Chicago Gameday 42 is October 17 at Games Plus in Mt. Prospect, IL

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This may sound like a cop-out, but I'd consider running a beta-playtest manuscript from a major publisher that's tied to a well-known property an exception to the rule.

Also, I'm just saying: let's give the published games priority for now, just stand by. I have a feeling we'll have room for everything in the end.

OK. I have acces to or am working on Conan, John Carter and Infinity RPGs. JC may not be ready by Oct. The other two should be in playtest (Conan is going into Beta from Alpha now). Dust Adventures will be out soon. Juts let me know.


OK. I have acces to or am working on Conan, John Carter and Infinity RPGs. JC may not be ready by Oct. The other two should be in playtest (Conan is going into Beta from Alpha now). Dust Adventures will be out soon. Juts let me know.
They all seem like viable candidates to me. I'd run whichever one rocks your world the hardest.



(What turned you off of AGE?)

Not so much turned off as I ran a Dragon Age campaign for about a year, but system familiarity and the players lit up when we
returned to Savage Worlds.

Now of course Shadow of the Demon Lord is out in pdf form at least which is triggering my gamer ADD... ;)


I'll run a Crawling Under a Broken Moon game, powered by Dungeon Crawl Classics, in the morning.

The Glowsalt Mines of Misery
An adventure for 3-6, 2nd level characters, provided
Private room preferred
Adults only

The last thing you remember is partying hard after a successful delve into some mutant infested ruins. While the booze was pretty good you thought it odd that everyone at the bar, including the staff, was falling asleep around you…
...and now you are waking up in a dark, pungent cavern half naked and with a strange collar around your neck. Sounds of dozens of others waking tells you that the whole village might have been captured as well. The crack of a whip grabs your attention. Standing before you are several armored men wielding strange techno-weapons. The one holding the weird whip smirks with ill intent and announces that you all are now the permanent guests of the exalted cybersorcerer, Lord Janus the Cruel and you should consider his toxic mines to be your new home.
You have a loincloth, a pickaxe, and an attitude but will it be enough to escape the Glowsalt Mines of Misery?
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First Post
IWATC: An Evening At Echo House

Okay, the call has gone out for more GMs, so I'm gonna feel safe going forward with another IWATC playtest.

Time: PM slot
System: I Was A Teenage Creature
Title: An Evening At Echo House
Description: Things are getting bad in Signal Lakes. That's to be expected when your town is the western tip of the Bermuda Triangle, but lately, they've been getting even worse. The local werewolf pack that has countered paranormal activity for over a century was recently slain, and the effects are starting to show. When a group of Seniors on an extracurricular assignment for their Humanities class has to interview the operators and residents of Echo House, the local insane asylum, their tour won't include the criminally insane wing, so nothing at all could go wrong...

I WAS A TEENAGE CREATURE is a narrative-focused urban fantasy RPG where it doesn't matter how strong your werewolf is, or how fast his vampire is, or how beautiful her fae is; what matters is how each of these characters feels, why they're doing a thing instead of how capable they are of achieving it. Adolescence is hard anywhere, but in a place like Signal Lakes, where you might struggle with what it means to be human, as well as coming of age, not to mention worrying about things that go bump in the night? Well, if you survive, you'll be able to claim: "I Was A Teenage Creature".

More info is available here.
Image: Splash.jpg
Content Rating: Adults Only
Number of Players: 5
Table Preference: Table D is preferred, but by no means required.
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Let's try this again since I missed half of last gameday! Feng Shui 2. Morning Slot. 6 players. Good chance I'll be running the sample adventure in the rulebook with a few twists here and there until I get the new rules under my belt, but don't hold me to that--I'll get a more detailed blurb up eventually.


Let's try this again since I missed half of last gameday! Feng Shui 2. Morning Slot. 6 players. Good chance I'll be running the sample adventure in the rulebook with a few twists here and there until I get the new rules under my belt, but don't hold me to that--I'll get a more detailed blurb up eventually.

Voidrunner's Codex

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