Chicago Gameday 42 is October 17 at Games Plus in Mt. Prospect, IL

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First Post
[The Rock]Finally...TracerBullet42 has returned to ENWorld Chicago Gameday![/The Rock]

I'm very excited to get back after missing the last two...

I am 99% likely to run something in the afternoon, but I am holding off until I get my syllabus on Tuesday for my next class.

Looking forward to seeing everyone again!


First Post
Here is an event I would like to run:

Time: morning (9:30 a.m.)
Game system: Earthdawn 4th Edition
Event Title: Toys in the Attic
Description: Treachery is a foot and no one knows who to trust. Having yet to pledge loyalty to any of Havens factions, only you can be trusted to track down a group of mysterious thieves and bring them to justice. Forces plot to shift the balance of power, but you will decide who wields it in the end. (pre-gens provided or bring your own 1st circle character, rules will be taught).
Content Rating: "Kid-Friendly"
Number of Players: 3-6
An image:
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Regarding Playtests: For right now, I am going to keep any submitted playtest events in "on deck" status. I brought this up on the FB page, but I want to see if having a roster full of published games (OOP or current) will encourage better attendance. I don't want this to be seen as a dick move! Really, it's just an experiment. If this really honks anyone off, please let me know.

I can run something else, if you think it will boost attendance. Dust Adventures will be out by then. Or something older. I'm pretty open if you have a suggestion.


I can run something else, if you think it will boost attendance. Dust Adventures will be out by then. Or something older. I'm pretty open if you have a suggestion.

This may sound like a cop-out, but I'd consider running a beta-playtest manuscript from a major publisher that's tied to a well-known property an exception to the rule.

Also, I'm just saying: let's give the published games priority for now, just stand by. I have a feeling we'll have room for everything in the end.

Voidrunner's Codex

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