both out-thing the Supernatural writers continues to amuse me, but that's only tangentially relevant, heh.

In Actual Relevance, does Laurie have a preference which event I run when? (Nobody else seems to yet; leaving things As Is fits your option...)

Vyvyan Basterd

Also, the part where we both out-thing the Supernatural writers continues to amuse me, but that's only tangentially relevant, heh.

Unless you're subconsciously thinking you should run SPN in the morning...:devil:

In Actual Relevance, does Laurie have a preference which event I run when?

She says "uhhh, Dresden" in the morning, but it sounded very noncommital. :p Probably justs wants a chance to spend half a GameDay with me.


First Post
Unless you're subconsciously thinking you should run SPN in the morning...:devil:

Snerk. You Funny. On the other hand, it's been forever since we've had a RoadTrip, and Forever AND A DAY if we don't count the impromptu one last GameDay. We should do that soon.

She says "uhhh, Dresden" in the morning, but it sounded very noncommital. :p Probably justs wants a chance to spend half a GameDay with me.

Eh, that's as good a reason as any, and I'm tired of wracking my dichotomous brain about it. If another GM doesn't say one or the other opposite them in the reverse of how it stands, I'll leave FAE in the morning and Dread in the afternoon.


First Post
Eh, that's as good a reason as any, and I'm tired of wracking my dichotomous brain about it. If another GM doesn't say one or the other opposite them in the reverse of how it stands, I'll leave FAE in the morning and Dread in the afternoon.

I think it might be better to ask any potential players who might be watching, rather than the other GMs... If switching makes the respective games available to more players who want to play them, then it might be a good idea.


I think it might be better to ask any potential players who might be watching, rather than the other GMs... If switching makes the respective games available to more players who want to play them, then it might be a good idea.

If past precedent is anything to go on, there probably aren't many (if any) players keeping an eye on this thread. :)

The best course of action is always to run the game you're excited to run, in the slot that works best for you. If your current offerings meet that criteria, [MENTION=24418]Ninjacat[/MENTION], then you're good.


First Post
If someone backs out of an afternoon slot, I'll run something.

You know what...I think I will take you up on that. I started grad school two weeks ago, and it's been scarier than anticipated. I should probably be spending my spare time on school instead of game prep.

Buzz, please remove me from the afternoon slot, and give my spot to Reid.


Happy Monday, folks! I hope any presidents out there are enjoying a nice day off.

Anyone interested in taking that last afternoon table? It'd be great if we could fill that ASAP.

Also, please post your event description by the end of the week, like say, Saturday. I'd really like to get as many event descriptions into Warhorn as possible, as soon as possible, so that potential players can get an idea of what games are being offered. It seems like our being on Warhorn has garnered us some prospective players, so I want to make sure the roster is available as far in advance of signup as possible.


Voidrunner's Codex

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